Fri, 24 Jul 2015, 1:11 PM - Murali Castro: Quarreling-
HOMOEOPATHIC Remedy Comparision -
Remedy Comparision on the basis of mind state
1. Kali group---Quarrels at home with known
2. Causticum---Quarreling against injustice to
achieve justice.
3. Nux Vomica---Quarreling due to intolerance of
As he is an achiever.
4. Asaefotida--- Quarreling due to anger,destructi
ve rage and fury in a very loud tone.
5. Moschus--- Quarrels due to his over
senstiveness to all external
6. Lycopodium—Quarrels when his authority is
7.Aurum--- Quarrels when his rules and
regulations are not followed.( Dutiful and
8.Cina---- Always complaining, quarreling is a
Nagging and moaning.
9.Phosphorus---Quarrels when not getting
returned affection.
( Misanthropy)
10.Arsenic alb.---Quarrels due to his extremely
censorious and
Critical nature.
11.Verat. alb.---Quarrels to show his position.
12.Hyoscymus—Induces quarrel by inciting people.
13.Crocus--- Quarrels due to his changing moods
14.Mercury---Quarreling from timidity.So
rebelling or revolting.
15.Cantharis—A riotous quarrelsome.Least
contradiction makes
him furious.
Fri, 24 Jul 2015, 6:46 PM - Balasubramanian:
The Need for a
John Henry Clarke
once mentioned that "It is impossible
to practice homoeopathy as it should be practiced
without the aid of repertory."
Dr. Grimmer, a
famous American homoeopath, also
mentioned that "repertory prescribing makes for the
greater accuracy and in the long run is a time saver and
with its use one grows in the knowledge of materia
A rare person may
have a computer-like memory for
rubrics and remedies. But for almost all homoeopaths, a
repertory is indeed an essential tool.
The repertory is the only source of information about the
relative value of the symptom. For example, only
through the repertory can we discover that China is the
only remedy under "Mirth, on waking" or that only
acid and Staphysagria have "anxiety, walking rapidly
when" .
Because there are more than 3000 remedies and each
remedy may have 100 to 500 symptoms, we can see
how Herculean a task it would be to memorize all those
symptoms and relationships. So use of a repertory is a
must for good homoeopathic practice.
-Farokh.j.master .
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