Monday, 4 January 2016

யானைப் பால் Lac-el ravichandran

யானைப் பால்

அந்த யானை இருபது டன் எடையுடன்
அசைந்து கொண்டு இருந்தது.
வலி, கண்களில் நீர்
சுரந்துகொண்டிருக்க அதன் அசைவுகள்
இருந்ததை எல்லோரும் கவனிக்கத்
தவறவில்லை. என்ன செய்வதென்று
தெரியாமல் இருந்தார்கள்.
அதன் குட்டி இறந்து இரண்டு
நாட்களாகிவிட்டது. அந்த ஆப்பிரிக்க
யானை சோகத்தில் தளர்ந்து விட்டது.
நிலை கொள்ளாமல் தவிக்கிறது. பால்
காம்புகள் புடைத்து பால் வழிகிறது,
பால் கட்டிக்கொண்டு காம்புகள் பிளந்து
ரணம் வலி.
அசைவும் அலறலும் மட்டுமே அதன்
அந்த யானைக் காப்பகத்தின் க்யூரேட்டர்
அதனிடம் மிகுந்த பிரியம் கொண்டவர்.
வாத்ஸல்யத்தோடு எப்போதும் அதோடு
உரையாடும் மொழியறிந்தவர். இன்று
வழி புரியாமல் தவிக்கிறார்.
இரு நூறு மைல்களுக்கப்பால் தாய்
நோய்வாய்ப்பட்டு தன் குட்டிக்குப் பால்
கொடுக்க முடியாமல் அல்லலுறும்
செய்தி அவருக்கு சமயத்தில்
அறிவிக்கப்பட்டதும் அவர் ஏதோ
கண்டுபிடிப்பை நிகழ்த்தியதுபோல்
எல்லாம் விரைவில் நொடிப்பொழுதில்
நடந்தன. பெரும் பள்ளம் வெட்டப்பட்டது.
ட்ரக்கில் வெளியூர்க் குட்டியானை
கொணரப்பட்டது. பின் கேட்கவேண்டுமா?
பள்ளத்தில் ட்ரக் இறக்கப்பட்டு, கீழ் நின்றபடி
பால் அருந்தியது. தாய் யானை அந்தக்
குட்டியானைக்குப் பால் கொடுத்தது
வாஞ்சையோடு. குட்டியும் அவசர
அவசரமாய் உறிஞ்சுவதை காப்பகத்தார்
மெய்சிலிர்க்கக் கண்டார்கள்.
எந்த அனிமேஷன் படத்திலும்
காண்பிக்கப்படாத அற்புதக் காட்சி
யதார்த்தமாய் தன்னிச்சையாய்
நடந்தபொழுது பக்கத்து நகரிலிருந்த
ஒரு ஹோமியோபதி வைத்தியர்
அவ்விடம் விரைந்து சென்றார். அன்று,
அவருடைய வெகு நாள் கனவு
பலிக்கும்வாய்ப்பு கிடைத்திருக்கிறது.
க்யூரேட்டரிடம் தெரிவித்துக் கெஞ்சிக்
கூத்தாடி வெகு நேரம் கழித்து சம்மதம்
வாங்கி, பலத்த பாதுகாப்பாய் ஒரு
சொட்டு யானைப் பால் சேகரித்தார்.
அந்த ஒரு சொட்டு யானைப்பால்
வீரியப்படுத்தப்பட்டு. மெய்ப்பிக்கப்பட்டது.
மெய்ப்பித்து மெட்டீரியா மெடிக்கா
தொகுத்தவர் ஹோமியோ மருத்துவர்
நான்ஸி ஹெர்ரிக். உளவியல்
நிபுணராயிருந்து பின் சுய தேர்வாய்
ஹோமியோபதி மருத்துவரானவர்.
இன்று ஹோமியோ மருத்துவத்தில்
யானைப்பால் ஒரு முக்கிய மருந்து!

Sun, 9 Aug 2015, 10:16 AM - Karuppaiah Dr: Elephantum Lac, Lac Loxodonta africana, elephant milk
Dr. A. Ivaniv


First          violence, killing, brutality, cruelty.
Second      Homeless.
3rd The suffering of torture.
4th Feeding others. Food. The lack of food.
5th Air. Water.
6th People like animals.
7th Positive emotions.
8th Eternity. Loss Concept (concept understanding) time.
9th Theoretical considerations of substance (essence).

Generally : aversion (resistance) to physical exercise. Hunched body bent back. Increased appetite and spirits. Morbid craving for sweets, chocolate, fish, wine, yoghurt, fruit, freshly squeezed juices, vegetables (cucumber, radish). Indefinable wishes. He wants a pumpkin. Reluctance to tea, cod, spices. Heavy feeling (inside and outside). Fatigue, forced to rest at 17.00 hours (taste to bed). Contraction (varicose pain - scattered). Shaking and chills, as of fanning and blowing air. Prostration (depression) from 20.00 to 21.00 hours.

Mind: Emotional explosions. Pointless theorizing. Dullness, drowsiness, impaired concentration. Feeling own past (antiquity). The pain of unrest and riots. Despair and hopelessness. In a conflict situation - well, maintaining a balance. Clumsiness, awkwardness (like a bull in a china shop). The feeling of lightness. Easy to say. Cognitive impairment (errors in words, in a letter). The euphoria alternating with depression. She wants to grumble and scold. Feeling filled with air (lighter than air, like a child's balloon). The whole body feels as soft bag. Disillusion hunger and nakedness.
Sleep and Dreams: An unsettled mind is deteriorating falling asleep. Refreshing sleep. Often waking up to the sunrise (around 3 o'clock). Erotic love and dreams. He sees in dreams embryos, various animals, even whales. Withdrawing part of the body, penis (apart from others parts of the body). Many Volunteers (volunteers) saw in his dreams broken, defective Komputer. Series of dreams was associated with persecution (police, dead relatives) and anxiety. Superficial ("cat") dream. Short naps during the day refreshes. Dreaming in the morning when waking up in the afternoon between the 15th and 16 hour.
Head: Cranial cefalie (headaches, brain), from left to right. Sweating head. Dizziness and headache looking down. Sad and worried facial expression. Pain in the cheekbones. Hyperemia (congestion of the tissue or organ) right cheek.
Eyes: Eye fatigue concentration of sight view. Walleye. Yellowish cap.
Nose: Rhinitis. Itching.
Ears: Itching.
Mouth: Itching. Itchy palate.
Neck Pain night. Voltage from the left. Itching.
Chest and Cough: A dry cough. Permanent (continuous) feeling amplified heartbeat. Heartbeat stronger after drinking tea. Astringent, kneading chest pain. The body feels as soft bag, bag. The deterioration in the sitting position, crouching down or standing.
Stomach choosy and picky eating. Fluctuations in appetite. Nausea (nausea, vomiting). Belching after breakfast and after lunch. Emptiness in the stomach (more after noon). Feeling restless and compression (pressure) is reflected in your stomach when you wake up, when rising tension and burning.
Abdomen: Meteorism. Increasing pain. Burning.
Kidney and Urine: Pain right in the morning (from 5-8 hours).
Stool and rectum: Diurea. Gases.
Woman: In vagina - air and liquid with bubbles of gas. Fyziometrie. Menses early, strong and plentiful, with lint. Reduced libido.
Limbs abundant secretion of sweat in the right knees. Pain in shoulders. The feeling that your wrist is in a puddle of water. Pain in Articles middle finger left wrist. Nervous syndrome (restless) feet. Tremor (shaking) and leg weakness during the day.
Back: Pain in the neck, in the back (dorsal), in the left shoulder blade. Pinching pain between the shoulder blades, in the lumbar and the upright back.
Modality: Improving the movement and games in the water.

 Source: Dr. Alexander Ivaniv: Organ drugs sarkody, nosodes, boosted hormones
Sun, 9 Aug 2015

Two example Cases using Sankaran’s Miasmatic Approach

 Two example Cases using Sankaran’s Miasmatic

This is a preamble. After I attended Sankaran’s seminar
in Sydney 2003, I came away with a profound sense of
being de-skilled as a homoeopath. The reason being
that I neither had any idea in how to take cases the
way Sankaran showed us nor was I clear about the
different states of being; sensation, passive reaction,
active reaction, and compensation. There was a lot of
information cramped into two days for me to digest
quickly. My usual reaction is that I need time to
assimilate and digest the information I received.
However, enveloped by such feelings of inadequacy and
despondency I thought that one alternative was to put
all the material and knowledge Sankaran had given us
into a cupboard and never think about it again. Of
course, this would be the most idiotic response to
something “unknown” and “unfamiliar” - a total waste
of time attending the seminar. Another option was just
try it regardless how inadequate and ill equipped I felt I
However, after a few days feeling rather anxious, I
thought I need to just jump into the deep end, sink or
swim. Although I cannot take the case like the way
Sankaran does, I can do it my own way and see what
happens. It was truly amazing! Once again, the universe
always accommodates. In a short few days I not only
prescribed the remedies obtained from Sankaran’s chart,
but also of those remedies that I had no prior
information about their properties. They worked
beautifully. The two cases below are examples showing
the wonderful results Sankaran’s approach can yield.

Case 1 Lysimachia nummularia
This is a man aged thirty-eight. He had recurrent
tonsillitis ever since he was a child. Although the tonsils
were removed between the ages 5-6, however, a small
part got left behind. He did not have tonsillitis for the
next sixteen years since the operation. Then, he had an
attack while living in Papua New Guinea (PNG) at the
age twenty-one. After which he was free of it for
another ten years. Then, he had tonsillitis three times in
a row in 2000, and ever since then he has had it around
the month of May (end of Autumn and beginning of
winter) every year (he came to see me in May 2003).
During a tonsillitis attack, he has sore throat, a high
fever up to 40°C which lasts up to one week. His
other physical symptoms include a slip disc owing to
incorrect lifting, which he did some Yoga and stretching
to ease the pain. He has eczema in the scalp and some
around the ears, and ulcers appear in the corner of the
mouth when feeling run down. Occasionally, he gets
headaches when not drinking enough water.
In addition to all of these, he contracted Malaria while
living in Asia and has had three attacks since. He also
had one bout of Hepatitis A. Once he was hospitalised
after 4-5 days of very high fever without any signs of
There is also swelling accompanying high fever, which
comes on within twenty-four hours. He is emotionally
resigned, while he is sick, with a sense of helplessness
and loses sense of time.
Now, he gets quite worried when taken sick, as he
doubts his ability to recover and feels that he is letting
his wife down; he becomes a burden rather than
support to her. I asked him “what do you do when you
are sick?” He says “I just sleep constantly, unable to
move and feeling sluggish.”
He did a lot of travelling in his twenties, but “since my
marriage and having a family, I do not travel anymore
and tend to stay at home, though at times, I still have
the desire to travel and go places.” This man is a
horticulturalist, so he is working out doors, often quite
hard physical work and is on the move constantly.
Prescription: Lysimachia nummularia 200C, one dose.
Analysis: It is clear from the above that the theme of
this case belongs to the Primulaceae family, as he is
unable to move during an attack with high fever (sleep
constantly). There is also the polarity showing a desire
to stay at home (aversion to going out) and the desire
to travel and to move. He travelled widely in his
twenties and now is quite content just staying at home
though the desire for travel is still at the back ground.
The miasm is Malaria (he contracted it) and that he
feels “attacked” by his illnesses, and is stuck in a
dependent and powerless position (feeling a burden to
his wife). The remedy is Lysimachia nummularia.
Response: Return visit was four and a half months later.
He reported that his swollen glands, a lump on the side
of neck cleared up immediately after taking the remedy
the first time.
This time, the sensation in his throat made him think
that it was going to develop into a full blown tonsillitis
again. The reason for this development was that he
went to a football game on the weekend and
participated in a drug binge; had some cocaine,
marihuana, ecstasy over the twenty-four hour period.
His nose is now totally blocked up unable to breathe
through it.
Prescription: repeat Lysimachia nummularia 1M. He was
able to breath through his nose within ten minutes of
taking the remedy.
His next visit was two and a half months later after the
last one. Again, he feels the onset of tonsillitis with sore
throat (< left side). He is run down, stressed out, and
has not been sleeping well. He loses appetite, lacks
energy and becomes irritable and impatient with the
sensation of developing into full blown tonsillitis.
Prescription: Lysimachia nummularia 200C, 3 doses.
I last saw him was in the middle of 2004. He was
feeling unwell and under the weather. Usually, he tends
to get tonsillitis and flu at this time of the year but this
did not happen this year. Repeat of Lysimachia
nummularia 1M, 3 doses (2 to take home). End of case.
Up-date (12/2005): He has been well ever since, though
at times felt run down never was bad enough to having
take time off work.
Repeat: Lysimachia nummularia 10M, 2 doses.

