(Case solved by predictive method)
A very affectionate child, 4.5years, a case of Duchenne
Muscular Dystrophy , came to me on 16 Feb 2010, with
tremendous weakness in muscles of upper & lower limbs
with hypertrophy.
Due to weakness in the limbs, child wants to be carried
after walking for little distance, very sensitive to pain.
He is not able to climb up & downstairs otherwise he
requires support.
His CPK enzyme levels were 33616 IU/L on 16/09/09.
(Normal levels are 25-192 IU/L).
He was on Prednisolone 40mg/day on tapering dose
since 6 months to 10mg/day without any improvement
in the weakness. In fact his muscle weakness is
He is having flat foots.
Nature wise, very affectionate; restless; shy; likes to
play in company; does not like to go to school; when
questioned, he becomes dull, unable to answer either
due to timidity or difficulty on thinking; getting irritable
on very small matters; fears dark; with active memory;
found to be disobedient, biting his nails & putting the
fingers in mouth, continuously moving here & there in
the consulting room.
His mother told that he is homesick, moody child but
desires to travel a lot.
He eats pencil a lot. He sleeps on abdomen. He still
wets his bed at night.
Past History:
Neonatal Jaundice at birth
H/O Partially developed Chickenpox 2 years back
Family History:
Diabetes: PGF & MGF
Hypertension: PGF & MGF
Myocardial Infarction: PGF
Personal History:
Desires: Indigestible things++
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
• Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a recessive X-
linked form of muscular dystrophy, which results in
muscle degeneration, difficulty in walking & breathing,
and death.
• The incidence is around 1 in 3,600 boys.
• Females and males are affected, though females are
rarely affected and are more often carriers.
• The disorder is caused by a mutation in the dystrophin
gene, located in humans on the X chromosome (Xp21).
• The dystrophin gene codes for the protein dystrophin,
an important structural component within muscle tissue.
• Dystrophin provides structural stability to the
dystroglycan complex (DGC), located on the cell
• Symptoms usually appear in male children before age
5 and may be visible in early infancy. Progressive
proximal muscle weakness of the legs and pelvis
associated with a loss of muscle mass is observed first.
Eventually this weakness spreads to the arms, neck, and
other areas.
• Early signs may include pseudohypertrophy
(enlargement of calf and deltoid muscles), low
endurance, and difficulties in standing unaided or
inability to ascend staircases.
• As the condition progresses, muscle tissue experiences
wasting and is eventually replaced by fat and fibrotic
tissue (fibrosis).
• By age 10, braces may be required to aid in walking
but most patients are wheelchair dependent by age 12.
• Later symptoms may include abnormal bone
development that lead to skeletal deformities, including
curvature of the spine. Due to progressive deterioration
of muscle, loss of movement occurs, eventually leading
to paralysis.
• The average life expectancy for patients afflicted with
DMD is around 25, but this varies from individual to
Pathogenesis of DMD
• Dystrophin is responsible for connecting the
cytoskeleton of each muscle fiber to the underlying
basal lamina (extracellular matrix) through a protein
complex containing many subunits.
• The absence of dystrophin permits excess calcium to
penetrate the sarcolemma (cell membrane). Alterations
in these signaling pathways cause water to enter into
the mitochondria which then burst.
• Muscle fibers undergo necrosis and are ultimately
replaced with adipose and connective tissue.
1. Affectionate
2. Sensitive , oversensitive, Pain to
3. Extremities, Weakness, Upper limb
4. Extremities, Weakness, Lower limb
5. Restlessness, Children, in
6. Timidity
7. Company, desire for
8. Aversion, School, to
9. Dullness, Children, in
10. Irritability, Children, in
11. Fear, Dark
12. Memory, Active
13. Disobedience
14. Biting, Nails
15. Mouth, Fingers in mouth, Children put
16. Homesickness
17. Mood, Changeable, variable
18. Travel, Desire to
19. 19. Generalities, Food, Indigestible things, Desire
20. 20. Sleep, Position, Abdomen, on
21. 21. Bladder, Urination, Involuntary, Night,
incontinence in bed
Result of Repertorisation:
Calc phos: 32/21
Calc carb: 31/18
Lyco: 33/17
Sil: 32/17
Sulph: 25/16
Remedy Prescribed
Calc Phos 6x tds for 10 days
Prednisolone stopped by the patient’s parents a week
back as there was no relief.
Follow Up (26/02/10)
He suffered from Mumps on right side on 20th Feb &
recovered itself within 4 days without any medicine.
Playing with friends, weakness decreased a lot after the
Remedy continued in bd doses for 15 days.
