Tuesday, 5 January 2016

‘Keynote Symptoms’ and ‘Keynote Prescriptions’ analysis

‘Keynote Symptoms’ and ‘Keynote
Prescriptions’ analysis

A KEYNOTE symptom is a specific ‘symptom
complex’ of ‘accessory symptoms’ that when appears
associated with an ABNORMAL BASIC SYMPTOM in a
patient, specifically indicates a particular remedy.
These KEYNOTE ‘symptom complexes’ are
constituted by two or more very characteristic
‘accessory symptoms’ belonging to categories such
as causations, locations, presentations, sensations,
modalities and concomitants.
A Keynote ‘symptom complex’ becomes more useful
in practice, when it contains minimum number of
‘accessory symptoms’ and it indicates minimum
number of drugs- preferably SINGLE drug. In such
cases, that drug could be prescribed very easily, and
with full confidence.
Keynote symptom is a symptom, which if present in a
patient, will directly lead us to a specific remedy.
That symptom will work as a KEYNOTE in deciding a
prescription for that case.
Most probably, a ‘keynote’ symptom is a ‘symptom
complex’ that represents a specific molecular error
produced in the organism by a specific pathogenic
molecule. When same ‘keynote’ ‘symptom complex’
is also present in a drug, that shows the drug also
contains a constituent molecule similar to that
pathogenic molecule, which produced similar
molecular errors during drug proving. Due to that
similarity, molecular imprints of that particular drug
molecules can bind specifically to those pathogenic
molecules, there by removing the molecular
inhibitions they produced in biological molecules.
‘Totality of symptoms’ in a patient means totality of
all the diverse types of ‘symptom complexes’
expressed by the patient, representing all the diverse
types of molecular errors produced by all the diverse
types of pathogenic molecules.
‘Keynote symptom’ in a patient means a particular
‘symptom complex’ expressed by the patient,
representing a particular type of molecular error
produced by a particular type of pathogenic molecule.
When finding similimum by ‘totality of symptoms’, we
are trying to find a drug that contains maximum
number of diverse chemical molecules matching to
maximum number of diverse pathogenic molecules
that produced the diverse types of molecular errors
as well as ‘symptom complexes’ in that particular
When finding similimum by KEYNOTE method, we are
trying to find a particular drug that contains a
particular constituent molecule that is SIMILAR to a
particular pathogenic molecule that produced a
particular molecular in the organism and expressed
through a particular ‘symptom complex’.
KEYNOTE PRESCRIPTION tries to address a case by
identifying a specific molecular error in the patient,
where as TOTALITY OF SYMPTOMS tries to address
the case by considering maximum number of diverse
molecular errors existing in the patient.
In KEYNOTE prescriptions, we select a similimum by
considering only specific SYMPTOM COMPLEX
representing a specific MOLECULAR ERROR in the
patient as a standard single UNIT, and identifying a
drug that could produce SYMPTOM COMPLEX similar
to it during drug proving.
‘Burning pains in stomach, amel by cold drinks’ is a
KEYNOTE of APIS MEL. Here, this keynote ‘symptom
complex’ consist of ‘burning- sensation’, ‘stomach-
location’, and ‘amel by cold drinks- modalities’.
‘Urticarial skin rashes alternating with asthma’ is a
KEYNOTE of CALADIUM. Here, the keynote symptom
complex consist of ‘urticaria- presentation’, ‘skin-
locations’ and ‘alternating with asthma-
‘Fever with Urticaria after getting wet in rain’ is a
KEYNOTE of RHUS TOX I have compiled. This
‘symptom complex’ is constituted by ‘fever-
presentation’, ‘getting wet in rain- causation’ and
‘urticaria during fever- concomitant’. This is an
example of preparing KEYNOTE symptom complexes
by combining ‘accessory symptoms’. We can
confidently prescribe RHUS TOX in any case of ‘Fever
with Urticaria after getting wet in rain’ on the basis of
‘Cramping pain abdomen after eating, amel by
pressure’ is a KEYNOTE of COLOC. This symptom
complex is constituted by ‘abdomen- location’,
‘cramping pain- sensation’, ‘eating- causation’ and
‘pressure- modality’. COLOCYNTHIS is a sure-shot
remedy for this type of abdominal pains.
‘Fatty degeneration of liver with desire for warm food’
is a KEY NOTE of CHEL and LYCO. If the patient is
HOT, it is LYCO. If he is cold, it is CHEL. This is
another example of selecting similimum by using
You can analyze any known keynote symptoms in
this way. That will help you in synthesizing a lot of
new keynote symptom complexes by combining small
characteristic rubrics from repertories, so as to
indicate single specific drugs. That will make your
clinical practice very easy, by compiling a complete
collection of strong KEYNOTES that could be
combined with any basic symptoms appearing in your
KEYNOTE SYMPTOMS are interpreted as ‘main theme
of medicine’ by ‘classical homeopaths’. According to
them, a drug will have only a single keynote. They
say keynote of fluoric acid is ‘destructiveness’,
keynote of carbo-veg is ‘imperfect oxidation and
disintegration’, key note of aethusa is ‘violence’.
According to their view, a keynote will be a mental or
general only, and there will be only one main theme
or keynote for a drug. They should explain, if
‘destructiveness’ is the keynote or main theme- of
acid fluor, it is useful only in cases having
‘destructiveness’? What about other drugs having
‘destructiveness’? How can anybody select acid fluor
only on the basis of ‘destructiveness’, ruling out other
drugs having ‘destructiveness? What is their
evaluation of the great work of H C ALLEN onn
keynotes of different drugs? Did he list only
‘destructiveness’ under acid fluor?
Please see allen’s keynotes. Nowhere he mentions
‘destructiveness’ as keynote under acid fluor. He has
given following keynote symptoms for acid fluor. He
never mentions them as ‘main themes’.
“Complaints of old age, or of premature old age; in
syphilitic mercurial dyscrasia; young people look old.
Increased ability to exercise without danger (Coca.);
is less affected by excessive heat of summer or cold
of winter.
Old cicatrices become red around edges, and threaten
to become open ulcers (Caust., Graph.).
Varicose veins and ulcers, obstinate, long standing
cases, in women who have borne many children.
Caries and necrosis, especially of long bones, psoric
or syphilitic, abuse of mercury or silica (Angus.).
Naevus, flat, of children (r. temple); capillary
aneurism (compare, Cal. fl., Tub.).
Ulcers: red edges and vesicles; decubitus; copious
discharge; < from warmth, > from cold; violent pains,
like streaks of lightning, confined to a small spot.
Rapid caries of teeth; fistula dentalis or lachrymalis;
exostosis of bone so face (Hekla).”
Actually, a KEYNOTE symptom is a symptom, which if
present in a patient, will directly lead us to a specific
remedy. That symptom will work as a KEYNOTE in
deciding a prescription for that case.

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