Suresh dr: Where to find rubric for constitutional symptoms like bushy eyebrow, triangular eyebrow, very high hair lines in children, cornea colours etc..
Wed, 19 Aug 2015, 6:00 PM - Suresh dr: Is any repertory or materia medica books to refer?...
Wed, 19 Aug 2015, 6:59 PM - Murali Castro: Knerr's Repertory
In this section Knerr gives rubrics of various
diathetic constitutions and their remedies.
The source of this information is Hering's
Guiding Symptoms in the section called Stages
of life and Constitutions. Here is a sample of
the types of rubrics included and a few
1. Rubrics related to constitutional diathesis
include; Hysterical, constitutions;
Hemorrhagic, constitutions; Lymphatic,
constitutions; Venous, constitutions; Plethoric,
constitutions; Rheumatic, constitutions;
Scrofulous, constitution; Paralytic,
constitutions; Gouty, constitutions;
Tubercular, constitutions; Asthmatic
constitutions; and their similar remedies.
"Lymphatic, constitutions -am-c., Apis, arn,
ars, aster, aur-m., bapt, BAR-C., Bar-m, BELL.,
CALC., calc-ar., Cann-i., Carb-v., Chin., dulc.,
FERR., GRAPH., Hep., kalm., Lyc., MERC.,
murx., Nat-m., nit-ac., Petr., phos., Puls.,
Rhus-t., Sep., Sil., Sulph., thuj."
2. Rubrics related to the bodily constitution
include; Lean, thin people; Large fat, people,
bloated; Emaciated constitutions; Fibre, lax,
constitutions; Fibre rigid, constitutions; Tall
lean, constitutions; Dwarfish, constitutions;
and their similar remedies.
"Fibre, lax., constitutions-agar., bar-c., bor.,
CALC., calc-p., Caps., cinnam., hep., KALI-C.,
MAG-C., MERC., OP., PHOS., SABAD., Sil.,
3. Rubrics related to the Hippocratic
temperaments and humours include; Bilious,
constitutions; Choleric, constitutions;
Phlegmatic, constitutions; Sanguine
constitutions; Melancholic, constitutions;
Nervous, constitutions and their remedies.
"Bilious, constitutions; acon., Aesc., ail.,
ambr., ant-c., ant-t., ars., Bell., berb., BRY.,
cann-i., CARD-M., Cham., CHEL., CHIN.,
chion., chol., Cocc., Ip., iris., Lach., lept.,
mag-m., Merc., nat-s., NUX V., Phos., plat.,
ptel., PSOS., Puls., sang., sep., Sulph."
Rubrics related to the miasms include;
Psoric, constitutions; Sycotic constitutions;
Tubercular, constitutions; Syphilitic,
constitutions; Cancerous constitutions (mixed
"SYPHILITIC, constitutions-Ars., aec-t., AUR.,
Benz-ac., Clem., Cor-r., Crot-h., cund., euph.,
ferr-i., Fl-ac., Guai., Kali-b., KALI-I., MERC.,
Merc-c., Merc-d., Merc-i-f., Mez., NIT-AC.,
Petr., Phos., Ph-ac., Phyt., Sars., Sil., Still.,
sulph., SYPH., Thuj."
There are literally 100's of rubrics on this
subject in the old materia medicas and
repertories. These are general symptoms of
the constitution, temperament, diathetic states
and miasms. A miasm can produce a number
of diatheses depending on the constitution
and temperament and conditioning factors.
For example, pseudo-psora TB miasm tends to
produces a hemorrhagic diathesis while
sycosis tends to an arthritic rheumatic
diathesis. If the individual is of a sanguine
temperament and acquires the TB miasm the
chance of dangerous hemorrhage is increased
greatly. This is because the fiery sanguine
temperament that rules the warm/moist blood
humour and the TB miasm both have an easy
tendency to bleed. Such knowledge forms the
basis of the homoeopathic view of
constitution, temperament, susceptibility,
miasms and diathesis.
David little.
Wed, 19 Aug 2015, 7:00 PM - Murali Castro: [Homoeopathic Online Education, David Little] Hahnemann on Constitution and Temperament : Part 1 -
Wed, 19 Aug 2015, 7:08 PM - Suresh dr: 👍👍👍
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