Case 2 Agnus castus
This is a thirty-three year old young man. He is at the
prime of his life and yet has no energy and feeling
sluggish all over. He saw a naturopath for the last two
years with very little results. The main problem is his
digestion (bloating) and elimination of waste. He used
to have very sluggish bowel movement but it is firmer
lately by changing his diet (diarrhoea and constipation
depends on what he eats). He has to be very careful of
what he eats. Gluten and grain type of foods can make
everything worse – including neck and shoulder pains,
inflamed sinus on the left side which gives him constant
pain spread across the face, fogginess in the head,
unable to concentrate or think clearly (this gets worse
when he is emotionally affected). All symptoms seem
better if he only eats meat and vegetables, but then he
does not have enough energy. When he takes in too
much dairy food he can become sluggish with sinus
pain, feeling of heaviness, lacks energy, and becomes
very constipated.
He started noticing this problem in 1993. Yet, the
problem of constipation started since his teens. His
pattern is to overeat (he got fat a couple of times,
otherwise a slim person) because of emotional
attachment to food. He used to drink a lot of alcohol
and was hospitalised in 1997. There is an inclination to
excess with everything he does; he is over sexed when
younger (in his twenties and had a lot of different
partners), over eat cocoa powder (stuff the whole tin
down the throat in one go), binging on chocolates, nuts
and seeds. Yet, the nuts and seeds that he loves cause
polyps in the nose with post nasal drip. He has a strong
desire for chocolates, cocoa, nuts (cashew and
almonds), and rice. He also has stabbing pain when
urinating and tinnitus in the ears.
He is sensitive to weather changes; dry wind can cause
foggy feeling in his head, energy drains when the
weather is hot, and feels better when rains. He is a
chilly person with cold feet.
As a child, he binged on chocolates to shut out his
dysfunctional family, and inclined to turn to food for
comfort as it provided him with emotional calmness
especially when become emotionally up-set over life’s
Father was an alcoholic and became violent when he
got drunk. As such, as a child he anticipates violence
and punishment every time when his father comes home
drunk. Frequently, he’d keep out of his father’s way by
going to bed early and staying in bed in the morning
until his father left for work to avoid being beaten. There
was a lot of tension and apprehension in his early home
He was emotionally very sensitive in the past but
learned to be indifferent (he says). His brother
committed suicide in 1993 after which, he decided that
he will become strong so that he will not go on the
same path.
His childhood experiences have made him quite cynical
about life, and he also feels quite ashamed of his
uneducated, troubled, and dysfunctional family. As such,
for a long time, he was very ambitious, vowed to be
successful and focused his attention totally on material
gains despite the pressure that this has caused in his
life. He says that he was “hungry and greedy.” Because
of his tremendous desire to succeed in the corporate
world, he tried to push himself to fit into a group that
he does not really fit (he has a rather sensitive and mild
temperament). He eventually got out of that world and
now begins to pursue a Ph.D., and at the same time,
come to accept that he missed out on the father and
son relationship. At the present, he is also separated
from his wife without any resolution; he is not sure
whether they will get back together or not especially he
is about to go overseas.
He has not had dreams for a long time, but when things
are going well for him he has happy dreams. In the
past, he dreamed about flying up and down. He also
experiences the floating sensation when he meditates.
Prescription: Agnus castus 30C, 4 doses one a week.
Analysis: The first remedy I gave him was Ulmus
campestris, which he had no reaction what so ever after
five minutes. The reason for choosing this remedy is
that his physical sensation being heavy and
compressed, together with the lightness and dream of
flying and floating sensation when meditating showing
the theme belong to the Hamamelididae family. It is the
cancer miasm because he has feeling of weakness
within him yet there is the need to perform very well
and live up to (his) expectation and desire. His problem
with digestion and bowel movement has been a
continuous and prolonged struggle without respite from
tension. His childhood experiences also gave him the
feeling of prolonged struggle and weakness.
Then, on careful consideration, I realised that the central
theme of this man is about excitement and the lack of
it, the Labiatae family. The polarity of excitement and
dullness is played out in his personal life; high degree of
sexual excitement in his twenties and now there is
dullness (has no real relationship, whether there is any
sign of impotence or not he did not say). This polarity
is also manifesting on his physical level; he has a great
deal of problem with constipation and loose motion
(sluggish bowel movement). There is also craving
(excitement) and aversion (dullness) in his approach to
things. In this, he thinks that he is a superman, then,
realises that he just can’t do it so loses enthusiasm, so
he goes through the peaks and troughs.
Response: Return visit one month later just before his
departure to take up a post for his Doctorate studies.
He related that his digestion was going well and has not
felt so well for a long time. Now he craves rich food and
is eating a lot of things, going overboard with cakes,
cocoa, almonds, and sweets. Neck and shoulder pain
returned for a short while, then, disappeared. Body
elimination of waste is good and effective, fogginess of
the head is gone. He has much more energy. Nasal is
clearer and concentration is much better though tinnitus
is still there.
Repeat of Agnus castus 200C, 4 doses. I also gave him
2 doses of 1M so that he won’t be short of remedy and
not able to source it while overseas and asked him to
send me e-mails if any problem occurs. I did not hear
from him since presumably well and recovered from all
his complaints. End of case.

From the above case examples, I have shown that the
Scholten (and Sankaran’s) methodology not only
conveys simplicity, ease and elegance in case taking
and remedy selection but also it takes a giant leap in
assisting homoeopathy to grow and mature.
While my experience as a homoeopath is limited, it is
enriched and deepened enormously by employing
Scholten methodology in case taking, understanding
remedies and in finding the simillimum. What Scholten’s
method (and Sankaran’s) revealed to me is the
immeasurable possibility and scope in our practice of
homoeopathy and its fulfilment in the art of healing.
Moreover, Scholten’s methodology can hone one’s skill
as a homoeopath much more finely as time goes on.
Like any other fields of knowledge, homoeopathy is and
must be continuously developing, changing and
growing. As such, all I want to say to would be
homoeopaths is that in the palm of your hand holds the
future possibilities of homoeopathy. Considering this, we
should not let prejudice, narrow mindedness, and limited
vision to constrict us from becoming an instrument of
healing and from advancing homoeopathy. One never
knows what wondrous journey life takes one on if we
are open and be accompanied by certain degrees of
With this in mind, we need to embrace change with
courage, consideration, knowledge and understanding
rather than blindness, ignorance, and fear. Every now
and then, there will be geniuses who come to change
the existing familiar ways of being for the better and
that the reverberation of such will benefit millions of
people. Hahnemann was one and to my thinking and
understanding, Scholten and Sankaran are the modern
day geniuses. Scholten’s methodology (and Sankaran’s)
is a timely revolution that has the potential to change
the face of homoeopathy for the better, from a juvenile
rubric dependent system to a mature “Person Centred”
approach. If we embrace it with openness and
thoughtfulness, the possibility is endless.

காலி கார்ப் ravichandran

 காலி கார்ப் ஏன் இப்படி நடந்து

 ஒன்றில் ஆர்வம் காட்டி
சில கணங்கள் மட்டுமே அதில்
லயிக்கிறது. உடனே வேறொன்றில்
தாவுகிறது. இரண்டாமதில்
பயணிக்கையில் மூன்றாவது
பணியைத் துவக்கிக் கடைசியில்
எதையும் முடித்தபாடில்லை எல்லாமே
அரையும் குறையுமாய்
இத்தனைக்கும் குடும்பம், கடமை,
பொறுப்பு, தலைமை எல்லாவற்றிற்கும்
முதலிடம் தரும் காலி கார்பே
தன்னால் எதையும் ஒழுங்காக
நிர்வகிக்க முடியாமல் போவதால்தான்
காலி கார்ப் மற்றவர்களிடம் அப்படி தன்
கற்பித பிம்பத்தை நி...லை
நாட்டிக்கொள்ள அப்படி கடுமையாக
காலிகார்பால் தனிமையில் இருக்க
முடியாததால், பிறர் வேண்டும் அதற்கு.
அவர்கள், தன் தலைமை, கடமை பிம்பத்தை
ரட்சிப்பவர்களாகவும் இருக்க வேண்டும்.
மீறினால் கட்டாயம்
கடிந்துகொள்ளப்படுவர். அது மட்டும்
காலி கார்ப் ஏன் இப்படி?
காலி கார்ப் மட்டுமா இப்படி?
அவர்கள்? அந்த முன் வரிசைக்காரர்கள்?

What is ICR? Dr. M.L. Dhawale

What is ICR?

The Institute of Clinical Research in Mumbai was
founded in 1975 by Dr. M.L. Dhawale
Dhawale proposed the concept of “Standardization of individualization ” of homeopathic practice.
It means standardization of the procedures that
guide a homeopath in his clinical functioning.
This is somewhat a paradox as homeopathic
practice demands continual individualization of the
patient, leading to each homeopath functioning in
their own individualistic way.
What Differentiates the ICR way from other forms
of Hahnemannian Homeopathy?
I .  Anion Cation Synthetic Prescribing
In 1975 Dhawale expanded the concept of
prescribing poorly proven mineral based medicines
by combining well proven anions and cations. This
was later taken up by Sankaran and Scholten.

II. Percieving Constitution
The constitution is a resultant of the assimilation of
the environmental circumstance in response to
the genetic plan, which thereby becomes
programmed. The resulting constitution represents
modified susceptibility and sensitivity from the
original with which we begin life. We can observe
the constitution through various attributes  both
mental and physical and how they change in
response to the environment. These together give
us a ready identification of the “constitutional type”,
it is the position in which the organism is most
stable; it manifests maximal resistance to all
disturbing influences from the environment. This
therefore, represents the State of Health, of Stable
it is the best that could be achieved given the
environmental circumstance and the inherited
maximal stability with the advantages as
well as disadvantages displayed adequately.
By focusing on constitutional attributes in
homeopathic remedy selection we are able to
eliminate peripheral aspects in case analysis and
synthesis allowing for clearer perception of the
genius of the case.

III.   MIASMS : A PhenomenologicaL
Understanding Of Disease.
Throughout the homoeopathic literature there have
been numerous explanations of the concept
of miasm. Many of them are unfortunately are not
followed by effective implementation at the bedside.
We could regard miasms as Pre-Dispositions to ill-health brought about through hereditary
genetic influences or due to long term deleterious
consequences of certain past illnesses. They leave
the system either in a depleted state or with
enhanced/morbific influences from the environment
cause it to react in a typical, specific morbid
manner. Further, this morbidity itself perpetuates
itself through a progressive disorder through
alterations in Susceptibility.
The Miasmatic influence is a continuous spectrum
with alterations that correspond to the change of
phase denoted by appropriate changes in the
activity index (Psora hyper, Sycotic :hypo, Tub
hyper, Syph hypo and degeneration).
By utilising miasms in case analysis and treatment
we are able to tackle states of Reaction Poor that
would be otherwise more difficult to manage. .
IV. Percieving An Object : Structure, Form,
Function, Over Time.
The concept of totality is central to the practice of
Hahnemannian homoeopathy. Appreciation of
totality demands logical and analytical steps that
can help to integrate and synthesize the data
collected from the patient.
The operational application of the concepts of
structure, form, function and time in a clinical
situation need to be understood so that the
appreciation of the totality meets laid-down
standards and hence is comprehensive as well as
Understanding Structure, Form and Function over
Time an analytical tool which helps in tre further
integration and synthetic understanding of the
totality of a given object, disease, Miasm or

V. Defining Bogers Approach
The ICR have been leaders in refining Boger’s
Approach to homeopathic case analsis. This
approach incorporates the following: Evolution of
portrait of disease, Time dimension, Tissue affinity
and Pathological generals.

