Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Clinical Snapshots

Clinical Snapshots

A common remedy helped this eight-year-old boy
with autism:

Desiring fish, salt, pepper, chocolate; headaches
from sun; fear of thunderstorms; over-responsible
with pet; talking in sleep; sleep walking; dislikes
being consoled; brooding on unhappy events;
wanting to be by self; asthma; hypochondriasis.
(Natrum muriaticum)

A common remedy helped this ten-year-old boy
with autism:

Fear and anxiety; about many things; fear of food
being contaminated, of bath water being toxic;
avoiding the presence of others; leg pains at
night; sleepless at night; scabs inside nose with
thick greenish discharge; patch of eczema under
nose. (Syphilinum)

A common remedy helped this four-year-old girl
with autism:

Severe, hard constipation for 31/2 years; dark
bluish circles, like rings, on cheeks; acrobatic:
climbing, swinging, jumping, constantly moving;
desiring chocolate; dislike for meat, spices; loves
to dance to music; fascinated with the colour red;
violent tantrums, throws things. (Tarentula

A common remedy helped this thirteen-year-old
girl with autism:

Frequent asthma; smelly feet; desiring chocolate,
meat, salt; fear of thunderstorms; unusually
artistic and creative; responsible and
conscientious within limits of awareness; love of
being outside in the elements and with nature;
love of animals; adoring the beach; brown
pigmented spots on skin. (Carcinosin)

A common remedy helped this four-year-old girl
with autism:

Head-banging; biting others; fear of water;
excessive thirst for water; fear of the dark: must
have company; night terrors; loving to sing;
loving to dance; eyes sensitive to light; right-
sided haemangioma; eczema; Jeckyl and Hyde
personality. (Belladonna)

A common remedy helped this six-year-old girl
with autism:

Frequent colds with yellow-green discharge;
obsession by toy animals and animals in books
but fear of real ones; frequent and public
masturbation; laughter when others are upset;
constantly licking lips. (Bufo rana – almost a
common remedy)

A common remedy helped this three-year-old boy
with autism:

Asthma that improves on holidays by the sea;
love for ice and oranges; comforting himself by
getting in knee-chest position, going to sleep in
same position; banging head on floor; violent
tantrums; frequent redness around anus “like a
traffic light”; refuses to walk on grass in bare feet.

A common remedy helped this five-year-old boy
with autism:

Irritability; dislike of affection or being touched;
dislike of comfort; lack of energy; splotches of
pigmentation on abdomen; upset when people
laugh because thinks it is at him; cracked eczema
on back of hands and knuckles; frequent crying for
no reason. (Sepia)

Reversing Autism: Part 1 – Homeopathy and the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders (Practitioners and Parents) - http://homeopathyplus.com.au/reversing-autism-part-1/

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