The missing link connecting traditional and contemporary schools of Homoeopathy
(Dr. Dinesh Chauhan explains that the
major schools of thought in homeopathy all seek the same goal.)
Homoeopathy, being based on
individualization seems to be a very diverse science. Homoeopaths all over the globe practise homoeopathy on the basis of their own individuality, as a result of which many branches (schools) of thought
exist in homoeopathy. This diversity in
homoeopathy raised many questions in
me as a beginner….
Am I a homoeopath or do I belong to a certain school of thought existing inhomoeopathy? Am I a homoeopath or
a Vithoulkas school / Jeremy school /
Massimo school / Scholten School /
Shegal school / Predictive school /
Sensation school /
ICR school / etc.,
Do two homoeopaths belonging to
different schools of homoeopathy ever
come to the same understanding of the
individuality of a patient?
If we believe in science then why is
our method of reaching the patient’s
core (case taking), searching “the”
simillimum and understanding of the
core of Materia Medica/ Repertory and Proving not reproducible every time and by every one?
Is there any connection between the
traditional classical homoeopathy and
the contemporary classical homoeopathy?
Why does the language of contemporary classical homoeopathy
sound so unfamiliar from Dr.Hahnemann’s language?
For a long time I kept ruminating over these questions. I read somewhere, The new never replaces the old; instead, it includes the old. The new (contemporary) is the further extension of the traditional old view.
Somewhere I knew that there is a deep connection between what the erstwhile
masters of homoeopathy have said and what
the modern stalwarts of homoeopathy are
stating …however I yearned to derive the
missing link connecting the traditional
and contemporary schools of thought
scientifically, and systematically; where
all the diverse schools of homoeopathy get
unified. This is when I went to the very
basics of the homoeopathic science, and also to nature and laws of nature.
The very basic foundation of
homoeopathy is based on the three
pillars, the trinity of homoeopathy –
Individualization (understanding the
individuality of the patient),
Holism (treating the patient as a whole
being and not just treating his
diseased parts)
Law of Similars (matching the
individuality of the patient with a
similar and stronger dynamic
affection that is the potentised
simillimum of that patient).
A homoeopath belonging to any classical
homoeopathy school practises on the
basis of individualization, holism and
finally the law of Similars. The first and
most primitive step for the homoeopath is
to understand the individualistic PQRS
expressions of the patient. The PQRS
symptoms are expressed either at the
physical particular plane or the physical
general plane or the mental general
plane. A totality of all the PQRS symptoms
acquired by case taking are matched with
the totality of the PQRS symptoms of a
proven homoeopathic remedy which is
the simillimum for the patient.
One law that deeply connects each and
every thing in nature is the holographic
theory –
It states,
“ That which is true for one part of the
system is true for the whole system”
Applying the holographic theory to
If individualization is true for one part of
the individual
It is true for the whole individual…
When a human being is understood
homoeopathically, we obtain
individualistic expressions at the physical
level and at the mental level. But the
mind and body do not exist as separate
entities. At the holistic level, both speak
one language. The peculiarities at the
holistic level represent the core of an
individual. A totality is formed by
considering the entire core and all the
mental symptoms, physical generals, and
physical particulars which constitute the
periphery. It is of utmost importance to
actually obtain the individualistic
expressions at the holistic level…
Individualistic expressions at the holistic
level indeed decide The most accurate
simillimum for the patient.
In “Individualistic expressions at the holistic
level” we can actually witness the unification
of everything, i.e., individuality, holism, and
the law of Similars.
Connecting the traditional and contemporary
schools of homoeopathy:
Let us now see how all the schools also
say the same thing.
Starting from Dr. Hahnemann, he
proposed the use of PQRS—the
individualistic characteristic symptoms at
the physical and mental plane—as the
basis of the search for the simillimum.
As time passed Dr. Kent said that the
individualistic state expressed at the level
of mental generals, physical generals, and
physical particulars was vital to reach the
As per the KENTIAN school, totality
Physical Particular: (Location/Sensation/
Physical Generals: (Craving/Aversion/
Thermal/Sleep etc)
Mental Generals: (Emotion, intellect, sub
He gave most importance to symptoms
that were common in the physical
particular, physical general and the
mental general plane.
Furthermore, Dr. Vithoulkas perceived
individualistic expressions at the mind,
body and spiritual plane. The theme
running through the spiritual plane
(where mind and body are connected) is
denoted as “essence ” of an individual.