VI. Standardisation Of Individualization
Standardisation of Individualisation is be
necessary to reduce subjectivity of the homeopath,
is allows us to evolve towards the ‘unprejudiced
observer’ . The ICR place strong emphasis upon
training the homeopath to Totality Consistently.
This requires:
Sensitivity, empathy, capacity of resolution as well
as discrimination. Idealistic bent of mind, strong
determination, disciplined mind, development of
objectivity through phenomenological observation to
minimize the influence of subjectivity and to protect
the integrity of method.

Dhawale M. L. Editor. ICR Symposium volumes.
Integrated Hahnemanian Totality. .

potency problem discussion

6:54 AM - Ganesh Dr: While seeing the centesimal scale range of potencies we find 30C, 200C, 1M(1000C) , 10M(10000C) in the ascending order. Homeopaths has used and accepted it so much that no one questions the order. But what is the logic in using this particular stops, how did Hahnemann arrived at these.... Has he documented any of his thoughts over this issue. Please share your thoughts....

Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 7:13 AM - Balasubramanian: Sir
What is difference between vital force and vital principle.?
 Clear my doubts Sir.
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 7:17 AM - Charu Dr: Ganesh 👍
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 7:18 AM - Charu Dr: This is one reason why hahnemann moved to lm potencies.
Where the order is 123
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 7:19 AM - Charu Dr: Due to the gap between each potencies centesimal potencies showed aggravation
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 7:20 AM - Charu Dr: To minimise it he experimented with water potency in 5th edition and adviced

Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 7:20 AM - Charu Dr: Later he found the solution in 6th through lm
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 7:21 AM - Charu Dr: Dr luc de schepper explains clearly in his book
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 7:21 AM - Charu Dr: 👍
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 7:21 AM - Charu Dr: Ganesh sir ☺☺☺
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 7:25 AM - Balasubramanian: Dr.charu
pls Answer my question
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 7:32 AM - Ganesh Dr: Thank you all for accommodating me here at the unprejudiced observer.
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 7:33 AM - Karthikbabu Dr: To dr.charu sir speed or phase of a remedy if it matches the pathology then 30 potency is more than enough to cure a pt
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 7:36 AM - Ganesh Dr: @charu I agree to your explanation. But is it right to think LM scale was invented to replace centesimal scale
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 7:36 AM - Karthikbabu Dr: In every drug Kent mentioned as a pha se and he would have differenciate the remedy from that we can understand clearly
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 7:36 AM - Karthikbabu Dr: The depth action
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 7:40 AM - Sivakumuran Dr: Friends ,

🌷 my aim is we have to make homeopathy as simple as possible.

🌷🌷we must make It as folk's medicine. Then it grows like anything.

🌷🌷🌷  Our master Hahnemann solved potency problems in sixth edition by LM potency.

(Kindly some of you can add advantages of LM potency)

🌷🌷🌷🌷 we must change basic qualification for homeopathy...

(Compassion+ interest)

Doctor sivakumaran
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 7:53 AM - Ilandhirayan: <Media omitted>
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 8:06 AM - Sivakumuran Dr: For all  interested peoples

Please read aphorism 246 and its footnote in 6th edition

                                                 Organon of the medical art Wenda Brewster O'Reilly

It's ISBN is 9788131909225 bjain publisher.

Original and complete translation of organon...

Nice book... Must read..

Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 8:29 AM - Charu Dr: Vital principle = param porul
Vital force = uyir aatral
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:18 AM - Surendran: 👌 mr.charu
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:27 AM - Saravanan dr. trichy: @Dr.Srini this s not place for making comedies and funny comments. Don't post any again here. If means come to our group.
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:33 AM - Saravanan dr. trichy: @ charu.Dr here, pace means for example in sudden fast developing acutes we can't think slow remedies like calc, have to think ars.. So that desired result must ensue.. Like fast syphilitic cases..
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:33 AM - Saravanan dr. trichy: Semparuthi sir itha tha mean panar
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:34 AM - Saravanan dr. trichy: But it doesn't mean calc give slow results. If pt needs calc it may work fast..
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:34 AM - Saravanan dr. trichy: Ex. Arul Manickam case which recently posted
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:34 AM - Saravanan dr. trichy: Both r different scenario
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:35 AM - Saravanan dr. trichy: Prafull. Dr emphasising how to select medicine.  Where should we give importance and were not.
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:35 AM - Saravanan dr. trichy: That's his ideology...
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:37 AM - Saravanan dr. trichy: @Karthick babu if pathology fits 30 potency is enough means, modern stalwarts everyone showing results in various potencies? How is t possible?
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:38 AM - Saravanan dr. trichy: For example, ROH. 6, 30
Predictive 200
Rajan various.  Sometimes 1,10m and even LM various potencies different usages??
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:39 AM - Saravanan dr. trichy: If 30 is fit for all cases higher potency will produce strong aggravations and spoils cases often. So what s need for other potencies??  is t unwanted??
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:41 AM - Saravanan dr. trichy: H emphasising worth of diluting in water potencies and LM.  Wat is use of his latest technologies??  Is t not use??
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:42 AM - Charu Dr: Dr Saravana, instead of questioning others points, please give your understanding and experienve
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:42 AM - Charu Dr: Experience *
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:42 AM - Saravanan dr. trichy: @ganesh Dr.. Charu was right.  in my understanding h was moving from centesimal to LM which means switching to new potencies means replacing know?? If my understanding wrong clear t
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:43 AM - Saravanan dr. trichy: Charu sir ask me clear I can't get ur question
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:44 AM - Saravanan dr. trichy: Charu sir pace of disease topic was arisen from tat dog case
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:45 AM - Saravanan dr. trichy: Will explain my understanding and Wat Dr.prafull explained.
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:46 AM - Saravanan dr. trichy: Ilango sir said fever.... To  convulsions occur and sudden death leads lead.. Which is psoro syphilitic miasm
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:47 AM - Charu Dr: Explain your understanding alone.
Don't mix with drpraful 's understanding
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:47 AM - Prema Dgl Dr: Ganesh sir. Yup like charu told H made an advancement with 6th edition. That's why he told this was his best and complete work in homoeopathy. And why we keep mentioning 5th along is only to encourage 4th edition followed to step up one at a time. Otherwise yes as you note 5th edition administration by 30,200,and so on is way too jumping up in potency . And it has aggravations. And also we can see that the aggravations in 6th edition I mean the homeopathic aggravation is not there in 6th. H effort was towards making second aphorism as 100% as possible. Gentle. Quick heal. The only  aggravation seen in LM is the end aggravation . By all this I mean I only mean when the nearest similimum remedy . Not a farther remedy to similimum.
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:48 AM - Saravanan dr. trichy: In these fast developing acute pathology our selection of medicine could be fast developing / producing drugs will give desired results.. Ex. Ars, sulphur.Iod, sec cor..
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:48 AM - Saravanan dr. trichy: Sir intha topic la arise aana question ku ithan enaku therinja ans
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:50 AM - Saravanan dr. trichy: Charu sir???
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:53 AM - Prema Dgl Dr: Ganesh sir. I am currently treating a psoriatic graphytis hypersensitive patient. After LM 1 to 2 to 3 there was a mild medicinal aggravation. And i immediately understood it qs because the succession number for the LM1 was only 1❌ 40 equalling only to 40 successions up. And  I immediately went back to LM 2 made 40 successions myself and then the medicine was smooth as earlier. I have observed similar scenario in Srinivasan sir clinic when the half went medicine bottle broke. So going back to the same potency or jumping to next both won't be appropriate sir told.
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:57 AM - Prema Dgl Dr: Sorry LM 1 was 2 successions. It was LM 2 with 1 succession.. Went back to LM 2 ❎ 40 succession instead of LM 3. Note: ofocurse it never equals the actual 100 successions in LM preparation.
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:59 AM - Prema Dgl Dr: Saravana. Patience.
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 9:59 AM - Prema Dgl Dr: Dr. Sivakumaran 👍👍
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 10:03 AM - Prema Dgl Dr: To talk about the advantages of LM has not that been done in our basic learning of organon itself. I believe all of us learn from 6th or 5/6 combined editions and not 4th edition. And even after this if most are not following this and  finding ways or techniques over potency selection it clearly means they have not following the 6th organon. Dictating again and again about LM will never reach them. Test
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 10:04 AM - Prema Dgl Dr: Restudying organon every time gives more and.more and more little clear understanding.. One at a time.
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 10:06 AM - Semparuthi dr. md: APHORISM 161
When I here limit the so-called homoeopathic aggravation, or rather the primary action of the homoeopathic medicine that seems to increase somewhat the symptoms of the original disease, to the first or few first hours, this is certainly true with respect to diseases of a more acute character and of recent origin;
but where medicines of long action have to combat a malady of considerable or very long standing, where no such apparent increase of the original disease ought to appear during treatment and it does not so appear if the accurately chosen medicine was given in proper small, gradually higher doses, each somewhat modified with renewed dynamization (Aph 247).
Such increase of the original symptoms of a chronic disease can appear only at the end of treatment when the cure is almost or quite finished.
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 10:15 AM - Prema Dgl Dr: The current potency selection discussion and methods, need for new and newer  techniques and schools which teaches potency selection only implies the advanced homeopathy has not reached all. Right from Kent who is the sole person for the homoeopathy awareness and spread throughout the world.. Did not use or share or advocate the use of water dosing leave centesimal or LM. May be since todays most homeopaths again look up to other such pioneers understanding and teachings to understand organon they are equally blindfolded about the water dosing. Few doctors of today like Dr.Luc de schepper  have worked and given us ways to understand the true ripen sweet ultimate fruit of Hahnemann. Wenda o breily translation and Luc books  gives a better way to understand and use Hahnemann's final finished product to the best and fullest. And we should be thankful to them .
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 10:17 AM - Prema Dgl Dr: Semparuthi sir . Ty. Yes. End aggravation for chronic diseases. Ty once again. I should have mentioned that too. Sorry all.
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 10:24 AM - Prema Dgl Dr: Saravana i understand your doubt and I hope I have answered you. We have to accept this is today. We can work for tomorrow a better one. Right from yesterday's Kent Clarke boger beonighasen none has given us much teachings regarding water dosing. So for today wa
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 10:24 AM - Prema Dgl Dr: Let us work for a better tomorrow.
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 10:30 AM - Prema Dgl Dr: One thing I constantly accept with different schools of homeopathy is the single medicine and their own way of reaching similar one. Else success cant be seen right? But it is the minimal dose that varies with H s final organon.
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 10:31 AM - Prema Dgl Dr: So I think there is nothing to blame anyone so far it is similar and single.
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 10:35 AM - Prema Dgl Dr: Boeninghausens generalisation can be applied with every schools... And that is why whatever route or techniques the final arrival is to single similar remedy. My humble opinion  is when we have trouble with our skill for a said case take up the help from Such law abiding schools and go with the administration of remedy in your understanding. Ultimate aim is cure but gentle and quick. So go with LM 1 water dosing and repeat as
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 10:35 AM - Prema Dgl Dr: Needed.
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 10:37 AM - Prema Dgl Dr: 👍👍👍👍have a good day all 😄😄
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 10:48 AM - Saravanan dr. trichy: I understood ka.. My questions for Dr.karthick babu.. For his reply as he above said.. That too says in every methods they r showing results by using various potencies. Ofcourse in detail during follow up how cure happens god only knows.. Most of patients never says even minute changes which occurs during cure. And reasons behind my questions karthick babu was closely moving with Dr.amaretto nikam. So he might come with some valuable reply.. Let's wait
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 10:49 AM - Saravanan dr. trichy: Sorry Dr. Amar. D nikam **
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 10:50 AM - Saravanan dr. trichy: My opinion s as like methods every case needs various type of potencies. That too needs individual.  This s my understanding
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 11:44 AM - Prema Dgl Dr: Again lingering on potency... I'll come up with a patient of mine who taught me some unforgettable lesson regarding potency that changed my outlook on various schools in homeopathy as well medicines which go by natural laws
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 11:45 AM - Prema Dgl Dr: Later...
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 11:48 AM - Saravanan dr. trichy: 👍
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 1:11 PM - Karthikbabu Dr: To Saro even  (chronic) and  (acute) I have treated in 30 potency I have seen the results .and from nikam sir  experience I seen many cases too hw it is possible. And I don't want to talk about any stalwarts here.its just my experience.

Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 1:50 PM - Prema Dgl Dr: I had a osteoarthritic patient. Patella degeneration. She was a typical aurum met. Gold. But aurum in centesimal as well LM both on split water dose dint give much change. I dint know what to do. She was for sure aurum. And I know very well if i go for any other typical pain med it will only be palliation. So I kept it with aurum. I explained her also. And conveyed I am sorry I don't know why the selected is jot working. Then she went to some yoga. No relief. Then some herbal med..i don't remember if it was ayurvedha or sidha ....I had asked her to inform me if she gets relief from any system. She came to me and she said she is better from the herbal med. And she was prescribed with a very costly med as it contained gold. I was like WTH... I gave gold too with no relief. I discussed this with my mentor.. He laughed and said.. This is the beauty of medicines. The patient has required gold or aurum in crude form . So that is why even though you were so right with your selection of remedy you didn't get result. May be aurum in mt in homeopathy  might have cured her. Who knows even that could have been not enough for her. She needed the very crudest form.
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 1:51 PM - Prema Dgl Dr: First 30c as i dint have LM Aurum that time. next time went to LM 1 and further...
Sat, 8 Aug 2015, 1:55 PM - Prema Dgl Dr: This experience completely changed my perception on potency. This was years back. Now straight away LM.

Organon of Medicine § 17

Organon of Medicine
தினம் ஒரு மணிமொழி-17
                § 17
      Now, as in the cure effected by the removal of the whole of the perceptible signs and symptoms of the disease the internal alteration of the vital principle to which the disease is due - consequently the whole of the disease - is at the same time removed,1 it follows that the physician has only to remove the whole of the symptoms in order, at the same time, to abrogate and annihilate the internal change, that is to say, the morbid derangement of the vital force - consequently the totality of the disease, the disease itself.2 But when the disease is annihilated the health is restored, and this is the highest, the sole aim of the physician who knows the true object of his mission, which consists not in learned - sounding prating, but in giving aid to the sick.

நோய் நிலையில் புலன்களால் உணரத்தக்க முழுமையான அறிகுறிகளையும் மற்றும் நோய்க்குறிகளையும் நீக்குவதால் , நோயினால் அகத்தினுள்ளே பாதிப்பிற்கு உள்ளாகியிருக்கும் உயிர்முதலாற்றலிலும் ( அல்லது உயிர் வாழ்வதற்கான இன்றியமையாத கோட்பாடு) மாற்றத்தை ஏற்படுத்தி அதனால் நோய் முழுமையாக நீக்கப்படுகிறது. அதே வேளையில் மருத்துவர், உயிராற்றலில் ஏற்பட்டிருக்கும் முழுமையான  நோய்க்குறிகளையும் ஒழித்துக்கட்டி நிர்மூலமாக்கிவிடுவதால் நோயின் மொத்தக்குறிகளும் நீங்கி விடுகின்றன. அதாவது,   உயிராற்றலில் ஏற்பட்டிருந்த நோயப்பாதிப்பையும் , அதன் மொத்தக் குறிகளையும் , ஆம்! நோய் முழுவதையும் - முற்றிலுமாக நிர்மூலமாக்கி உடல்நலம் மீட்கப்படும் இச்செயலையே மருத்துவர் வாழ்வின் உண்மையான , உயர்ந்த நோக்கமாகவும் , மேற்கொண்ட பணியாகவும் கருதவேண்டும். அவ்வாறு நோயாளியின் பிணியைப் போக்க உதவாமல் தாமே எல்லாம்தெரிந்த கற்றறிந்தவர் போல் பிதற்றித்திறிவது வாழ்வின் உயர்ந்த நோக்கமாகாது.

Foot Note-1:  A warning dream, a superstitious fancy, or a solemn prediction that death would occur at a certain day or at a certain hour, has not infrequently produced all the signs of commencing and increasing disease, of approaching death and death itself at the hour announced, which could not happen without the simultaneous production of the inward change (corresponding to the state observed internally); and hence in such cases all the morbid signs indicative of approaching death have frequently been dissipated by an identical cause, by some cunning deception or persuasion to a belief in the contrary, and health suddenly restored, which could not have happened without the removal, by means of this mortal remedy, of the internal and external morbid change that threatened death.
Foot Note-2:  It is only thus that God the preserver of mankind, could reveal His wisdom and goodness in reference to the cure of the disease to which man is liable here below, by showing to the physician what he had to remove in disease in order to annihilate them and thus re-establish health. But what would we think of His wisdom and goodness if He has shrouded in mysterious obscurity that which was to be cured in diseases (as is asserted by the dominant school of medicine, which affects to possess a supernatural insight into the nature of things), and shut it up in the hidden interior, and thus rendered it impossible for man to know the malady accurately, consequently impossible for him to cure it?

அடிக்குறிப்பு -1: நோய் துவங்கி விட்டதாகவும் , நோய் அதிகரிப்பதாகவும் , இறப்பு நிகழப் போவதையும் , குறிப்பிட்ட இந்த நேரத்தில் இறப்பு நிகழ்வதையும் சுட்டிக்காட்டும் குறிகளாகவே, ஒரு எச்சரிக்கை செய்யும் கனவு, ஒரு மூடநம்பிக்கையான கற்பனைப்புனைவு, அல்லது குறிப்பிட்ட இந்த நாளில் இந்த நேரத்தில் இறப்பு உண்டாகும் என்று உறுதியாக வருவதுரைத்தல் ஆகியவை  அவ்வப்போது தோண்டுகின்றன. அதே நேரத்தில் , அகத்தில் உண்டாக்கும்  மாற்றத்தினாலும் ( அதற்க்கேற்றவாறு புறநிலை மாற்றமும் கவனிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது) உண்டாகுகிறதே அன்றி வேறு வகையில் நிகழக்கூடியவை அல்ல. அதனால் , இறப்பு ஏற்பட்டுவிடும் என்பது போன்ற நோய்த் தோற்றத்திற்கு இணையான காரணங்களாகிய தந்திரமாக ஏமாற்றும் இயல்புடைய அல்லது அந்த நோய் நிலைக்கு எதிரான நிலையே அங்கிருப்பதாக இணங்கசெய்தல் போன்றவற்றின் மூலமாகவே ஆரோக்கியநிலை (நலம்) திடீரென்று மீட்கப்படுகிறது. இத்தகைய மனம் சார்ந்த  மருத்துவத்தால் (மருந்துகள்) ,  இறப்பு உண்டாகுமாறு  அச்சுறுத்தலை ஏற்படுத்தியும் ,  அகமும் , புறமும் சார்ந்ததுமான  அந்நோய் நிலையைப் போக்க முடியுமேயன்றி, அங்கே வேறு எதனாலும் அந்த நோய் நீங்கும் நன்மை  நிகழுமாறு செய்ய முடியாது.
அடிக்குறிப்பு -2:
மனிதர்கள் இவ்வுலகில் நோய்வாய்ப்படும் போது, மனித நலத்தைப் பேணி பாதுகாக்கும் கடவுள் மட்டுமே தமது மதி நுட்பத்தாலும் மற்றும் நற்குணத்தாலும்,  மருத்துவர்கள்  அந்த நோயிலிருந்து எதை நீக்க வேண்டும் , எவற்றை நிர்மூலமாக்கவேண்டும் , நலமான நிலையை  மீண்டும் எப்படி உண்டாக்குவது என்ற வழிகளை மருத்துவர்களுக்குக் காட்டமுடியும்.  ஆனால்  அவர், நோய்களில் குணமாக்கவேண்டியவற்றை மர்மமான , தெளிவற்ற வகையில் மூடி மறைத்து [அறிவியல் விதிகளால் தாங்கள் அவற்றை ஊடுருவிப் பார்த்துத் தெரிந்து கொள்வதாக அடக்கு ஆளும் மருத்துவத் துறையைச்(அலோபதி)சேர்ந்தவர்கள் கூறிக் கொள்கின்றனர்]  நோயாளியின் அகத்தில் மறைந்திருக்கும் நோய் பாதிப்பை மனிதன் சரியாக தெரிந்து கொள்ள முடியாமலும் , அதனால் அந்த நோயைக் குணமாக்க முடியாமலும் கடவுள் செய்து விட்டால் , அவரது மதிநுட்பத்தைப்பற்றியும், நற்குணத்தைப்பற்றியும் நாம் என்ன நினைத்துக் கொள்வோம்.?


Sat, 8 Aug 2015,

Praxis: A NEW APPROACH Massimo Mangialavori.


By Massimo Mangialavori.
Reviewed by Sybil Ihrig,

What is the true Holy Grail for us classical homeopaths?
Is it finding the Simillimum for a given patient? Or could
it be something even more recondite—a soulful depth of
insight into remedies so penetrating that it verges on
the mystical?
Over the past two decades, this quest for profound
insight has led a succession of international
homeopaths to develop elegant, meaningful new
systems for understanding remedies and classifying
groups of remedies into families. As notable examples,
we’ve seen the Sensation method from Rajan Sankaran
and the periodic table classification system from Jan
Another homeopath who has made equally significant,
yet less widely recognized, contributions to our
knowledge base is Dr. Massimo Mangialavori of Italy.
Massimo (as he is known by colleagues) has been
teaching internationally for a long time and
semiannually in the U.S. for more than a decade, but
until recently, publication of his findings in English has
been piecemeal and not always of the highest quality.
Dr. Betty Wood (New England Homeopathic Academy)
and a group of close associates took over the
publication efforts several years ago, and since that
time, the professionalism of the resulting work has been
increasing steadily.
Now, after nearly three years of work, Massimo’s long-
awaited magnum opus is finally seeing daylight in
English. Praxis presents, in the first two volumes of
what will likely become a four- or five-volume set, a
comprehensive overview of the conceptual methodology
that underlies Massimo’s practice and teaching.
Massimo has long been known for his emphasis on
clinical cases—the live patient—as the most stable
foundation for enlarging our knowledge of homeopathy.
His body of work also enlarges our understanding of
many “small” remedies that polychrest prescribers
seldom hear about or use. Such “small” remedies are
probably better characterized as “underrepresented.”
Historically, he maintains, our repertories were
developed in such an inconsistent fashion that rubrics
rarely represent either the symptom grade or the
“phase” (the evolutionary point on the compensated-
decompensated continuum) of a given remedy reliably.
Further, the decontextualized organization of most
repertories tends to encourage a misleading
reductionism in our clinical thinking. Rather than trying
to simplify homeopathy, we should include in our sights
the enriching perspectives of natural history, traditional
medical uses, myths and legends, toxicology, and
pharmacology, among others.
Some of the methodological concepts that are clearly
elucidated for the first time in Praxis , Vol. I, include:
Symptoms —Symptoms are phenomena that can be
expressed either verbally or nonverbally, subjectively or
objectively. Massimo differentiates among several
categories of symptoms and their relative usefulness in
case analysis. Not all symptoms recorded in the
repertory are coherent in terms of a given remedy’s core
themes. The most important types of symptoms are
structural symptoms , which reflect the core structure
and adaptive strategy of the patient. Structural
symptoms may or may not correspond with the
traditionally known “strange, rare, and peculiar”
symptoms in our literature; in any case, they go deeper
than SRPs.
Structure, corpus—The term structure as used by
Massimo reflects his construct of the corpus as the full
body-mind complex of a human being, which cannot be
dichotomized neatly into “Mind” symptoms vs. physical
ones. To better understand the idea of the corpus,
consider the distribution of symptoms found for a
remedy such as Colocynthis; we see relatively few Mind
symptoms, but a great preponderance of Abdomen and
Extremities symptoms. Does this mean that the
Colocynthis patient has no emotions or thoughts?
Hardly. Rather, it suggests that for patients needing this
remedy, the corpus expresses the mind through other
body systems. This brings into question our
assumptions that Mind symptoms must always be
given precedence in repertorization. Is that heresy
according to Hahnemann? Not necessarily so.
Themes —Massimo feels that themes are a more reliable
basis for remedy classification than symptoms. He
differentiates between characteristic themes, which are
often present in a case as a polarity (e.g., cold/heat)
depending on whether a patient is compensated or
decompensated, and fundamental themes , which are
strongly reflective of a remedy’s adaptive strategy (the
way in which a person interacts with the challenges of
her or his environment) and persist over time in any
remedy phase.
Homeopathic families —Unlike his colleagues Sankaran
and Scholten, Massimo’s concept of homeopathic
families crosses genus and even kingdom boundaries. (I
recently took a case for which Rhus glabra was
curative. The chief differentials were between Rhus
glabra and Lac caninum , a comparison that would have
made no sense using Sensation method but which made
perfect sense using concepts derived from Massimo’s
thematic approach.) Volume II of Praxis comprises case
studies of “Drug family” remedies ( Anhalonium,
Psilocybe, Agaricus, Bovista, Convolvulus, and Nabalus),
which come from different botanical plant families but
share similar characteristic and fundamental themes
linking them together.
     A future volume of Praxis will
contain case studies of Drug family remedies from other
kingdoms as well.
The full title of the Praxis series gives us a hint that
these tomes are no light bedtime reading for the faint of
heart: “Complexity” in the subtitle refers both to the
complexity theory and systems thinking that inform
Massimo’s understanding of homeopathic similitude and
to the full-on encounter with real, complex human
beings that we must encourage in order to understand
remedies in clinical context. That being said, Praxis is a
treasure trove of key concepts that will greatly enrich
any homeopath’s understanding of the depths to which
our art/science can reach.
For more information on Massimo’s seminars and
publications, e-mail Dr. Betty Wood at NEHA, .

