Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Nux vomica with cases. By C. B. Stauffer, M. D.

 Nux vomica with cases.
By C. B. Stauffer, M. D.

CASE1 : A student, son of a regular,
came into college at its opening
session a year ago, and presented
symptoms of urticaria together with
hemorrhoids. The student’s father said
no relief could be obtained by the son
unless he was operated upon. Apis
30x was prescribed and the skin
conditions abated markedly. It also
relieved the hemorrhoids. The student
was a user of cathartics, thinking his
bowels were not acting as they
should. The cathartics aggravated the
hemorrhoids and Nux 30x was then
given. His condition immediately
improved, and today feels good.
Nux in the eyes : The lid-edges itch
and burn without discharge ; in
ecchymoses of the sub-conjunctival
membrane, where blood is effused
beneath the conjunctiva ; These often
follow debauches or sitting up late at
night to study, in persons subject to
Nux Vomica intensifies the action of
Nux Vomica is well suited for thin,
"dried up," nervous patients. There is a
stiffness and a numbness of the
fingers. Hands go to sleep. Holding a
pencil makes little impression upon the
nerve endings of the fingers.

CASE 2: A student was putting himself
through college by doing short-hand
and stenographic work. On account of
the sedentary life he was leading, lack
of exercise and indiscretions in diet, he
began having a numbess of the fingers
of the right hand. The condition
became so marked, he could not feel
the presence of a pencil in fingers. Nux
30x was prescribed and regulating diet
and exercise, the student improved

CASE3:   A lady school teacher, 33 years
of age, lifted a box and strained her
back ; with this back condition she
had a numbness of the left arm.
Always worse at night, she would be
awakened by this "sleeping" arm. She
was fearful that she would be
paralysed, since her father died from
results of paralysis. Rhus 30x was
prescribed and relieved the back, but
the arm still slept. Nux 30x was then
given and regulations in diet and
prohibiting the use of coffee, of which
she was very fond, the case cleared
up. Very seldom does she complain,
and when she does, she responds
readily to the Nux treatment.
In headaches, Nux Vomica is a
valuable remedy. These often occur in
conjunction with the gastric disorders.
The modalities more than the
character of exertion decide the choice
of the drug.

CASE 4: A young dancing teacher, a
man, aged 40, taught his classes until
late at night, then drank beer and ate
a lunch. He was a sufferer from sick
and nervous headaches, frontal region,
over the eyes. Great user of coffee and
cathartics. A few doses of Nux 30x
cleared up the case after eliminating
the coffee, cathartics and night eating.
The aggravations are : Mental
exertion, anger, open air, on awakening
in the morning, after eating, abuse of
spirits, sour stomach, in the sunshine,
on opening the eyes, from coughing,
high living or highly seasoned foods,
after drugging, from constipation, in
stormy weather. Pains are not
definitely localized, and he says, "It
feels badly and aches all over."

Courtesy : "The University
Homoeopathic Observer", January
1915, Vol. XV, pp. 14-17.

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