As per VITHOULKAS school:
Mind: Common and qualified mental
Body: Physical particulars (Location/
Physical generals (Craving/Aversion/
Thermal/Sleep etc)
Spiritual: Essence
He considered the “essence” to be of
prime importance in unveiling the
Then Dr. R. Sankaran, introduced the
new concept of seven levels of experience
to homoeopathy and explained that the
higher the level of experience, the closer
one was to his individuality.
As per Sankaran school:
Human Core = (Seven levels of experience)
Utmost importance is given to the
sensation and the energy pattern of the
As per Vijayakar school:
Mind: mental generals at psoric, sycotic
and syphilitic plane
Body: physical particulars and physical
generals at psoric, sycotic and
syphilitic plane
Genetic Expressions: expressions
common at mind and body plane
Let me share a story at this juncture!
Four men – a Persian, a Turk, an Arab,
and a Greek – were standing in a village
street. They were travelling companions,
heading for some distant place; but at this
moment they were arguing over the
spending of a single piece of money
which was all that they had among them.
“I want to buy an angur,” said the
Persian. “I want uzum,” said the Turk. “I
want inab,” said the Arab. “No!” said the
Greek, “we should buy stafil.”
Another traveller, a linguist, passed by
and said, “Give the coin to me. I promise
to satisfy the desire of all of you.” At first
they would not trust him. Ultimately they
let him have the coin. He went to the shop
of a fruit seller and bought four small
bunches of grapes.
“This is my angur,” said the Persian. “But
this is what I call uzum,” said the Turk.
“You have brought me inab ,” said the
Arab. “No!” said the Greek, “this is my
stafil .” The grapes were shared among
them, and each realised that the
disharmony occurred because of different
languages used by each of them and
faulty understanding of the language of
the others.
The observation of individualistic
expressions at the holistic level is the long
sought missing link between classical
Hahnemannian homoeopathy and the
contemporary classical homoeopathy. In my
view, this bridges the gap and integrates
all classical homoeopaths, thereby
clearing up all ambiguity. It is this
“individualistic expression at the holistic
level” that has been given different
names like “essence” by Dr. Vithoulkas,
“the central state” by Dr M. L. Dhawale,
“the genetic constitution” by Dr. Vijaykar,
and “the vital sensation” by Dr.
Everyone uses a different word,
Yet each one shares the same quest;
Namely, to distinguish the most
characteristic symptoms…
That individualise a person at the holistic
Application of missing link to every aspect of
The missing connection integrates all the
diverse schools of homoeopathy. If
individualisation at the holistic level is
true for one aspect of homoeopathy, it has
to be true for each and every aspect of
the homoeopathic science. The
application of individualisation at the
holistic level is effective while:
Constructing the core of human being
The construction of the human core is
complete when individualistic
expressions at the physical plane, mental
plane and above all at the holistic plane
are considered.
Witnessing and receiving the case of a
patient, that is during case taking
The whole process of receiving the case is
complete when it brings out the
individualistic expressions of the patient
at the physical level, mental level and the
level where both the mind and body
speak one language that is the holistic
Searching the remedy
Once the entire core of the patient is
received, it is required to search the
remedy which matches with the physical,
mental and holistic core of the patient.
Studying the core of the Materia Medica /
Repertory / Proving
While studying the Materia Medica,
Repertory and Proving, the homoeopath
should focus upon the holistic core of the
remedy, the central theme of the remedy
which runs along the physical plane,
mental plane and indeed the holistic
plane of the remedy.
Assessing the follow ups of the patient
The whole process of cure begins from the
centre and goes towards the periphery.
Hence, the criteria while assessing the
follow up of the patient are made by
taking into account the physical
symptoms, mental symptoms and in
particular the whole state of the patient
where both the physical and mental
symptoms are connected.
“How often have I wished for…
The concurrence of some physician of
eminence on these points!
I always hoped to obtain in believing that
Observation conducted by really practical
minds must eventually unite in truth,
As the radii of a circle though even so far
asunder at the circumference,
All converge in a common center.”
(From ‘The lesser writing’ by Samuel
{This article is taken from Dr. Dinesh
Chauhan’s book The Scientifically
Intuitive Case Witnessing Process: The
Journey of Three Steps}
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:28 PM - Prema Dgl Dr: Wise words by Dr. Dinesh Chauhan. ЁЯСНЁЯСН
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:29 PM - GOVINDRAJ Dr: ЁЯЩП thank Dr ravichandiran and murali
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:35 PM - Charu Dr: Simple and clear open minded view.