Fri, 7 Aug 2015, 5:51 PM - Murali Castro: Massimo Mangialavori
born 1958
Mangialavori comes from Naples and grew up in Milan
and Modena.
In 1984 he completed his medical studies. His eventful
search for the best method of healing took him from
heart surgery to the shamans of South America. Then
he stumbled on homeopathy, which has since cast its
spell over him.
Together with three other doctors, he set up a practice
outside Modena, where he now treats patients from all
over the world.
Mangialavori has an astonishing knowledge of the
materia medica and is regarded as one of the best
homeopathic physicians in the world. Based on his
successfully healed cases, he has developed his own
system of classifying homeopathic remedies.
He regularly holds seminars in Europe and the USA, and
leads further education courses for homeopaths in
Modena and Boston.

Fri, 7 Aug 2015, 7:43 PM - Murali Castro: Homoeopathy for anger &mortification

Massimo Mangialavori is known for his graphic remedy
descriptions in which he brings out the essential
nuances of homeopathic remedies in a concise and
vivid way. This handy booklet is a great opportunity to
get to know the working methods of Massimo
Mangialavori in this important area

Complaints due to anger and mortification an everyday
issue in homeopathic practice. Mortification can be
expressed as a feeling of shame, wounded honor, or
loss of self-confidence. The famous Italian homeopath
Massimo Mangialavori describes in this work the most
important homeopathic remedies that have proved
particularly useful for these problems in his practice. He
highlights especially the less well-known and often
forgotten remedies. He presents impressive cases of
Ipecacuanha, Senega officinalis, and Magnetis polus
australis, differentiating these in detail from other
remedies such as Ferrum magneticum, Antimonium
tartaricum, Chelidonium, Ignatia, the Bromine, and
Chlorine salts, Paris quadrifolia, Chamomilla,
Staphisagria as well as the Scrophulariaceae and

தண்ணீரில் கண்டம் Ravichandaran

Fri, 7 Aug 2015, 12:14 PM - Ravichandaran: தண்ணீரில் கண்டமிருப்பதாக நம்புவது ஒரு பொதுவான தொன்மம், எல்லா மக்கள் குழுக்களிலும் இத்தொன்மம்  தேச வித்தியாசமின்றி காணக் கிடைக்கிறது.
தமிழில் அசோகமித்திரன் ஒரு சிறுகதையையும்  பெருமாள் முருகன் ஒருகதையையு ம் இப்பிறழ் நம்பிக்கையை வைத்து எழுதியுள்ளனர்.ணான்சி ஹெர்ரிக் ஓனாய்ப் பால் மெய்ப்பித்தலின்போது , தண்ணீரில் கண்டம் எனும் கருவை உருவாக்கியுள்ளார். இரு கனவுகளை ரத்தின சுருக்கமாகக் குறிப்பிடுவார்

ஸிறுகதைகள் சொல்லித்தரும் இக்கரு, குறிமொழியாய் ஓநாய்ப்பால் மெய்ப்பித்தலில் கிடைப்பது வியக்க வைக்கிறது.

Fri, 7 Aug 2015, 1:16 PM - Murali Castro: அசோக மித்திரனின் கிணறு மற்றும்
பெருமாள் முருகனின் நீர்
விளையாட்டும்- ஓ நாய்ப்பாலின்
மெய்ப்பிக்கப்பட்ட குறியும்

ஒநாய்ப்பால் , ஹோமியோபதியில்
மருந்தாக நிரூபிக்கப்பட்டிருக்கிறது.
மெய்ப்பித்தலின் போது தோன்றிய
குறிகளைத் தொகுத்து
அவற்றிலிருந்து தீம்களை
உருவாக்கினார் நான்சி ஹெர்ரிக்-
அமெரிக்க மன நல மருத்துவர்
ஹோமியோ மருத்துவராக
தோன்றிய பல தீம்களில் குறிப்பிட்டுச்
சொல்லுமளவுக்கு முக்கியமான ஒன்று
“ தண்ணீரில் கண்டம்-ஆபத்து- நீரில் அகால
மரணம் நேரும் என எண்ணுவது,
நம்புவது. ஒரு பிறழ் நம்பிக்கை எனவும்
தமிழ்ச் சிறு கதைகளில் உடனே என்
நினைவுக்கு வருவது
அசோகமித்திரனின் ’கிணறு’ மற்றும்
பெருமாள் முருகனின்’ நீர்
விளையாட்டு. ’
இரண்டிலும் கிணறு முக்கிய பங்கு
வகிக்கிறது .
ராஜஸ்தான் கோட்டை போன்ற
வழிபுரியா சந்துகள் நிறைந்த ஒரு
மாளிகையில் தங்கி இருப்பவனின்
உணர்வு அவனுக்கு நீரில் தான் கண்டம்
என்பது. அச் சிறு கதையின் முடிவில் ,
அவன் அறைக்குக் கீழே இருந்த புராதன ,மர்மம் சூழ்ந்த கிணற்றில் வீழ்ந்து

பெருமாள் முருகனின் நீர்
விளையாட்டிலும் விருந்தாளியாக
ஊருக்கு வந்த ஒருவன் உறவுக்கார
சிறுவர்களோடு ஒரு பெரும் கிணற்றில்
இறங்கிக் குளிக்கிறான். போதும்
கரையேறலாம் என்று
எண்ணும்போதுதான் வருகிறது
விணை. அவனை விடுவதாயில்லை அச்
சிறுவர்கள். கரையேறும் அவனைக்
காலைப் பிடித்திழுத்து நீரில்
தள்ளுகிறார்கள் மேலும் தங்களோடு
நீச்சல் விளையாட. இறுதியில் கிணறும்
, நீரும் அவனைப் பலிகொள்கின்றன. நீரில்
தன் மரணம் எனும் உணரும் தருணம்
முக்கியமான ஒன்று. எழுத்தின்
செறிவு காட்சிப் புலனுக்கு வண்ணம்
தீட்டி படைப்பை மிளிரச் செய்கிறது.

ஓநாய்ப்பாலின் முக்கிய குறியான
நீரில் கண்டம் எனும் தொன்மத்தோடு
இவ்விரண்டு சிறு கதைகளும்
விஞ்ஞானிகள், நிலத்தில் வாழ்ந்த ஓநாய்க்
கூட்டங்கள், தங்கள் பரிணாம வளர்ச்சியின்
ஒரு கட்டத்தில், கடலை நோக்கிச்
சென்றதாக நம்புகிறார்கள்.
அதிலிருந்துதான், கடல் ஒநாய்களும்,
இன்றைய டால்ஃபின்களும்
தோன்றியாதாகவும் தோராயமான
கருத்தினைக் கொண்டிருக்கிறார்கள்..
ஓநாய்ப்பாலில் தோன்றும் ஒரு குறி ,
மனித வாழ்வின் இறண்டரறக் கலந்துள்ள
ஒரு தொன்மத்தோடு இணைவதும்,
சிறுகதையில் வெளிப்படுவதும்
விந்தை தான்.

Renal Calculi CASE prasad rasal


Actually, this patient came to me for Left Renal Calculi
& cured with Bebr Vulgaris 30 Single Dose. Along with
she was suffering from Pain above Left Knee. I have
tried number of medicines for the same on the basis of
different modalities as well as her constitution without
any result.
I have tried following rubrics considering the particulars
without any result.
Complete Repertory:
• EXTREMITIES: PAIN, Lower limbs, Knee, Left
Androc, Apis, Arge, Asc-t, Aster, Ba-tn, Bac, Bamb-a,
Bapt, Benz-ac, Brom, Calc-ph, Carb-ac, Caul, Chel,
Chin, Dios, Eup-per, Kalm, Lith-c, Lycps, Ozone, Pall,
• EXTREMITIES: PAIN, Lower limbs, Knee,… & all sub-
One day, the same patient came early in the morning &
Patient: Sir, I want to tell you something… but… I will
tell you later.
Rubric: Hide, desire to
Patient: Sir, since 2-3 days I just want to remain in
bed. Because of the duty, I have to wake up.
Rubric: Bed, desires to remain in
Patient asked casually: Sir, What may be the cause
behind this?
Rubric: Light, desire for
This version was repertorised with Complete Repertory
according to RoH method.
Result of Repertorisation:
Chocolate: 3/3
Belladonna: 6/2
Stramonium: 5/2
Aconite: 3/2
I was astonished to see the Chocolate is the only
remedy which was covering all three rubrics.
• Treatment: Chocolate 30, Single Dose
• Same day, patient turned back & told that since noon
pain in the knee is stopped & till today it never pained
Prasad rasal

ஆர்கனான் மணிமொழி-16

தினம் ஒரு மணிமொழி-16

             § 16
Our vital force, as a spirit-like dynamis, cannot be
attacked and affected by injurious influences on the
healthy organism caused by the external inimical forces
that disturb the harmonious play of life, otherwise than
in a spirit-like (dynamic) way, and in like manner, all
such morbid derangements (diseases) cannot be
removed from it by the physician in any other way than
by the spirit-like (dynamic1 , virtual) alterative powers of
the serviceable medicines acting upon our spirit-like
vital force, which perceives them through the medium of
the sentient faculty of the nerves everywhere present in
the organism, so that it is only by their dynamic action
on the vital force that remedies are able to re-establish
and do actually re-establish health and vital harmony,
after the changes in the health of the patient cognizable
by our senses (the totality of the symptoms) have
revealed the disease to the carefully observing and
investigating physician as fully as was requisite in order
to enable him to cure it.

Foot Note-1 : Most severe disease may be produced by
sufficient disturbance of the vital force through the
imagination and also cured by the same means.

