Each and every trait of a person is a representation of
himself and the most important of all is the “
“ DISPOSITION ” is a Genetic trait or Character that
Individualizes a person . It is the prominent or prevailing
tendency of one’s SPIRITS ; NATURAL MENTAL and
It is a tendency to act in a specific way ; It is a state of
Dr. Hahnemann emphasizes that the patients disposition
chiefly determines the selection of the Homoeopathic
remedy . ( Aph-211 ) .
The patients “ disposition ” along with the “ Totality of
the symptoms ” if we would trace an accurate picture of
the disease ( Miasm ) , to get success . ( Aph-210 ) .
It is chiefly the disposition that determines a right
Similimum , if a patient has to be cured in keeping with
“ Nature’s Law of cure ” .
TYPES OF DISPOSITIONS : - The Dispositions are
1 ) Whether the patient is “ HOT ” , “ CHILLY ” or “
2 ) “ THISTY ” or “ THIRSTLESS ” .
3 ) “ RIGHT ” or “ LEFT ” Sided .
4 ) SENSITIVITY - to External impressions , like to Sun ,
Noise , Odors , Touch , Tight Clothing , Atmospheric
changes Etc.,
5 ) DESIRES and AVERSIONS for Food & Drinks .
1 ) Lean , Thin or Emaciated .
2 ) Robust , Plethoric or Obesity .
3 ) Tall , Overgrown .
4 ) Short or Dwarfish .
5 ) Physical Restlessness .
6 ) Laziness and Dullness ( physical ) .
7 ) Bleeding or Haemorrhagic .
8 ) Physical tendency to affect Skin , Digestion , Nerves
9 ) Susceptibility of various organs to diseases &
changes towards “ Miasmatic ” tendency -- Indurations
, Growths , Tumors , Decay , Caries , Discoloration Etc.,
( Study Aph’s 210 to 215 & Foot notes 121 & 122 ) .
1 ) AFFECTIONATE : Alum., Carc., Choc., Cocc., Coff.,
Ign., Lach., Nat-m., Nux-v., Opium., Phos., Puls., Sil.,
2 ) ANGRY : Apis., Aur., Bry., Cham., Chin., Colo., Ferr.,
Granite., Hep., Merc., Nux-v., Staph., Etc.,
3 ) QUITE / TALK INDISPOSED TO :- All Carbons ., All
Acids ., All Muriaticums .,
Due to Timidity : Ammon’s., Baryta’s., Calc., Puls., Sil.,
Due to Introversion : Arsenic ., Granite ., Ign.,
Magnesium ., Nat-m., Sepia .,
4 ) VIVACIOUS , CHEERFUL : Cannabis., Croc-s., Hyos.,
Lach., Morph., Mosch., Paris-q., Phos., Sulph.,
5 ) TIMID & COWARDICE : Ammon., Baryta., Calc.,
Carbons., Gels., kali-c., Lyco., Petr., Phos., Plumb.,
Puls., Rhus-t., Stram., Sulph., Etc.,
6 ) HAUGHTY : Chin., Cupr., Granite., Ipec., Lach., Lyc.,
Nux-v., Pall., Plat., Staph., Verat.,
7 ) EGOTISM ( Self Esteem ) : Calc., Lach., Lyco., Med.,
Nux-v., Pall., Plat., Sil., Sulph., Verat.,
8 ) POSITIVE & Confident : All Metals ., Ars., Camph.,
Caust., Choc., Hep., Lach., Nux-v., Sep.,
9 ) ANXIETY , CONSCIENCE OF : Alum., Ars., Aur., Chel.,
Psor., Sulph.,
10 ) HURRIED : Ac-nit., Arg-n., Lil-t., Med., Merc., Nux-
v., Stram., Sulph-ac., Tarent.,
11 ) POLITICIAN : Anac., Camph., Choc., Ferr., Fl-ac.,
Hyos., Lach., Lyco., Merc., Opium., Sepia., Sulph.,
Verat., Etc.,
12 ) Responsibility & SOBER : Acid-ph., Ars., Aur., Cup.,
Ferr., Ign., Lyc., Magnesium., Nux-v., Sil., Stann-m.,
Staph., Stront-c.,
13 ) MOROSE , Sad looking : Ac-ph., Ammn., Arnica.,
Ars., Carbons., China., Colo., Lach., Magnesium., Nat-
m., Nux-v., Puls., Sep., Etc.,
14 ) EFFEMINATE : Calc., Fl-ac., Lyc., Plat., Puls., Sil.,
Syph., Etc.,
15 ) GRACEFUL : Ars., Carc., Choc., Ign., Nat-m., Pall.,
Phos., Plat., Sep., Etc.,
16 ) MANNISH : Carb-v., Cimic., Fl-ac., Nat-m., Petr.,
Plat., Syph., Etc.,
17 ) GOOD BOY / GIRL ( STUDIOUS ) : Aur., Carc., Ign.,
Iod., Lyc., Nat-c., Ph-ac., Sil., Staph., Thuja.,
1 ) ANGRY or Quarrelsome or Revolting . If a person is
disposed to get anger easily , we call it as an Angry
disposition .
2 ) Fearful or TIMID . If a person is disposed to be
fearful or frightened easily , we call it as a Timid
disposition .