Unprejudiced observer's view
Thank you for sharing the teaching of Dr Dinesh Chauhan.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:46 PM - Balasubramanian: ЁЯСПЁЯСПnice dr
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:50 PM - Prema Dgl Dr: And it is possible for any homeopath had he/she has a ground knowledge of organon and principles on their own.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:52 PM - Semparuthi dr. : Good Sharing....
I must point out few points Predictive Homoeopathy is not about arriving at similimum....But the follow up ....which is given the greatest importance according to embryology... That is reversal of process in disease ...according to miasm...according to Herings law of cure...and strictly Hahnemanian...which no other school of Homoeopathy teaches ...
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:53 PM - Prema Dr: Has Hahnemann taught sir? ЁЯШДЁЯШД
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:53 PM - Prema Dr: With all high respect to you...
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:56 PM - Semparuthi dr. : Yes it's all there in organon...
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:57 PM - Charu Dr: Sir, so that means what I understood is simillimum can be arrived by any art but follow up should have the predictive points?
Am I right sir?
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:58 PM - Prema Dr: ЁЯСНЁЯСН sir.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:00 PM - Charu Dr: I.e layer shifting must be proper?
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:01 PM - Semparuthi dr. : No in that also its according Organon....Only difference in what kind of pathology what level of miasm is to be considered... Also in in Genetic cases...which where not understood or not prevailed during Hahnemann's time Dr. Vijayakar gives a method of taking symptoms also if you want to regenerate a tissue...with modern understanding of Genetics...etc...
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:03 PM - Prema Dr: Following 6th edition of organon which Hahnemann himself said as his best and completed work in homeopathy has always been overseen. Had not there would have arrived no such necessity for any such schools . My humble opinion.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:04 PM - Semparuthi dr. : Reversal of of cute has to follow Herings law...according to embryology described by Dr. Vijayakar...
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:04 PM - Prema Dr: Have heard of genetic problems success by Dr. Vijayakar. ЁЯСНЁЯСН
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:05 PM - Semparuthi dr. :
No where Dr. Vijayakar deviated from teachings of Organon...
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:10 PM - Semparuthi dr. : <Media omitted>
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:10 PM - Semparuthi dr. : <Media omitted>
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:11 PM - Semparuthi dr. : This case came to me...can we do something and what approach...please suggest in other schools of Homoeopathy...
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:36 PM - Charu Dr: Sir, One school of thought might fit to one case or may not.
In my opinion fitting all cases in to one school protocol is not possible.
Every school of thought has its own success and failures, limitations.
Our aim must be to learn all possible techniques.
I would like you teach us the case with predictive so we may learn predictive aproch in such cases
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:36 PM - Charu Dr: Please teach us ЁЯСН
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:38 PM - Semparuthi dr. : Predictive Homoeopathy has no limitation I m just interested is any other school teaches method for such cases....
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:41 PM - Charu Dr: Sir no limitations in sense 100% cure?
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:42 PM - Charu Dr: In all cases 100%success sir?
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:43 PM - Charu Dr: Or no limitations in pathology sir
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:44 PM - Semparuthi dr. : It's limitation of Homeopath himself including me...
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:44 PM - Semparuthi dr. : We don't know how to go about in many situations...
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:44 PM - Charu Dr: ЁЯШЙЁЯШЙ
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:46 PM - Charu Dr: Sir all methods has the same problem not only with predictive. Ie limitations of the homoeopath following the method, even in following organon.
I think prema will fight with me now ЁЯШЬЁЯШЬЁЯШЬ
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:52 PM - Semparuthi dr. : It's not the problem with Predictive Homoeopathy its problem in case taking flaws in my side... Dr. Vijayakar has given methodology for all diseases..
