Practical Utility of the Rubrics
Affliction, feels as if he had suffered from an
overwhelming: Cycl
Afflict means:
1 to cause pain or suffering to; distress very much
2 [Obs.] to overthrow
Affliction means:
1 an afflicted condition; pain; suffering
2 anything causing pain or distress; calamity
SYN.— Affliction implies pain, suffering, or distress
imposed by illness, loss, misfortune, etc.;
Trial suggests suffering that tries one's endurance, but
in a weaker sense refers to annoyance that tries one's
Tribulation describes severe affliction continuing over a
long and trying period;
Misfortune is applied to a circumstance or event
involving adverse fortune and to the suffering or
distress occasioned by it.
Suffered means:
1 to undergo (something painful or unpleasant, as
injury, grief, a loss, etc.); be afflicted with
2 to undergo or experience (any process, esp. change)
3 to allow; permit; tolerate
4 to bear up under; endure: now chiefly in negative
constructions (they could not suffer opposition)
Overwhlming means:
1 to pour down upon and cover over or bury beneath
2 to make helpless, as with greater force or deep
emotion; overcome; crush; overpower
3 [Obs.] to overthrow or overturn
So, the actual meaning of the whole Rubric is...
Feels as if he had suffered from an overwhlming
affliction i.e. nothing but a very painful experience.
Generally it happens in patients who suffered from a
very painful diseased condition or even a very painful
mental torture. Cyclamen is the only remedy under this
rubric in Complete Repertory.
Affliction, feels as if he had suffered from an
overwhelming: Cycl
Afflict means:
1 to cause pain or suffering to; distress very much
2 [Obs.] to overthrow
Affliction means:
1 an afflicted condition; pain; suffering
2 anything causing pain or distress; calamity
SYN.— Affliction implies pain, suffering, or distress
imposed by illness, loss, misfortune, etc.;
Trial suggests suffering that tries one's endurance, but
in a weaker sense refers to annoyance that tries one's
Tribulation describes severe affliction continuing over a
long and trying period;
Misfortune is applied to a circumstance or event
involving adverse fortune and to the suffering or
distress occasioned by it.
Suffered means:
1 to undergo (something painful or unpleasant, as
injury, grief, a loss, etc.); be afflicted with
2 to undergo or experience (any process, esp. change)
3 to allow; permit; tolerate
4 to bear up under; endure: now chiefly in negative
constructions (they could not suffer opposition)
Overwhlming means:
1 to pour down upon and cover over or bury beneath
2 to make helpless, as with greater force or deep
emotion; overcome; crush; overpower
3 [Obs.] to overthrow or overturn
So, the actual meaning of the whole Rubric is...
Feels as if he had suffered from an overwhlming
affliction i.e. nothing but a very painful experience.
Generally it happens in patients who suffered from a
very painful diseased condition or even a very painful
mental torture. Cyclamen is the only remedy under this
rubric in Complete Repertory.
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