நமது உயிர்ப்புச்சக்தி ஆவிவடிவிலான
இயக்கநிலை கொண்டது, ஆதலால்
உயிருக்கு தீங்கிழைக்கும் வெளிப்புற
எதிரியான நோய்ப்பொருள்கள்
ஆவிவடிவிலான வழியில் தான் அதை
தாக்கவோ, பாதிப்பை ஏற்படுத்தவோ
முடியும். இதைப் போலவே நோய்க்கு
ஏற்றதான மருந்துகளிலுள்ள ஆவிவடிவ
சக்தியினால் (மெய்ம்மையான இயக்க
ஆற்றல் ) தான் ஒரு மருத்துவரால் அந்த
நோயாற்றலை நீக்க முடியுமோ அன்றி
வேறு எந்த வழியிலும் அதை நீக்க
முடியாது. அத்தகைய மருந்துப்
பொருளையே நமது உடல் , அதன் எல்லா
இடங்களிலும் உள்ள நரம்புகளின்
உணர்ச்சித் தன்மையால் அறிகிறது.
அவ்வாறு உயிராற்றலின் மீது மருந்துப்
பொருள் மூலம் செலுத்தப்பட்ட சக்தியே
தான் உயிரின் ஒத்திசைவையும்
ஆரோக்கிய நிலைமையையும் மீட்கக்
கூடியதாகவும் - உள்ளபடியே மீட்டுத்
தருபவையாகவும் இருக்கின்றன.
புலன்களால் அறியதக்கவாறு உடல்
நலத்தில் ஏற்பட்ட மாறுதல்களே
(ஒட்டுமொத்தக்குறிகளே), கவனமாக
ஆராய்ந்து விசாரணை செய்யும்
மருத்துவருக்கு நோயை முழுமையாக
உணர்த்தி அவர் அந்த நோயை
குணப்படுத்துவதற்கு இயலுமாறு

அடிக்குறிப்பு-1: கற்பனையான
எண்ணங்களின் மூலம் உயிராற்றலில்
போதுமான அளவு இடையூறு
ஏற்படுத்தி அதனால் மிகக் கடுமையான
நோய்களை உருவாக்க முடியும். அதே
முறையில் அவற்றை நலப்படுத்தவும்
Fri, 7 Aug 2015

தீதியர் கிராண்ட் ஜார்ஜின் - துயரர் சரிதை

தீதியர் கிராண்ட் ஜார்ஜின் - துயரர்
பத்து வயது சிறுவன் . ஆளுமைக்
கோளாறு காரணமாக பள்ளியிலும் ,
வீட்டிலும் ஒரே பிரச்சினை..
எல்லோருக்கும் அவனைக் கையாள்வது
மிகவும் கடினம். கடும் பொறாமை .
எல்லாரோடும் வம்பு, சண்டை. தாய்
தந்தையரைக் காட்டு மிராண்டிகள் எனத்
முதலில் பல மருந்துகள் மாற்றி மாற்றிக்
கொடுத்தும் பலனில்லை.
அவனுக்கு சொத்தைப்பல் இருந்தது.
அதை வைத்து கிரியோசோட்டம் 15 சி
அதற்குப் பின் தன் தாயும், தந்தையும்
கலவியில்  இருப்பதாய்க் கனவுகள்
அடிக்கடி வருவதாகவும் தான்
குழ்ந்தையாய் படுக்கைக்கு மேல்
கிடப்பதாகவும், பிறக்கவே
விரும்பவில்லை என்றும்  சொன்னான்.
அவனுடைய தாயை விசாரித்தேன்
அவனுக்கு 5 வயது நடக்கும் போது
ஒருமுறை அவர்களின் படுக்கை
அறைக் குள் வந்துவிட்டதாகவும்,
அப்போது அவர்கள் கலவியில்
இருந்ததாகவும் கூறினார்கள்.
 அதிலிருந்தே அவனது கடும் சினமும்
வம்பு தும்புகளும் அதிகரித்தன
பிறப்பதா வேண்டாமா எனும்
இருமன நிலைக்கு அனகார்டியம்  15 சி
கொடுத்தேன் ; ஒரு பயனும் இல்லை
தோல்வி தான்.
கடைசியில், ஒரு நீண்ட
யோசனைக்குப்பின்,    சென்ச்ரிக்ஸ்
கண்டார்ற்றிக்ஸ் 15 சி கொடுத்தபின்
தான் அவனுடைய ஆளுமைக்
கோளாறுகள் படிப் படியாய்க்
குறைந்தன .
சென்ச்ரிக்சில் ஒரு கற்பழிப்பைக்
காண்பதாய்க் கனவுகள் வரும். அதன்
அடிப்படையில் இம்மருந்தைத் தெரிவு
செய்ய முடிந்தது.  அந்த சிறுவனின்
ஓடிபஸ் சிக்கலே அவனது
கோளாறுகளுக்குக் காரணம்.

methods about dinesh chauhan and homoeopaths views

The missing link connecting traditional and contemporary schools of Homoeopathy

(Dr. Dinesh Chauhan explains that the
major schools of thought in homeopathy all seek the same goal.)

Homoeopathy, being based on
individualization seems to be a very diverse science. Homoeopaths all over the globe practise homoeopathy on the basis of their own individuality, as a result of which many branches (schools) of thought
exist in homoeopathy. This diversity in
homoeopathy raised many questions in
me as a beginner….
Am I a homoeopath or do I belong to a certain school of thought existing inhomoeopathy? Am I a homoeopath or
a Vithoulkas school / Jeremy school /
Massimo school / Scholten School /
Shegal school / Predictive school /
Sensation school /
ICR school / etc.,
Do two homoeopaths belonging to
different schools of homoeopathy ever
come to the same understanding of the
individuality of a patient?
If we believe in science then why is
our method of reaching the patient’s
core (case taking), searching “the”
simillimum and understanding of the
core of Materia Medica/ Repertory and Proving not reproducible every time and by every one?
Is there any connection between the
traditional classical homoeopathy and
the contemporary classical homoeopathy?
Why does the language of contemporary classical homoeopathy
sound so unfamiliar from Dr.Hahnemann’s language?
For a long time I kept ruminating over these questions. I read somewhere, The new never replaces the old; instead, it includes the old. The new (contemporary) is the further extension of the traditional old view.
Somewhere I knew that there is a deep connection between what the erstwhile
masters of homoeopathy have said and what
the modern stalwarts of homoeopathy are
stating …however I yearned to derive the
missing link connecting the traditional
and contemporary schools of thought
scientifically, and systematically; where
all the diverse schools of homoeopathy get
unified. This is when I went to the very
basics of the homoeopathic science, and also to nature and laws of nature.
The very basic foundation of
homoeopathy is based on the three
pillars, the trinity of homoeopathy –
Individualization (understanding the
individuality of the patient),
Holism (treating the patient as a whole
being and not just treating his
diseased parts)
Law of Similars (matching the
individuality of the patient with a
similar and stronger dynamic
affection that is the potentised
simillimum of that patient).
A homoeopath belonging to any classical
homoeopathy school practises on the
basis of individualization, holism and
finally the law of Similars. The first and
most primitive step for the homoeopath is
to understand the individualistic PQRS
expressions of the patient. The PQRS
symptoms are expressed either at the
physical particular plane or the physical
general plane or the mental general
plane. A totality of all the PQRS symptoms
acquired by case taking are matched with
the totality of the PQRS symptoms of a
proven homoeopathic remedy which is
the simillimum for the patient.
One law that deeply connects each and
every thing in nature is the holographic
theory –
It states,
“ That which is true for one part of the
system is true for the whole system”
Applying the holographic theory to
If individualization is true for one part of
the individual
It is true for the whole individual…
When a human being is understood
homoeopathically, we obtain
individualistic expressions at the physical
level and at the mental level. But the
mind and body do not exist as separate
entities. At the holistic level, both speak
one language. The peculiarities at the
holistic level represent the core of an
individual. A totality is formed by
considering the entire core and all the
mental symptoms, physical generals, and
physical particulars which constitute the
periphery. It is of utmost importance to
actually obtain the individualistic
expressions at the holistic level…
Individualistic expressions at the holistic
level indeed decide The most accurate
simillimum for the patient.
In “Individualistic expressions at the holistic
level” we can actually witness the unification
of everything, i.e., individuality, holism, and
the law of Similars.
Connecting the traditional and contemporary
schools of homoeopathy:
Let us now see how all the schools also
say the same thing.
Starting from Dr. Hahnemann, he
proposed the use of PQRS—the
individualistic characteristic symptoms at
the physical and mental plane—as the
basis of the search for the simillimum.
As time passed Dr. Kent said that the
individualistic state expressed at the level
of mental generals, physical generals, and
physical particulars was vital to reach the
As per the KENTIAN school, totality
Physical Particular: (Location/Sensation/
Physical Generals: (Craving/Aversion/
Thermal/Sleep etc)
Mental Generals: (Emotion, intellect, sub
He gave most importance to symptoms
that were common in the physical
particular, physical general and the
mental general plane.
Furthermore, Dr. Vithoulkas perceived
individualistic expressions at the mind,
body and spiritual plane. The theme
running through the spiritual plane
(where mind and body are connected) is
denoted as “essence ” of an individual.
As per VITHOULKAS school:
Mind: Common and qualified mental
Body: Physical particulars (Location/
Physical generals (Craving/Aversion/
Thermal/Sleep etc)
Spiritual: Essence
He considered the “essence” to be of
prime importance in unveiling the
Then Dr. R. Sankaran, introduced the
new concept of seven levels of experience
to homoeopathy and explained that the
higher the level of experience, the closer
one was to his individuality.
As per Sankaran school:
Human Core = (Seven levels of experience)
Utmost importance is given to the
sensation and the energy pattern of the
As per Vijayakar school:
Mind: mental generals at psoric, sycotic
and syphilitic plane
Body: physical particulars and physical
generals at psoric, sycotic and
syphilitic plane
Genetic Expressions: expressions
common at mind and body plane
Let me share a story at this juncture!
Four men – a Persian, a Turk, an Arab,
and a Greek – were standing in a village
street. They were travelling companions,
heading for some distant place; but at this
moment they were arguing over the
spending of a single piece of money
which was all that they had among them.
“I want to buy an angur,” said the
Persian. “I want uzum,” said the Turk. “I
want inab,” said the Arab. “No!” said the
Greek, “we should buy stafil.”
Another traveller, a linguist, passed by
and said, “Give the coin to me. I promise
to satisfy the desire of all of you.” At first
they would not trust him. Ultimately they
let him have the coin. He went to the shop
of a fruit seller and bought four small
bunches of grapes.
“This is my angur,” said the Persian. “But
this is what I call uzum,” said the Turk.
“You have brought me inab ,” said the
Arab. “No!” said the Greek, “this is my
stafil .” The grapes were shared among
them, and each realised that the
disharmony occurred because of different
languages used by each of them and
faulty understanding of the language of
the others.
The observation of individualistic
expressions at the holistic level is the long
sought missing link between classical
Hahnemannian homoeopathy and the
contemporary classical homoeopathy. In my
view, this bridges the gap and integrates
all classical homoeopaths, thereby
clearing up all ambiguity. It is this
“individualistic expression at the holistic
level” that has been given different
names like “essence” by Dr. Vithoulkas,
“the central state” by Dr M. L. Dhawale,
“the genetic constitution” by Dr. Vijaykar,
and “the vital sensation” by Dr.
Everyone uses a different word,
Yet each one shares the same quest;
Namely, to distinguish the most
characteristic symptoms…
That individualise a person at the holistic
Application of missing link to every aspect of
The missing connection integrates all the
diverse schools of homoeopathy. If
individualisation at the holistic level is
true for one aspect of homoeopathy, it has
to be true for each and every aspect of
the homoeopathic science. The
application of individualisation at the
holistic level is effective while:
Constructing the core of human being
The construction of the human core is
complete when individualistic
expressions at the physical plane, mental
plane and above all at the holistic plane
are considered.
Witnessing and receiving the case of a
patient, that is during case taking
The whole process of receiving the case is
complete when it brings out the
individualistic expressions of the patient
at the physical level, mental level and the
level where both the mind and body
speak one language that is the holistic
Searching the remedy
Once the entire core of the patient is
received, it is required to search the
remedy which matches with the physical,
mental and holistic core of the patient.
Studying the core of the Materia Medica /
Repertory / Proving
While studying the Materia Medica,
Repertory and Proving, the homoeopath
should focus upon the holistic core of the
remedy, the central theme of the remedy
which runs along the physical plane,
mental plane and indeed the holistic
plane of the remedy.
Assessing the follow ups of the patient
The whole process of cure begins from the
centre and goes towards the periphery.
Hence, the criteria while assessing the
follow up of the patient are made by
taking into account the physical
symptoms, mental symptoms and in
particular the whole state of the patient
where both the physical and mental
symptoms are connected.