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:19 PM - Prema Dr: Charu.. Nothing to fight. Like sir says
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:23 PM - Charu Dr: Sir, case analysis sollunga sir
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:24 PM - Prema Dr: .it is the inefficiency on the part of doctors' skill that following organom alone SEEMS not enough. And that is why this constant search and findings of different school of thoughts. Remember homeopathy is an art and science. And there is no art with definite rules. When definition comes in the art dies there. That is why the skill of every homeopath not or cant being the same the success varies.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:32 PM - Prema Dr: Hahnemann wrote in germna. Dudgeon translated in English two centuries back. Now the language English us more simplified. And so many of us find it difficult to follow the old English. Came wenda o reily. His translation for some who initially felt dudgeon s translation so difficult to follow. See.. language is an art. The same organon has three forms now. So it is quite understandable that different sect of doctors find themselves in different level of understanding of organon. Hence different schools. Any school which does not deviate from the there cardinal principles are one and the same
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:34 PM - Prema Dr: Hope i have not spoken disrespectful of any.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:35 PM - Prema Dr: There is a sidha friend of mine who gives single medicine choosing it from symptom matching with that of patient. Only thin
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:35 PM - Prema Dr: Thing is crude and large dose.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:37 PM - Prema Dr: Also ayurvedha principles. We should talk with people from there. We will be amazed that they speak similar principles too. Why? How? Because these systems follow natural laws. Simple.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:40 PM - Prema Dr: Talking to a naturopath once she was telling our law..similia similibus curenter. U asked how did you know.. It is one if the four natural laws. So we have a basic introduction to all in our syllabus itself.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 9:48 PM - Sivakumuran Dr:
Yaeka kaalam
Yaeka bojanam.
Yaeka kaalam
Yaeka ousatham.
Ayurvedic basic principle.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 9:52 PM - Sivakumuran Dr: Meaning
One single type of food at a time
Single medicine at a time..
As like homeopathy
Some medicine manufactures polluted Ayurveda also by combinations and mixtures... (So called patent drugs)
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 9:55 PM - Murali Castro: роЙро╖்ройроо் роЙро╖்ройேрой роЪீродро│роо் -роЖропுро░்ро╡ேродроо்
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 9:55 PM - Sivakumuran Dr: ЁЯСНЁЯСМ
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 10:14 PM - Ravichandaran: Erasustratus, the disciple of Hippocrates was a strong advocate of prescribing single me dicine at a time. The socalled Methiridine, named aftrr the king , a combination of morethan 70 remedies was so popular once
I think Etasistratus was the first who advocated only one remedy st a te and resisted poly pharmacy
(Dr. Dinesh Chauhan explains that the
major schools of thought in homeopathy all seek the same goal.)
Homoeopathy, being based on
individualization seems to be a very diverse science. Homoeopaths all over the globe practise homoeopathy on the basis of their own individuality, as a result of which many branches (schools) of thought
exist in homoeopathy. This diversity in
homoeopathy raised many questions in
me as a beginner….
Am I a homoeopath or do I belong to a certain school of thought existing inhomoeopathy? Am I a homoeopath or
a Vithoulkas school / Jeremy school /
Massimo school / Scholten School /
Shegal school / Predictive school /
Sensation school /
ICR school / etc.,
Do two homoeopaths belonging to
different schools of homoeopathy ever
come to the same understanding of the
individuality of a patient?
If we believe in science then why is
our method of reaching the patient’s
core (case taking), searching “the”
simillimum and understanding of the
core of Materia Medica/ Repertory and Proving not reproducible every time and by every one?
Is there any connection between the
traditional classical homoeopathy and
the contemporary classical homoeopathy?
Why does the language of contemporary classical homoeopathy
sound so unfamiliar from Dr.Hahnemann’s language?
For a long time I kept ruminating over these questions. I read somewhere, The new never replaces the old; instead, it includes the old. The new (contemporary) is the further extension of the traditional old view.
Somewhere I knew that there is a deep connection between what the erstwhile
masters of homoeopathy have said and what
the modern stalwarts of homoeopathy are
stating …however I yearned to derive the
missing link connecting the traditional
and contemporary schools of thought
scientifically, and systematically; where
all the diverse schools of homoeopathy get
unified. This is when I went to the very
basics of the homoeopathic science, and also to nature and laws of nature.
The very basic foundation of
homoeopathy is based on the three
pillars, the trinity of homoeopathy –
Individualization (understanding the
individuality of the patient),
Holism (treating the patient as a whole
being and not just treating his
diseased parts)
Law of Similars (matching the
individuality of the patient with a
similar and stronger dynamic
affection that is the potentised
simillimum of that patient).
