Timidity, Business, in transacting: Op
Timidity means
1 easily frightened; lacking self-confidence; shy;
2 showing fear or lack of self-confidence; hesitant (a
timid reply)
Business means
1 one's work, occupation, or profession
2 a special task, duty, or function
3 rightful concern or responsibility (no one's business
but his own)
4 a matter, affair, activity, etc. (the business of packing
for a trip)
5 the buying and selling of commodities and services;
commerce; trade
6 a commercial or industrial establishment; store,
factory, etc
7 the trade or patronage of customers
8 commercial practice or policy
9 a bit of action in a drama, as pouring a drink, intended
to establish character, take up a pause in dialogue, etc.
Transacting means
1 to carry on, perform, conduct, or complete (business,
2 [Rare] to do business; negotiate
The complete meaning of this rubric is there is timidity
in transacting his or her business. Generally, we
consider the exact word meaning of the word
‘Business’. But if we will think in depth regarding the
word, we can consider the huge understanding of it
according the situation.
For every person, his or her business is different. For
1. If I am in such a situation that I require money from
my parents for certain purpose. At that time, it becomes
my business to ask for the same towards them.
2. If one has to tell someone regarding something which
is very important for both of them, it becomes his or her
business at that specific time.
3. If one has to convey some message to a senior at a
particular time, it becomes his or her business at that
Let me explain a short case in which I have considered
this specific rubric & case got solved.
In my Homoeopathic Workshop, one student came from
very long distance for learning the Homoeopathy. Next
day after the Workshop, she attended my O.P.D. to
understand how I use to prescribe & deals with the
patient from 9am to 1pm.
During whole period she was sitting quiet & listening
whatever I was discussing. After the O.P.D. was
finished, she went in her room & started crying loudly.
When I was passing from her room, I observer she was
crying very loudly. I couldn’t understand what has
happened to her within 5-10 min. period. So, I asked
her friend regarding it. She told, Sir, she was getting
very severe Pain in abdomen since morning. I asked her
why don’t you told it to me. She said how to tell you
Sir. Actually, you were teaching so nicely at that time. I
feel how I can say such a thing.
So, at that time it was her business to tell me from
whatever she was suffering so that I could have
prescribed someu medicine to her. But, due to her timid
nature, she never expressed her feeling.
So, I considered this rubric & told her that this was your
mental state during that specific time. I asked her to
take a dose of Opium 30 for her pain in abdomen. But
she was not ready to take it. Again when I forcefully
asked her why she is not ready to take the medicine,
then hesitantly she answered (Same mental state) that
she is under Homoeopathic Treatment of another
Homoeopath who had prescribed her Stramonium for
Polycystic Ovarian Disease 45 days back. But, still she
never got her periods. So, I asked her to take Opium 30
with the kind permission of that Homoeopath. Her pain
in abdomen stopped immediately & within a week, she
got periods.
Sometimes, it can be mistaken as:
Anxiety, Conscience,
But, this is not an Anxiety but a fear or timidity.
1 .a state of being uneasy, apprehensive, or worried
about what may happen; concern about a possible
future event
2 .Psychiatry an abnormal state like this, characterized
by a feeling of being powerless and unable to cope with
threatening events, typically imaginary, and by physical
tension, as shown by sweating, trembling, etc.
3 .an eager but often uneasy desire
1 a knowledge or sense of right and wrong, with an urge
to do right; moral judgment that opposes the violation
of a previously recognized ethical principle and that
leads to feelings of guilt if one violates such a principle
2 [Obs.] a) consciousness b) inner thoughts or feelings
The meaning of the whole rubric is it is the inner moral
feeling to introspect that whether he is not at fault/
whether he is not troubling anyone unnecessarily or
unknowingly etc.
Thank You!
Timidity, Business, in transacting: Op
Timidity means
1 easily frightened; lacking self-confidence; shy;
2 showing fear or lack of self-confidence; hesitant (a
timid reply)
Business means
1 one's work, occupation, or profession
2 a special task, duty, or function
3 rightful concern or responsibility (no one's business
but his own)
4 a matter, affair, activity, etc. (the business of packing
for a trip)
5 the buying and selling of commodities and services;
commerce; trade
6 a commercial or industrial establishment; store,
factory, etc
7 the trade or patronage of customers
8 commercial practice or policy
9 a bit of action in a drama, as pouring a drink, intended
to establish character, take up a pause in dialogue, etc.
Transacting means
1 to carry on, perform, conduct, or complete (business,
2 [Rare] to do business; negotiate
The complete meaning of this rubric is there is timidity
in transacting his or her business. Generally, we
consider the exact word meaning of the word
‘Business’. But if we will think in depth regarding the
word, we can consider the huge understanding of it
according the situation.
For every person, his or her business is different. For
1. If I am in such a situation that I require money from
my parents for certain purpose. At that time, it becomes
my business to ask for the same towards them.
2. If one has to tell someone regarding something which
is very important for both of them, it becomes his or her
business at that specific time.
3. If one has to convey some message to a senior at a
particular time, it becomes his or her business at that
Let me explain a short case in which I have considered
this specific rubric & case got solved.
In my Homoeopathic Workshop, one student came from
very long distance for learning the Homoeopathy. Next
day after the Workshop, she attended my O.P.D. to
understand how I use to prescribe & deals with the
patient from 9am to 1pm.
During whole period she was sitting quiet & listening
whatever I was discussing. After the O.P.D. was
finished, she went in her room & started crying loudly.
When I was passing from her room, I observer she was
crying very loudly. I couldn’t understand what has
happened to her within 5-10 min. period. So, I asked
her friend regarding it. She told, Sir, she was getting
very severe Pain in abdomen since morning. I asked her
why don’t you told it to me. She said how to tell you
Sir. Actually, you were teaching so nicely at that time. I
feel how I can say such a thing.
So, at that time it was her business to tell me from
whatever she was suffering so that I could have
prescribed someu medicine to her. But, due to her timid
nature, she never expressed her feeling.
So, I considered this rubric & told her that this was your
mental state during that specific time. I asked her to
take a dose of Opium 30 for her pain in abdomen. But
she was not ready to take it. Again when I forcefully
asked her why she is not ready to take the medicine,
then hesitantly she answered (Same mental state) that
she is under Homoeopathic Treatment of another
Homoeopath who had prescribed her Stramonium for
Polycystic Ovarian Disease 45 days back. But, still she
never got her periods. So, I asked her to take Opium 30
with the kind permission of that Homoeopath. Her pain
in abdomen stopped immediately & within a week, she
got periods.
Sometimes, it can be mistaken as:
Anxiety, Conscience,
But, this is not an Anxiety but a fear or timidity.
1 .a state of being uneasy, apprehensive, or worried
about what may happen; concern about a possible
future event
2 .Psychiatry an abnormal state like this, characterized
by a feeling of being powerless and unable to cope with
threatening events, typically imaginary, and by physical
tension, as shown by sweating, trembling, etc.
3 .an eager but often uneasy desire
1 a knowledge or sense of right and wrong, with an urge
to do right; moral judgment that opposes the violation
of a previously recognized ethical principle and that
leads to feelings of guilt if one violates such a principle
2 [Obs.] a) consciousness b) inner thoughts or feelings
The meaning of the whole rubric is it is the inner moral
feeling to introspect that whether he is not at fault/
whether he is not troubling anyone unnecessarily or
unknowingly etc.
Thank You!
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