Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Dr.P.Sankaran Case ,மணிமொழி-9

Fri, 24 Jul 2015, 9:21 PM - Karuppaiah Dr: Dr.P.Sankaran Case-1. A CURIOUS CASE

I was once consulted for a small child, aged 3 years, suffering from dropsy due to renal failure. The child had been admitted in a leading Bombay hospital, but her condition became worse. So she was discharged from the hospital and brought to me directly. I gave her some medicines and she became all right.

About 8 years later, when she was aged about 11 years, there was a relapse of the dropsy. I was consulted again and I have her Colchicum and some other remedies with some relief. But one day her condition became serious and she developed swelling of the face, ascites and general anasarca and her condition looked hopeless. I gave her Sulph. 1M b.d. as her constitutional remedy and also Digitalis 3x t.i.d. for the dropsical condition. But I told the parents that I had no hope. They gave these medicines for 3 days with no relief. But they continued the same medicines and after 6 days she started passing more urine. In fact, she started passing urine so profusely that every act of passing urine itself continued for nearly 5 minutes. They still continued the same medicines and after 15 days she became much better. Rather, she began to look dehydrated; she became thin and her skin started hanging loose. The medicine was then stopped.

After one month, there was a relapse but a repetition of the same medicines, in the same doses cured her completely. She is now well for many years.

Sat, 25 Jul 2015, 6:47 AM - Murali Castro: தினம் ஒரு
ஆர்கனான் மணிமொழி-9
§ 9
In the healthy condition of man, the spiritual vital force
(autocracy), the dynamis that animates the material
body (organism), rules with unbounded sway, and
retains all the parts of the organism in admirable,
harmonious, vital operation, as regards both sensations
and functions, so that our indwelling, reason-gifted
mind can freely employ this living, healthy instrument for
the higher purpose of our existence.
மனிதன், ஆரோக்கிய நிலையில்
இருக்கும் பொழுது கண்ணுக்குப்
புலப்படாத அவனது உயிராற்றல்
தன்முனைபாட்சி ) , உள்ளுறைந்துள்ள
வலிமை ( DYNAMIS) அவனது பருப்பொருள்
சார்ந்த உடலுக்கு (MATERIAL BODY)
உயிரூட்டுகிறது , தங்கு தடையின்றி
ஆட்சி செய்கிறது. அவ்வுயிரியின்
(ORGANISM) உறுப்புகள்யாவும் அதனதன்
நல்லிணக்கத்தோடும் ஒத்திசைந்தும்
உயிர்த்துடிப்புடன் செயலாற்றும்படி
செய்கிறது. இச்செயலினால் தான்
உள்ளுறைந்திருக்கும் இயல்பான
திறமையுடன் செயலாற்றும் நமது
மனமானது சுதந்திரமாக இயக்கி உயிர்
வாழும் இந்த நலம் பொருந்திய
கருவியை (HEALTHY INSTRUMENT =உயிர்)
வாழ்வின் உயர்ந்த நோக்கங்களை அடையப்

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