A homoeopath belonging to any classical
homoeopathy school practises on the
basis of individualization, holism and
finally the law of Similars. The first and
most primitive step for the homoeopath is
to understand the individualistic PQRS
expressions of the patient. The PQRS
symptoms are expressed either at the
physical particular plane or the physical
general plane or the mental general
plane. A totality of all the PQRS symptoms
acquired by case taking are matched with
the totality of the PQRS symptoms of a
proven homoeopathic remedy which is
the simillimum for the patient.
One law that deeply connects each and
every thing in nature is the holographic
theory –
It states,
“ That which is true for one part of the
system is true for the whole system”
Applying the holographic theory to
If individualization is true for one part of
the individual
It is true for the whole individual…
When a human being is understood
homoeopathically, we obtain
individualistic expressions at the physical
level and at the mental level. But the
mind and body do not exist as separate
entities. At the holistic level, both speak
one language. The peculiarities at the
holistic level represent the core of an
individual. A totality is formed by
considering the entire core and all the
mental symptoms, physical generals, and
physical particulars which constitute the
periphery. It is of utmost importance to
actually obtain the individualistic
expressions at the holistic level…
Individualistic expressions at the holistic
level indeed decide The most accurate
simillimum for the patient.
In “Individualistic expressions at the holistic
level” we can actually witness the unification
of everything, i.e., individuality, holism, and
the law of Similars.
Connecting the traditional and contemporary
schools of homoeopathy:
Let us now see how all the schools also
say the same thing.
Starting from Dr. Hahnemann, he
proposed the use of PQRS—the
individualistic characteristic symptoms at
the physical and mental plane—as the
basis of the search for the simillimum.
As time passed Dr. Kent said that the
individualistic state expressed at the level
of mental generals, physical generals, and
physical particulars was vital to reach the
As per the KENTIAN school, totality
Physical Particular: (Location/Sensation/
Physical Generals: (Craving/Aversion/
Thermal/Sleep etc)
Mental Generals: (Emotion, intellect, sub
He gave most importance to symptoms
that were common in the physical
particular, physical general and the
mental general plane.
Furthermore, Dr. Vithoulkas perceived
individualistic expressions at the mind,
body and spiritual plane. The theme
running through the spiritual plane
(where mind and body are connected) is
denoted as “essence ” of an individual.
As per VITHOULKAS school:
Mind: Common and qualified mental
Body: Physical particulars (Location/
Physical generals (Craving/Aversion/
Thermal/Sleep etc)
Spiritual: Essence
He considered the “essence” to be of
prime importance in unveiling the
Then Dr. R. Sankaran, introduced the
new concept of seven levels of experience
to homoeopathy and explained that the
higher the level of experience, the closer
one was to his individuality.
As per Sankaran school:
Human Core = (Seven levels of experience)
Utmost importance is given to the
sensation and the energy pattern of the
As per Vijayakar school:
Mind: mental generals at psoric, sycotic
and syphilitic plane
Body: physical particulars and physical
generals at psoric, sycotic and
syphilitic plane
Genetic Expressions: expressions
common at mind and body plane
Let me share a story at this juncture!
Four men – a Persian, a Turk, an Arab,
and a Greek – were standing in a village
street. They were travelling companions,
heading for some distant place; but at this
moment they were arguing over the
spending of a single piece of money
which was all that they had among them.
“I want to buy an angur,” said the
Persian. “I want uzum,” said the Turk. “I
want inab,” said the Arab. “No!” said the
Greek, “we should buy stafil.”
Another traveller, a linguist, passed by
and said, “Give the coin to me. I promise
to satisfy the desire of all of you.” At first
they would not trust him. Ultimately they
let him have the coin. He went to the shop
of a fruit seller and bought four small
bunches of grapes.
“This is my angur,” said the Persian. “But
this is what I call uzum,” said the Turk.
“You have brought me inab ,” said the
Arab. “No!” said the Greek, “this is my
stafil .” The grapes were shared among
them, and each realised that the
disharmony occurred because of different
languages used by each of them and
faulty understanding of the language of
the others.
The observation of individualistic
expressions at the holistic level is the long
sought missing link between classical
Hahnemannian homoeopathy and the
contemporary classical homoeopathy. In my
view, this bridges the gap and integrates
all classical homoeopaths, thereby
clearing up all ambiguity. It is this
“individualistic expression at the holistic
level” that has been given different
names like “essence” by Dr. Vithoulkas,
“the central state” by Dr M. L. Dhawale,
“the genetic constitution” by Dr. Vijaykar,
and “the vital sensation” by Dr.