I already advised them that he might suffer from any
infectious disease after starting the treatment based on
understanding from Predictive Homoeopathy. So, if
anything happens, please, don’t give any medicine. (Ref:
Verbatim by Dr Praful Vijaykar, Chapter 14)
• Why the Mumps did came up? Is it a good or bad
• Mumps is a tumor virus like HSV, EBV & CMV.
• Why are they known as tumor virus in the allopathic
world? Because when they infect & go to the cell, they
cause a change in mitotic cycle in such a manner that
extra growth occurs in a cell. The cell starts growing
excessively giving rise to tumors. For us it is a Sycotic
• Therefore, sycotic virus being thrown out of the body
is a good sign in this case. The tumor viruses when
thrown out to clear the internal malady or dysfunction
are exteriorization....
• ...So, just rejoice & lay your hands off if tumor virus
appears. The virus is in the neuro-ectoderm & is thrown
off. This is a excellent sign. These viruses, especially
tumor virus harboring in the nerves or muscles are
thrown off through the prochordal plate. So the patient
will first get some throat problem & then on the body.
• Tumor viruses being exteriorized is one of the best
result for the Homoeopath.
• (Ref: Verbatim by Dr Praful Vijaykar, Chapter 14)
Follow Up (12/03/10)
Weakness in limbs much decreased.
He started running as well as climbing staircase without
He was getting thick nasal discharge since week with
occasional dry cough.
His confidence level increased.
Remedy continued in od dose for 1 month.
Follow Up (12/04/10)
He is walking without asking for carrying. He is playing
cricket, running here & there, climbing up & down stairs
without any support. Now he is found as very happy
looking child.
Remedy continued in od dose till 19/01/11 when his
CPK enzyme levels were measured & found to be 1075
Follow Up (19/01/11)
His weakness in the limbs was absent.
His bed wetting also stopped.
He complained of Pain in his knees while squatting.
Otherwise, he is playing, running, climbing up, &
downstairs without any support.
Remedy Prescribed: Calc Phos 30 3 doses followed by
Placebo daily.
Recent Follow Up (20/10/11)
Weakness in the limbs absent.
No bed wetting.
Pain in his knees while squatting was absent.
He is playing, running, climbing up & downstairs without
any support enjoying his life.
He is on Placebo.
(Case solved by predictive method)
A very affectionate child, 4.5years, a case of Duchenne
Muscular Dystrophy , came to me on 16 Feb 2010, with
tremendous weakness in muscles of upper & lower limbs
with hypertrophy.
Due to weakness in the limbs, child wants to be carried
after walking for little distance, very sensitive to pain.
He is not able to climb up & downstairs otherwise he
requires support.
His CPK enzyme levels were 33616 IU/L on 16/09/09.
(Normal levels are 25-192 IU/L).
He was on Prednisolone 40mg/day on tapering dose
since 6 months to 10mg/day without any improvement
in the weakness. In fact his muscle weakness is
He is having flat foots.
Nature wise, very affectionate; restless; shy; likes to
play in company; does not like to go to school; when
questioned, he becomes dull, unable to answer either
due to timidity or difficulty on thinking; getting irritable
on very small matters; fears dark; with active memory;
found to be disobedient, biting his nails & putting the
fingers in mouth, continuously moving here & there in
the consulting room.
His mother told that he is homesick, moody child but
desires to travel a lot.
He eats pencil a lot. He sleeps on abdomen. He still
wets his bed at night.
Past History:
Neonatal Jaundice at birth
H/O Partially developed Chickenpox 2 years back
Family History:
Diabetes: PGF & MGF
Hypertension: PGF & MGF
Myocardial Infarction: PGF
Personal History:
Desires: Indigestible things++
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
• Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a recessive X-
linked form of muscular dystrophy, which results in
muscle degeneration, difficulty in walking & breathing,
and death.
• The incidence is around 1 in 3,600 boys.
• Females and males are affected, though females are
rarely affected and are more often carriers.
• The disorder is caused by a mutation in the dystrophin
gene, located in humans on the X chromosome (Xp21).
• The dystrophin gene codes for the protein dystrophin,
an important structural component within muscle tissue.
• Dystrophin provides structural stability to the
dystroglycan complex (DGC), located on the cell
• Symptoms usually appear in male children before age
5 and may be visible in early infancy. Progressive
proximal muscle weakness of the legs and pelvis
associated with a loss of muscle mass is observed first.
Eventually this weakness spreads to the arms, neck, and
other areas.
• Early signs may include pseudohypertrophy
(enlargement of calf and deltoid muscles), low
endurance, and difficulties in standing unaided or
inability to ascend staircases.