“How often have I wished for…
The concurrence of some physician of
eminence on these points!
I always hoped to obtain in believing that
Observation conducted by really practical
minds must eventually unite in truth,
As the radii of a circle though even so far
asunder at the circumference,
All converge in a common center.”
(From ‘The lesser writing’ by Samuel
{This article is taken from Dr. Dinesh
Chauhan’s book The Scientifically
Intuitive Case Witnessing Process: The
Journey of Three Steps}

Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:28 PM - Prema Dgl Dr: Wise words by Dr. Dinesh Chauhan. 👍👍
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:29 PM - GOVINDRAJ Dr: 🙏 thank Dr ravichandiran and murali
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:35 PM - Charu Dr: Simple and clear open minded view.
Unprejudiced observer's view
Thank you for sharing the teaching of Dr Dinesh Chauhan.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:46 PM - Balasubramanian: 👏👏nice dr

Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:50 PM - Prema Dgl Dr: And it is possible for any homeopath had he/she has a ground knowledge of organon and  principles on their own.

Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:52 PM - Semparuthi dr. : Good Sharing....

I must point out few points Predictive Homoeopathy is not about arriving at similimum....But the follow up ....which is given the greatest importance according to embryology... That is reversal of process in disease ...according to miasm...according to Herings law of cure...and strictly Hahnemanian...which no other school of Homoeopathy teaches ...
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:53 PM - Prema  Dr: Has Hahnemann taught sir? 😄😄
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:53 PM - Prema  Dr: With all high respect to you...
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:56 PM - Semparuthi dr. : Yes it's all there in organon...
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:57 PM - Charu Dr: Sir, so that means what I understood is simillimum can be arrived by any art but follow up should have the predictive points?
Am I right sir?
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:58 PM - Prema  Dr: 👍👍 sir.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:00 PM - Charu Dr: I.e layer shifting must be proper?

Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:01 PM - Semparuthi dr. : No in that also its according Organon....Only difference in what kind of pathology what level of miasm is to be considered... Also in in Genetic cases...which where not understood or not prevailed during Hahnemann's time Dr. Vijayakar gives a method of taking symptoms also if you want to regenerate a tissue...with modern understanding of Genetics...etc...

Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:03 PM - Prema  Dr: Following 6th edition of organon which Hahnemann himself said as his best and completed work in homeopathy has always been overseen. Had not  there would have arrived no such necessity for any such schools . My humble opinion.

Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:04 PM - Semparuthi dr. : Reversal of of cute has to follow Herings law...according to embryology described by Dr. Vijayakar...

Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:04 PM - Prema  Dr: Have heard of genetic problems success by Dr. Vijayakar. 👍👍
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:05 PM - Semparuthi dr. :
No where Dr. Vijayakar deviated from teachings of Organon...
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:10 PM - Semparuthi dr. : <Media omitted>
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:10 PM - Semparuthi dr. : <Media omitted>
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:11 PM - Semparuthi dr. : This case came to me...can we do something and what approach...please suggest in other schools of Homoeopathy...

Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:36 PM - Charu Dr: Sir, One school of thought might fit to one case or may not.
In my opinion fitting all cases in to one school protocol is not possible.
Every school of thought has its own success and failures, limitations.
Our aim must be to learn all possible techniques.
I would like you teach us the case with predictive so we may learn predictive aproch in such cases
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:36 PM - Charu Dr: Please teach us 👍
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:38 PM - Semparuthi dr. : Predictive Homoeopathy has no limitation I m just interested is any other school teaches method for such cases....
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:41 PM - Charu Dr: Sir no limitations in sense 100% cure?
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:42 PM - Charu Dr: In all cases 100%success sir?
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:43 PM - Charu Dr: Or no limitations in pathology sir
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:44 PM - Semparuthi dr. : It's limitation of Homeopath himself including me...
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:44 PM - Semparuthi dr. : We don't know how to go about in many situations...
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:44 PM - Charu Dr: 😉😉
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:46 PM - Charu Dr: Sir all methods has the same problem not only with predictive. Ie limitations of the homoeopath following the method, even in following organon.
I think prema will fight with me now 😜😜😜
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:52 PM - Semparuthi dr. : It's not the problem with  Predictive Homoeopathy its problem in case taking flaws in my side... Dr. Vijayakar has given methodology for all diseases..
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:19 PM - Prema  Dr: Charu.. Nothing to fight. Like sir says
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:23 PM - Charu Dr: Sir, case analysis sollunga sir
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:24 PM - Prema  Dr: .it is the inefficiency on the part of doctors' skill that following organom alone SEEMS not enough. And that is why this constant search and findings of different school of thoughts. Remember homeopathy is an art and science. And there is no art with definite rules. When definition comes in the   art dies there. That is why the skill of every homeopath not or cant being the same the success varies.

Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:32 PM - Prema  Dr: Hahnemann wrote in germna. Dudgeon translated in English two centuries back. Now the language English us more simplified. And so many of us find it difficult to follow the old English. Came wenda o reily. His translation for some who initially felt dudgeon s translation so difficult to follow. See.. language is an art. The same organon has three forms now. So it is quite understandable that  different sect of doctors find themselves in different level of understanding of organon. Hence different schools. Any school which does not deviate from the there cardinal principles are one and the same
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:34 PM - Prema  Dr: Hope i have not spoken disrespectful of any.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:35 PM - Prema  Dr: There is a sidha friend of mine who gives single medicine choosing it from symptom matching with that of patient. Only thin
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:35 PM - Prema  Dr: Thing is crude and large dose.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:37 PM - Prema  Dr: Also ayurvedha principles. We should talk with people from there. We will be amazed that they speak similar principles too. Why? How? Because these systems follow natural laws. Simple.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:40 PM - Prema  Dr: Talking to a naturopath once she was telling our law..similia similibus curenter. U asked how did you know.. It is one if the four natural laws. So we have a basic introduction to all in our syllabus itself.

Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 9:48 PM - Sivakumuran Dr:

Yaeka kaalam

Yaeka bojanam.

Yaeka kaalam

Yaeka ousatham.

Ayurvedic basic principle.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 9:52 PM - Sivakumuran Dr: Meaning

One single type of food at a time

Single medicine at a time..


As like homeopathy

Some medicine manufactures  polluted Ayurveda also by combinations and mixtures... (So called patent drugs)
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 9:55 PM - Murali Castro: உஷ்னம் உஷ்னேன சீதளம் -ஆயுர்வேதம்
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 9:55 PM - Sivakumuran Dr: 👍👌

Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 10:14 PM - Ravichandaran: Erasustratus, the disciple of Hippocrates was a strong advocate of prescribing single me dicine at a time. The socalled Methiridine, named aftrr the king , a combination of morethan 70 remedies was so popular once
 I think Etasistratus was the first who advocated only one remedy st a te and resisted poly pharmacy

A Interesting Case Prasadrasal.

 A Interesting Case

This is a very interesting case in my practice which
shows the in depth action of our dynamic Homoeopathic
Remedies changing the complete Personality & Attitude
of a Diseased Human Being. It looks very close to a
story of Ramayana, the fellow who was like a Walya
became a completely different person like Walmiki after
the touch of Dynamic Homoeopathic Medicine.

Mr. U.B.D. 36Yrs old male, a diagnosed case of Anxiety
Neurosis with Cardio-phobia, came to me on 21st Feb
2003 with the following complaints:
Since 1 yrs.,
Chest pain: Left side extending to groin
Stitching type
Associated with
- Oppression in Chest when reclining
- Pressing Headache in sides of occiput while sitting
- Sudden Weakness in evening
- Short lasting Absentmindedness
ODP: He told that it starts as soon as lot of thoughts
crowds in his mind and whenever he suffers from
Constipation it gets aggravated.
• H/O Malaria in 1997
• Paralysis: PGM & PGF
• Hypertension: Father
• Craving: Spicy+++,Tobacco+++, Stimulants+++ such as
Tea,Coffee,Thumps up
• Sleep:Disturbed due to dreams
• Dreams:Death of a Friend+++
Death of Relatives+++
• Thermal: Ambi-thermal
Patient was born in poor socio-economic family. His
father was a peon in Municipal Corporation. His
childhood was average including studies and not
achieved anything till 10th std.
When he was in 10th std., he developed very high sex
drive. Actually since that time, he developed a real
problem. He used to stand on the streets & ogles at
women. There were continuous thoughts of sex since
that time & persists even today also. He is not able to
come out of these sexual fancies. Since then he is
having excessive sexual desire at night with continuous
excessive violent erections before & during sleep. He has
multiple extramarital relations before & after marriage.
He completed 12th & joined service in Municipal
Corporation & worked in different departments of it. But
he is not able to concentrate in work due to sexual
He got married in 1991. His wife is a Primary Teacher.
He has a Elder Daughter & a Son. His wife developed a
Vitiligo 4 years after the marriage. This incidence
created a state of indifference in him towards her as
well as family members. But he used to talk very
pleasantly and politely to others. He started avoiding
household responsibilities thereafter.
Since 1 year he developed the present complaint along
with tremendous phobia. He consumed multiple
allopathic treatments for all these troubles but instead
of getting cured, it aggravated. He has taken Psychiatric
Treatment also.
• Wt: 66 Kg
• Pulse: 80/min
• B.P.: 122/80 mm of Hg
• Male Pattern Baldness
• Tongue: Fissured in all directions with a ulcer at the
• Looks: Lustful
• Anxiety Neurosis with Cardio-Phobia
This case I have solved at first with our regular method
of Repertorisation with evaluated totality.
1. Mind: Indifference, apathy; loved once, to strangers,
but animate to
2. Mind: Aversion, Family members, to: Talks pleasantly
to others
3. Mind: Absentmindedness: Periodical attacks of, short
4. Mind: Lascivious, lustfulness: Ogling, women on the
5. Mind: Thoughts: Intrude & crowd around each other
6. Mind: Libertinism
7. Chest: Pain: Stitching sides: Left: Extending to
Inguinal Region
8. Chest: Oppression: Bending: Agg.: Backward
9. Head Pain: Pressing: Occiput, Sitting while: Agg
10. Generalities; Constipation: Agg
11. Generalities; Weakness, …: Sudden: Evening
12. Male Genitalia: Sexual Desire: Increased: Night:
Erections with: Violent
13. Male Genitalia: Erections, troublesome: Continued,
Priapism: Night
14. Mind: Dreams: Death, of: Friend, death of a
15. Mind: Dreams: Death, of: Relatives
16. Generalities: Food & Drinks: Spices, …: Desires
17. Generalities: Food & Drinks: Refreshing things:
18. Mouth: Cracked, fissured: Tongue: Directions, in all
19. Extremities: Varices: Leg: Left
1. Acid fluor 27/19
2. Phos 9/5
3. China 8/5
4. Caust 6/4
5. Phos Ac 6/4
6. Nat Mur 4/4
7. Sulph 6/3
So, Acid Fluor covers each & every aspect of the case &
comes strikingly after regular Repertorisation.
i.e. taking in to consideration Present, Predominating &
Persistent Mental State of the patient which is as
1. Mind: Indifference, apathy; loved once, to strangers,
but animate to
2. Mind: Aversion, Family members, to: Talks pleasantly
to others
3. Mind: Absentmindedness: Periodical attacks of, short
4. Mind: Lascivious, lustfulness: Ogling, women on the
5. Mind: Thoughts: Intrude & crowd around each other
1. Acid Fluor 7/5
2. Cann ind 2/1
3. Merc sol 2/1
4. Nux Mos 2/1
5. Sulph 2/1
With this method also the same remedy comes out i.e.
Acid Fluor.
Jan Sholten studied the elements as well as minerals in
detail and explained characteristics of individual
elements, ions, halogens thro’ concepts & then again he
combines them to explain the Group Analysis. So that
the understanding of the remedy becomes more clear.
The Group Analysis of Acid Group & Fluor Group is as
• Demanding total glamour
• Naive Psychopath
• Desire for total sexual experience
• Exhausted thro’ sex
• A real narcissist
• Totally superficial
• Totally ruthless
…which again totally covered by our case.
So whichever approach you may use, your answer
should be the same if you thoroughly study them. But I
always consider that the basic foundation of our
Organon, Materia-Medica & Repertory should be the firm
so that we get a perfect solution for the given case.
21 Feb 2003
• Avoid Tobacco
• Meditation
• Acid Fluor 1m 1 Dose
• Placebo tds… 10 Days
4 Mar 2003
• As soon as he enters in the room, the first sentence
was: “Saheb,You have done miracle.”
• Chest Pain much reduced; twice suffered from the
similar attacks of less severity in last 10 days due to
some mental stress.
• Feeling much energetic
• Much Happy in his behavior
• Sexual thoughts much reduced
Homoeopathic Management
• Meditation continued
• Placebo bid… 1 mth
8 Apr 2003
• Very Happy looking
• Chest Pain very much reduced;
• Once suffered from the similar attacks of less severity
in last 1 month
• Feeling much energetic
• Much confident in his behavior
• Sexual thoughts much controlled
• He said that he is able to concentrate in his work now
a days which he could not
Homoeopathic Management
• Meditation continued
• Placebo od… 2 mth
10 Oct 2003
• Had brought his wife for the treatment of her Vitiligo;
• Never returned before for follow-up in between;
• When enquired, as he was not having any trouble
there-after, he discontinued the treatment;
• Feeling much energetic
• Confident in his behavior
• No more Amorous Thoughts
• He said that he is able to concentrate in his work now
a days which he could not
• Now a days he is working as a PA for one of the
Politician since last month
• Has shown me some literature written by him useful
for the society
Homoeopathic Management
• Meditation continued
• No Medicine