Everyone uses a different word,
Yet each one shares the same quest;
Namely, to distinguish the most
characteristic symptoms…
That individualise a person at the holistic
Application of missing link to every aspect of
The missing connection integrates all the
diverse schools of homoeopathy. If
individualisation at the holistic level is
true for one aspect of homoeopathy, it has
to be true for each and every aspect of
the homoeopathic science. The
application of individualisation at the
holistic level is effective while:
Constructing the core of human being
The construction of the human core is
complete when individualistic
expressions at the physical plane, mental
plane and above all at the holistic plane
are considered.
Witnessing and receiving the case of a
patient, that is during case taking
The whole process of receiving the case is
complete when it brings out the
individualistic expressions of the patient
at the physical level, mental level and the
level where both the mind and body
speak one language that is the holistic
Searching the remedy
Once the entire core of the patient is
received, it is required to search the
remedy which matches with the physical,
mental and holistic core of the patient.
Studying the core of the Materia Medica /
Repertory / Proving
While studying the Materia Medica,
Repertory and Proving, the homoeopath
should focus upon the holistic core of the
remedy, the central theme of the remedy
which runs along the physical plane,
mental plane and indeed the holistic
plane of the remedy.
Assessing the follow ups of the patient
The whole process of cure begins from the
centre and goes towards the periphery.
Hence, the criteria while assessing the
follow up of the patient are made by
taking into account the physical
symptoms, mental symptoms and in
particular the whole state of the patient
where both the physical and mental
symptoms are connected.
“How often have I wished for…
The concurrence of some physician of
eminence on these points!
I always hoped to obtain in believing that
Observation conducted by really practical
minds must eventually unite in truth,
As the radii of a circle though even so far
asunder at the circumference,
All converge in a common center.”
(From ‘The lesser writing’ by Samuel
{This article is taken from Dr. Dinesh
Chauhan’s book The Scientifically
Intuitive Case Witnessing Process: The
Journey of Three Steps}
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:28 PM - Prema Dgl Dr: Wise words by Dr. Dinesh Chauhan. ЁЯСНЁЯСН
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:29 PM - GOVINDRAJ Dr: ЁЯЩП thank Dr ravichandiran and murali
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:35 PM - Charu Dr: Simple and clear open minded view.
Unprejudiced observer's view
Thank you for sharing the teaching of Dr Dinesh Chauhan.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:46 PM - Balasubramanian: ЁЯСПЁЯСПnice dr
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:50 PM - Prema Dgl Dr: And it is possible for any homeopath had he/she has a ground knowledge of organon and principles on their own.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:52 PM - Semparuthi dr. : Good Sharing....
I must point out few points Predictive Homoeopathy is not about arriving at similimum....But the follow up ....which is given the greatest importance according to embryology... That is reversal of process in disease ...according to miasm...according to Herings law of cure...and strictly Hahnemanian...which no other school of Homoeopathy teaches ...
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:53 PM - Prema Dr: Has Hahnemann taught sir? ЁЯШДЁЯШД
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:53 PM - Prema Dr: With all high respect to you...
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:56 PM - Semparuthi dr. : Yes it's all there in organon...
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:57 PM - Charu Dr: Sir, so that means what I understood is simillimum can be arrived by any art but follow up should have the predictive points?
Am I right sir?
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 6:58 PM - Prema Dr: ЁЯСНЁЯСН sir.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:00 PM - Charu Dr: I.e layer shifting must be proper?
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:01 PM - Semparuthi dr. : No in that also its according Organon....Only difference in what kind of pathology what level of miasm is to be considered... Also in in Genetic cases...which where not understood or not prevailed during Hahnemann's time Dr. Vijayakar gives a method of taking symptoms also if you want to regenerate a tissue...with modern understanding of Genetics...etc...
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:03 PM - Prema Dr: Following 6th edition of organon which Hahnemann himself said as his best and completed work in homeopathy has always been overseen. Had not there would have arrived no such necessity for any such schools . My humble opinion.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:04 PM - Semparuthi dr. : Reversal of of cute has to follow Herings law...according to embryology described by Dr. Vijayakar...
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:04 PM - Prema Dr: Have heard of genetic problems success by Dr. Vijayakar. ЁЯСНЁЯСН
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:05 PM - Semparuthi dr. :
No where Dr. Vijayakar deviated from teachings of Organon...