• As the condition progresses, muscle tissue experiences
wasting and is eventually replaced by fat and fibrotic
tissue (fibrosis).
• By age 10, braces may be required to aid in walking
but most patients are wheelchair dependent by age 12.
• Later symptoms may include abnormal bone
development that lead to skeletal deformities, including
curvature of the spine. Due to progressive deterioration
of muscle, loss of movement occurs, eventually leading
to paralysis.
• The average life expectancy for patients afflicted with
DMD is around 25, but this varies from individual to
Pathogenesis of DMD
• Dystrophin is responsible for connecting the
cytoskeleton of each muscle fiber to the underlying
basal lamina (extracellular matrix) through a protein
complex containing many subunits.
• The absence of dystrophin permits excess calcium to
penetrate the sarcolemma (cell membrane). Alterations
in these signaling pathways cause water to enter into
the mitochondria which then burst.
• Muscle fibers undergo necrosis and are ultimately
replaced with adipose and connective tissue.
1. Affectionate
2. Sensitive , oversensitive, Pain to
3. Extremities, Weakness, Upper limb
4. Extremities, Weakness, Lower limb
5. Restlessness, Children, in
6. Timidity
7. Company, desire for
8. Aversion, School, to
9. Dullness, Children, in
10. Irritability, Children, in
11. Fear, Dark
12. Memory, Active
13. Disobedience
14. Biting, Nails
15. Mouth, Fingers in mouth, Children put
16. Homesickness
17. Mood, Changeable, variable
18. Travel, Desire to
19. 19. Generalities, Food, Indigestible things, Desire
20. 20. Sleep, Position, Abdomen, on
21. 21. Bladder, Urination, Involuntary, Night,
incontinence in bed
Result of Repertorisation:
Calc phos: 32/21
Calc carb: 31/18
Lyco: 33/17
Sil: 32/17
Sulph: 25/16
Remedy Prescribed
Calc Phos 6x tds for 10 days
Prednisolone stopped by the patient’s parents a week
back as there was no relief.
Follow Up (26/02/10)
He suffered from Mumps on right side on 20th Feb &
recovered itself within 4 days without any medicine.
Playing with friends, weakness decreased a lot after the
Remedy continued in bd doses for 15 days.
I already advised them that he might suffer from any
infectious disease after starting the treatment based on
understanding from Predictive Homoeopathy. So, if
anything happens, please, don’t give any medicine. (Ref:
Verbatim by Dr Praful Vijaykar, Chapter 14)
• Why the Mumps did came up? Is it a good or bad
• Mumps is a tumor virus like HSV, EBV & CMV.
• Why are they known as tumor virus in the allopathic
world? Because when they infect & go to the cell, they
cause a change in mitotic cycle in such a manner that
extra growth occurs in a cell. The cell starts growing
excessively giving rise to tumors. For us it is a Sycotic
• Therefore, sycotic virus being thrown out of the body
is a good sign in this case. The tumor viruses when
thrown out to clear the internal malady or dysfunction
are exteriorization....
• ...So, just rejoice & lay your hands off if tumor virus
appears. The virus is in the neuro-ectoderm & is thrown
off. This is a excellent sign. These viruses, especially
tumor virus harboring in the nerves or muscles are
thrown off through the prochordal plate. So the patient
will first get some throat problem & then on the body.
• Tumor viruses being exteriorized is one of the best
result for the Homoeopath.
• (Ref: Verbatim by Dr Praful Vijaykar, Chapter 14)
Follow Up (12/03/10)
Weakness in limbs much decreased.
He started running as well as climbing staircase without
He was getting thick nasal discharge since week with
occasional dry cough.
His confidence level increased.
Remedy continued in od dose for 1 month.
Follow Up (12/04/10)
He is walking without asking for carrying. He is playing
cricket, running here & there, climbing up & down stairs
without any support. Now he is found as very happy
looking child.
Remedy continued in od dose till 19/01/11 when his
CPK enzyme levels were measured & found to be 1075
Follow Up (19/01/11)
His weakness in the limbs was absent.
His bed wetting also stopped.
He complained of Pain in his knees while squatting.
Otherwise, he is playing, running, climbing up, &
downstairs without any support.
Remedy Prescribed: Calc Phos 30 3 doses followed by
Placebo daily.
Recent Follow Up (20/10/11)
Weakness in the limbs absent.
No bed wetting.
Pain in his knees while squatting was absent.
He is playing, running, climbing up & downstairs without
any support enjoying his life.
He is on Placebo.
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