தலை வழுக்கை Ravichandaran

ஜேன் சிக்கெட்டியின் ஒரு நலமாக்கல் .

லிண்டா 46 வயது உளவியல்
நிபுணர் .ஹோமியோ சிகிச்சைக்காக
வந்தார் . தலை முழுக்க சொட்டையாய்
இருந்தது. இரண்டு வருடங்களுக்கும்
மேல் அவர் இந் நோயால் கஷ்டப்
படுகிறார் . பாதி தலை வழுக்கை .
முடியே இல்லை.     ஸ்டீராய்ட்ஸ்
சிகிச்சை எடுத்துக்கொண்டும்
முன்னேற்றம் இல்லை. இரண்டு
வருடங்களுக்கு முன் தம்பி இறந்து
போனான் அப்போது ஆரம்பித்த
தொல்லை. அவர் சொல்கிறார் .
""என் குடும்பத்தில் எட்டு குழந்தைகள்.
நான் பார்க்க அழகாக இருப்பேன் .
எப்போதும் நன்றாக வேலை
செய்வேன் .யாருக்கும் சுமையாய்
இருந்து எனக்குப் பழக்கம் இல்லை.
அம்மாவை அவ்வளவாக நான்
உணரவில்லை. எங்களுக்குள்
இடைவெளி எப்போதும் அதிகம் உண்டு.
சிறுமியாக இருந்த போது ஒரு தகாப்
புணர்ச்சிக்கு உட்படுத்தப் பட்டேன் .
அது  அறியாத வயதில் நடந்தது
என்றாலும் குற்ற உணர்வு என்னை
அரித்துத் தின்கிறது, எப்போதும்
மனத்தில் ஒரு குழப்பம். எனக்கென்று
உறவுகள் இல்லை. வீடென்றும்
ஒன்றுமில்லை. வேலைப் பளு
கூடினால் இக்குழப்பமும்
மற்றவர்களிடமிருந்து  தனித்தே
இருக்கிறேன். யாருடனும் சேர
முடியவில்லை. எப்போதும் வேளையில்
மும்முரமாய் இருக்கிறேன். என்னைக்
குறித்த எனது புரிதல் இதுதான்.
குற்ற உணர்வு
அடையாளச் சிக்கல்
அலுமினா சீ எம் 1 டோஸ்
2 மாதத்திற்குப்பின்
அவரது தலையில் கேசம் வளர
சொட்டைகள் மறைந்தன.
வழுக்கைத் தலை என்று யாரும் சொல்ல
இனி முடியாது.
ஒரு வருட இடைவெளிக்குப்பின்
மீண்டும் வந்தார். குழப்பம் எதுவும்
இல்லை. நல்ல தன்னம்பிக்கை.
மீண்டும் கிளினிக்கை ஆரம்பித்து
உளவியல் சிகிச்சை தருகிறார்.
தனக்கு நேர்ந்தது ஈகோ -ஸெல்ப் அச்சில்
இணைவுக் கோளாறு என அவரால்
நன்கு விளக்க முடிந்தது.

குட்டி ரேவதி செதுக்கும் ப்ளாட்டினா சிற்பம்

கவிதாயினி குட்டி ரேவதி செதுக்கும்
ப்ளாட்டினா சிற்பம்

ஹோமியோ மருந்துகள் மனித உயிரியில்
மெய்ப்பிக்கப்பட்டவை. எனவே ரத்தமும் சதையுமாக
மனித ஆளுமைகளின் மாதிரிகளை அவற்றில் காண
ப்ளாட்டினா, பல்சட்டிலா, ஸெபியா,
இக்னேஷியா,லில்லியம் டைக்ரினம், என பல
நோக்கு நிவாரணிகள் சிலவற்றை உதாரணமாகச்
சொல்லலாம். பெண்ணிய சிந்தனைகள் வழிவழியாய்
தலைமுறைகளில் செயல்படும்போது, உருவாகும்
ஆளுமை மாதிரிகள் கவிதைகளில்
ப்ளாட்டினா ஆளுமை, தனது பெருமைக்கும்,
செருக்குக்கும், தனிமைக்கும், உயர்குடி
மேட்டிமைக்கும், பாலியல் உந்தங்கள் ஆன்மீக
செயல்பாடுகளாய் மருவித் தோன்றுதற்கும்,
சாமான்யர்களின் வெளியை அலட்சியத்தோடு
நோக்கும் போக்கிற்கும், உருவத்திலும், உயரத்திலும்
பிறரை சிறியோராய் காண்பதற்கும், ஓரினச் சேர்க்கை
விழைவுக்கும், தான் ஒடுக்கப்பட்டிருக்கிறோம்,--
தனது வெளி மறுக்கப்பட்டு,
அவமதிக்கப்பட்டிருக்கிறோம்-- எனும்
உள்ளுணர்வுக்கும், அதன் எதிர்வினையாய் தன்னை
அமானுஷ்ய சக்தி கொண்டவராய்க் கருதும்
நிலைபாட்டிற்கும் பெயர் போனது.

Rubrical reference EGOTISM
Delusion , humility and lowness of others while she is
 Delusion that she is Noble.
Platina feels that she is disgraced ; that is why the
personality compensates ,being egotistic,through her
rare performances. She wants to carry herself as if she
is elevated and treats others contemptuously. She
always feels or having a delusion that she is a queen,
endowed with regal perceptions, with higher libidinal
drives and sexuality. Rooted in a male dominated
society, the Platina needs to uproot all taboos, and
therefore engages a language that liberates feminine
sexuality masquerading religiosity.

“ அந்தச் சிட்டுக்குருவி செம்மாந்து திரிகிறது
நிறைய வானங்களை அது நீந்திவிட்டதாம்!
இறைந்துகிடக்கும் நிலத்தின் பெருமூச்சுக்களைத்
தன் சிறு அலகால் கொத்தித் தின்றிருக்கிறதாம்
வேடனின் அம்புகள் வரைந்த ஆகாய அகழிகளை
லாவகமாய்ப் பாய்ந்து கடந்து
திசை திரும்பியிருக்கிறதாம் சிரிப்பு
 கதவுகளற்ற அதன் அரண்மனையில்
சூரியனின் கூச்சம்கூடத் தரை வீழ்வதில்லை
தன் ஒற்றை இறக்கையால் வானின் கூரையைப்
பிடித்துச் சுழற்றி
அதை ஒரு நீர்க் குட்டையில் எறிந்துவிடவும்

Very high Self Esteem and pride.

”பெண்ணே வலது கண்ணில் கடலைச் சுமக்கிறாய்
இடது கண்ணில் சூன்யத்தை விரிக்கிறாய்
பெண்ணே நீ காகங்கள் கரையும் அதிகாளைகளைச்
 பெண்ணே நீ வியர்வை நதிகளை ஒன்று சேர்க்கிறாய்
கண்ணீர்த் துளிகளை அதில் கலக்கிறாய்
வானம் முட்டும் நீ மலையேறி
அதிலிருந்து கவனம் தப்பாமல் ஆறென
 “யுக யுகங்களாய் ஆழக்கடலில்
பரவச முத்துக்களாய் விளைந்து கிடந்தோம்
குறு அலைகளின் தாலாட்டில்
நம்பிக்கையின் ஆழங்களில் உறங்கினோம்
இப்பொழுதுதான் விடுதலை மீன்களாய்
 ”நானோ பெரு நிலவு
பனிபடர்ந்த வெண்ணிற இறக்கைகளால்
உனைத் தீண்டும் ஈரமான இமைகளைச் சுமை தாழ
 தழுவிக் கொள்கிறேன்”


”நிசப்தத்தின் விபத்துகள் நிகழ்ந்து
கொண்டேயிருக்கும் ஆழத்தை
நான் காட்சிக்கு வைப்பதேயில்லை
நீள நீளத் திமிங்கிலஙளை வளர்க்கப் பழகிக்
 என் கையில் கிடைத்தன மில்லியன் ஆண்டுகள்.”
“வெளிச்சப் பெண் கண்ட ரகசியங்கள்
ஊரறிந்த முழக்கங்கள் ஆகின்றன
செய்தித்தாள்களில் கருப்புத் தலைப்புகளாய்
அச்சாகிப் பொறிந்தன
எங்கென்கும் வெளிச்சப் பெண்ணின் பெயரும்
சொல்லுமே விரிகின்றன”


”எவருமே நம்பவில்லை பெண்களே
நீங்கள் தான் காலத்தின் சுழலில்
தொலையாத தேவதைகள் என்பதை
உங்கள் கண்களிலிருந்து உருண்டோடிய
கண்ணீர்த் துளீகளை
காலால் எட்டி உதைத்தவர்களின்
கவனம் குலைத்தீர்கள் பெண்ணே
அவர்களை நோக்கி நீங்கள் உருட்டிவிட்ட
கரும் பாறைகளின் கனம்
எப்படியும் சில பேரரசுகளைக் காவு வாங்கும்”……..
”ஒரு கடலையே குடித்துவிட்டவளிடம்
ஒரு கை நீரள்ளி இதுதான் கடல் எனாதே”
உடலுக்குள் ஒரு கடலை நிரப்பிச் சுமப்பவளிடம்
ஒரு சூரியன் ஒரு குளிர் நிலவு, வந்து சேர்ந்த
பெரு நதிகள்
எல்லாம் இருக்கின்றன
என்னிலே மூழ்கிப்போ காதலனே”………..
“ நாங்கள் நவீன ஆண்களை நம்புவதே இல்லை
அவர்களின் கருத்தியல் தான்
அணு உலை வடிவம் கொண்டது………
“இந்த உலகம் எனக்கு என்ன மீதம் வைத்திருக்கிறது
அம்மா, இந்த உலகம் சாம்பலயே அள்ளித் தருகிறது
என் மூதாதையரின் சாம்பலை, என் எலும்புகளின்
 என்போன்ற கிள்ளைகளின் சாம்பலை
உயிர் இருந்ததெல்லாம் எரிந்துபோன

 Love, own sex, with homosexuality

”அவள் ஆண்களை சுவைப்பதில்லை,
 அவள் தன் இச்சையை இன்னொரு பெண்ணுடலில்தான்
பதியனிட்டுப் பூத்துக் குலுங்குவாள்
காமத்தில் மோனமுற்ற கருப்பைகளைத் தேடி

Platinas personality is well constructed. Bereft of
physical symptoms, it may be difficult to comprehend
medically; yet this is precisely Platina.