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:10 PM - Semparuthi dr. : <Media omitted>
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:10 PM - Semparuthi dr. : <Media omitted>
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:11 PM - Semparuthi dr. : This case came to me...can we do something and what approach...please suggest in other schools of Homoeopathy...
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:36 PM - Charu Dr: Sir, One school of thought might fit to one case or may not.
In my opinion fitting all cases in to one school protocol is not possible.
Every school of thought has its own success and failures, limitations.
Our aim must be to learn all possible techniques.
I would like you teach us the case with predictive so we may learn predictive aproch in such cases
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:36 PM - Charu Dr: Please teach us ЁЯСН
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:38 PM - Semparuthi dr. : Predictive Homoeopathy has no limitation I m just interested is any other school teaches method for such cases....
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:41 PM - Charu Dr: Sir no limitations in sense 100% cure?
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:42 PM - Charu Dr: In all cases 100%success sir?
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:43 PM - Charu Dr: Or no limitations in pathology sir
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:44 PM - Semparuthi dr. : It's limitation of Homeopath himself including me...
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:44 PM - Semparuthi dr. : We don't know how to go about in many situations...
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:44 PM - Charu Dr: ЁЯШЙЁЯШЙ
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:46 PM - Charu Dr: Sir all methods has the same problem not only with predictive. Ie limitations of the homoeopath following the method, even in following organon.
I think prema will fight with me now ЁЯШЬЁЯШЬЁЯШЬ
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 7:52 PM - Semparuthi dr. : It's not the problem with Predictive Homoeopathy its problem in case taking flaws in my side... Dr. Vijayakar has given methodology for all diseases..
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:19 PM - Prema Dr: Charu.. Nothing to fight. Like sir says
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:23 PM - Charu Dr: Sir, case analysis sollunga sir
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:24 PM - Prema Dr: .it is the inefficiency on the part of doctors' skill that following organom alone SEEMS not enough. And that is why this constant search and findings of different school of thoughts. Remember homeopathy is an art and science. And there is no art with definite rules. When definition comes in the art dies there. That is why the skill of every homeopath not or cant being the same the success varies.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:32 PM - Prema Dr: Hahnemann wrote in germna. Dudgeon translated in English two centuries back. Now the language English us more simplified. And so many of us find it difficult to follow the old English. Came wenda o reily. His translation for some who initially felt dudgeon s translation so difficult to follow. See.. language is an art. The same organon has three forms now. So it is quite understandable that different sect of doctors find themselves in different level of understanding of organon. Hence different schools. Any school which does not deviate from the there cardinal principles are one and the same
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:34 PM - Prema Dr: Hope i have not spoken disrespectful of any.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:35 PM - Prema Dr: There is a sidha friend of mine who gives single medicine choosing it from symptom matching with that of patient. Only thin
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:35 PM - Prema Dr: Thing is crude and large dose.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:37 PM - Prema Dr: Also ayurvedha principles. We should talk with people from there. We will be amazed that they speak similar principles too. Why? How? Because these systems follow natural laws. Simple.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 8:40 PM - Prema Dr: Talking to a naturopath once she was telling our law..similia similibus curenter. U asked how did you know.. It is one if the four natural laws. So we have a basic introduction to all in our syllabus itself.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 9:48 PM - Sivakumuran Dr:
Yaeka kaalam
Yaeka bojanam.
Yaeka kaalam
Yaeka ousatham.
Ayurvedic basic principle.
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 9:52 PM - Sivakumuran Dr: Meaning
One single type of food at a time
Single medicine at a time..
As like homeopathy
Some medicine manufactures polluted Ayurveda also by combinations and mixtures... (So called patent drugs)
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 9:55 PM - Murali Castro: роЙро╖்ройроо் роЙро╖்ройேрой роЪீродро│роо் -роЖропுро░்ро╡ேродроо்
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 9:55 PM - Sivakumuran Dr: ЁЯСНЁЯСМ
Thu, 6 Aug 2015, 10:14 PM - Ravichandaran: Erasustratus, the disciple of Hippocrates was a strong advocate of prescribing single me dicine at a time. The socalled Methiridine, named aftrr the king , a combination of morethan 70 remedies was so popular once
I think Etasistratus was the first who advocated only one remedy st a te and resisted poly pharmacy
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