3 ) MILD , Soft & Sensitive . If a person is very mild ,
sensitive and who offended easily . we call it as a mild
disposition .
4 ) Quiet , YIELDING & Contented . A person who is
satisfied with everything and will not ask or complain ,
accepts everything and every body . we call it as a
Yielding disposition .
5 ) DISCONTENTED or INDIFFERENT etc., A person who
is not happy , unsatisfied with everybody & everything .
we call it as a Discontented or Indifferent disposition .
6 ) Loquacious , EXTROVERTED & Vivacious . If a
person is disposed to be cheerful , gay , loquacious . we
call it as an Extroverted disposition .
7 ) INTROVERTED , Reserved & Secretive . If a person is
silent and only gives answers when questioned , talks
less , hides many things . we call it as an Introvert
disposition .
8 ) WEEPING , Sad , Depressed & Morose . If a person is
disposed to cry easily in somewhat adverse
circumstances , we call it as a weeping disposition .
9 ) Audacious , COURAGEOUS , Defiant . A person who
is very bold , takes risks and does adventures ; we call
them as Courageous disposition .
10 ) DOMINATING , Egoistic & Haughty . A person who
is very contemptuous and proud about himself , and
feels everybody is less than him in everything and want
to dominate . we call them as the Domineering
disposition .
11 ) Sweet , Pleasant or GRACEFUL . ( Charming
disposition ).
12 ) POSITIVE , Will strong , Confident . ( Courageous ).
13 ) COWARDICE , Lack of confidence . ( Timid ).
14 ) AFFECTIONATE , Sympathetic & Benevolent .
15 ) SLOWNESS , LAZINESS & DULLNESS ( Activity ) .
16 ) RESTLESSNESS , Traveling & Activity desires .
17 ) Avarice or SELFISH . etc.,
NOTE : - Dispositions can undergo change , Says Dr. Hahnemann ; and the changed disposition should be
considered for prescribing . ( F.N-121 ) .
( If it is a Mental disease like Insanity where Mind is
out of control , then the changed disposition should not
be considered ) .
FOOT NOTE : 122 :- Thus “ Aconite ” will seldom or
never effect a rapid or permanent cure in a patient of a
quite , calm , equable disposition ; and just as little will
“ Nux-vom ” be serviceable where the disposition is mild
& phlegmatic ; “ Pulsatilla ” where it is happy , gay and
obstinate ; or “ Ignatia ” where it is imperturbable and
disposed neither to be frightened nor vexed .
1 ) Timid and Coward : Bar-c., Gels., Lyco., Puls., Sil.,
2 ) Timid and Bashful : Ambr., Bar-c., Calc., Carb-an.,
Chin., Coca., Cupr., Ign., Kali-ph., Nat-c., Petr., Puls.,
Rhus., Staph., Stram., Sul-ac., Sulph., Etc.,
3 ) Timid and Yielding : Lyco., Nux-v., Phos., Puls.,
Sepia., Silicea., Etc.,
4 ) Timid but not Coward : Alum., Ars., Carbon-sul.,
Coca., Nat-c.,
5 ) Timid but not Shy : Ars., Bor., Gels., Kali-c., Lyc.,
Plb., Sep.,
6 ) Timid but not Yielding : Bar-c., Calc., Calc-s., Gels.,
7 ) Irritability with Cowardice : Ran-b.,
8 ) Show Impression of mildness though they are angry
: Apis., Ars., Aur., Cocc., Croc., Lyc., Phos., Rhus.,
9 ) Mild and Expressive : Magnesium’s .
10 ) Mild and Inexpressive : Arsenic.,
11 ) Mild and Timid : Alum., Aur., Baryta., Calc.,
Carbons., Kali‘s., Nat-m., Sulph.,
12 ) Mild but not Timid : Apis.,
13 ) Timid but not Mild : Ammn’s., ( Amm-m.. ) .
14 ) Timidity alt. with Anger : Ran-b., Zinc.,
15 ) Anger alt. with Weeping : Bell., Cann-s., Lac-c.,
16 ) Irritability - Sadness with : Ant-c., Aur., Bov., Kali-
c., Kali-i., Nat-m., Puls., Sep., Sulph.,
17 ) Cheerful alt. with Grief : Calc-s., Graph., Opium.,
18 ) Introverted and Timid : Carbons.,
19 ) Sensitive , Angry & Cowardice : Ammoniums .
20 ) Sensitive , Morose & Introverted : Natrums .
21 ) Timidity , Introverted , Repression with :
Magnesiums .
22 ) Quite , Yielding and Studious : Silicea .
23 ) Diligent , Introverted , Sad and Angry When Obliged
To Answer : Phos-ac .
24 ) Timid , Introverted & Sarcastic : Carbons .
25 ) Quiet , Sober , Graceful & Diligent : Ars., Aur., Carc.,
Ferr., Ign., Nat-c., Sil.,
CONCLUSSION : Those who consider only Mental
disposition and Prescribe or Those who consider only
Physical and General dispositions to Prescribe , Can
never get Similimum and can never Cure the patient
according to “ Law of Nature ” and can never see “
Hering’s Law of Cure ” ; and cannot restore the health of the patient .
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