Thursday, 28 January 2016

டெல்லூரியம் Tellurium மெட்டீரியா மெடிக்கா/விவாதம்

Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 6:33 AM - Murali Castro: இன்றைய மருந்து


Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 7:48 AM - Murali Castro: Tellurium metallicum

Origin : Found throughout the world.
Background : Klaproth named this rare
mineral in 1798 from the Greek tellus, or
“earth,” as a counterpart to his discovery
in 1789 of uranium (named from the
Greek ouranos, or “heaven”).
Preparation : Tellurium is triturated with
lactose sugar.
Remedy Profile : Tellurium met. is most
appropriate for people who are excitable
and irritable, with a disposition that is
sometimes described as “rough and
Skin disorders are the characteristic
focus of Tellurium met., including
conditions such as psoriasis, ringworm,
herpes, and eczema on the eyelids and
behind the ears. A key symptom
associated with the remedy is a
characteristic smell of garlic in the
perspiration, which tends to burn and
irritate the skin. Skin symptoms are often
circular or ring- shaped, and may occur
in conjunction with severe back pain.
The remedy may also be used for back
pain that is typically worse for coughing,
sneezing, or straining when passing a
stool. It may help back pain after injury,
spinal irritation, ruptured intervertebral
disks, and pain that radiates down the
legs. In addition, it may be effective for
eye and ear infections, especially ear
infections that produce a discharge that
smells like fish brine.
Symptoms Better : For lying quietly.
Symptoms Worse : For cold; for touch;
for lying on the affected area.
Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 8:28 AM - Murali Castro: Scholten view 

Tellurium (stage 16: decay; ragged
and rotten; live lazily in bygone days of
glory and demand back what they think is
still theirs, tempting, theorizing). 

Case :

A man of
75; he was a philologist for historic
languages (st13-16, ss) who neglected
himself (st16). I did not see this man; his
wife told me about her problems with him.
She had to care of him, because he had
become so lazy (st16) that he neglected
(st16) everything. He only liked to read
his old and fanciful looks (tell). She gave
me a sample of his handwriting, which
confirmed the suspected remedy
Tellurium. She sent me a postcard two
weeks after Tellurium MK , stating that he
was slowly beginning to clean up his
mess and was returning to a better
standard of order. She also wrote that he
was beginning to "clean up his past". She
was very happy about the change. She
also noted that his hearing had improved.
The case is a recent observation and only
dates back nine months. So the famous ’
ragged philosopher’ is not only Sulphur.

Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 9:37 AM - Murali Castro: Jan scholten periodic table view 

The name is derived from the Latin word
Tellus meaning earth. It was discovered in
1782. It is heavier than Iodum although it
has a lower atomic number. It has some
metallic and some non-metallic
properties. It is quite similar to Selenium.
It is used together with Selenium and
Bismuth to make tiny refrigeration units
based on thermo electric effects. Other
uses are: radio detectors, silver alloys to
retain shine, disinfectants. Coloring of
silver bromide in photography and semi-
conductors. It increases the electrical and
heat conductivity when it is combined
with other metals. It is also used as a
catalyst in the vulcanization of rubber.

Lost Creation Inspiration
Used up Ideas culture
Expectation Unique Admiration
Tempting Aesthetics: Beautiful Ugly
Deepen Art Science Mysticism
Remembering Show Performance
Imagination Fantasy Queen Ambition
Reconciliation Hurt Humiliation
Using up Sexuality
Neglecting Lazy Middle age
Rotting Town Province
Dwindling Voice Hearing

Group Analysis
Lost creativity.
Expecting admiration.
Experimental art: extravagant.
Tempting with tricks.
Using up your creations.
Giving away your creations.
The theoretical artist.
Theorising about designs.
Living on your reputation.
Professor in retirement.
The veteran top sportsman.

Picture of Tellurium

Neglecting Your Creativity
The loss of creativity

They feel that their creations are no
longer accepted by the general public.
They have come to the end of their career
and it is only the goodwill of the people
that keeps them going. They are not taken
seriously anymore. They don't take
themselves seriously either, but they still
get very angry when they are not being
accepted or understood. This feeling often
comes about after several big projects
have failed. It can also be the situation of
someone who has had it too easy, who
has never had to exert himself to create
something and who therefore doesn't take
his own talents very seriously.
Neglected as an artist
They often give their power away so they
no longer have a grip on what is
happening. Or they handed over their
financial affairs to an agent so they no
longer have a say in the matter. This is
also a way of handing over responsibility.
Experimental art: extravagant
They become interested in experimental
art. They have grown tired of the well-
trodden paths and are searching for
freedom by indulging in all sorts of
experiments. They are really different from
the rest. Their creations are extraordinary.
They are the musicians who like to
improvise. It also saves them the trouble
of having to study and rehearse their
pieces, so it makes life a lot easier. They
tend to be quite provocative; they like to
see the reaction when they produce
something strange. They like to lure their
audience with clever tricks.
Neglecting their unique creativity
Their creativity is going downhill and they
tend to neglect it. In the beginning they
will continue to make new designs, but
they don't bother with the final product
anymore. Their presentation become more
and more shabby and disorganized and
they don't take themselves seriously
anymore. Later on their designs become
fewer and fewer because they think that it
is wasted on the general public anyway.
Fantasies and memories of the good old
days of fame
Eventually all that is left is the memory of
the old days when they were still famous.
They tend to fantasies about all sorts of
abstracts ideas, about art and about the
things they would have created. It is a
dream world in which they create the
most wonderful things. And when others
remind them that these days are over they
feel very upset.
Expecting admiration
They expect to be admired, even if they do
very little to deserve it. If their
experimental and extravagant designs
aren't immediately recognized as
something very special they become
indifferent towards their audience. They'll
become slack and careless because they
expect to be dismissed anyway. This
careless presentation causes the public to
lose interest very quickly and so they get
into a vicious circle. They make very little
effort to convince people that what they
are presenting is really something
worthwhile. They expect others to
recognize the uniqueness of their
creations without any further explanation.
And so they become indifferent to fame
and admiration. They may even provoke
the public and create an adverse reaction.
Eventually they start to neglect
themselves and turn into a shabby artist.
Hence their own dislike for shabby types,
drug users and other down and outs.
Living on past reputations
Although they know that they have lost the
fame they once had, they simply can't
believe it. I used to make the most
wonderful things; I used to be really
famous, where has it all gone? They
prefer to live in the past, the world of
memories is infinitely better than the
present reality.
The veteran sportsman
This is the top sportsman after his career
has come to an end. He still plays in the
odd veteran competition or charity
tournament, but all that is left of the great
days is memories and photograph albums.
< means "worse from"
> means "better from"
Heights, narrow spaces, shows,
performances, speeches, being touched,
looked at or threatened, accidents.
heights, falling, smoking cigars.
haughty, cheerful, sensitive to
atmospheres, serene quiet, indifferent,
gloomy, crying.
grumpy, angry, violent, temper tantrum, (<)
humiliation and hurt.
dull, absent minded, forgetful about
music, singing, parties, top sports.
artist, painter, writer, scientist, singer,
musician, teacher, doctor, priest, vicar,
bishop, shaman, governor, secretary,
representative, advertising agent, public
relations officer, top sport man, woman.
disasters, humiliation, hurt. Generals
left, upper part, right lower parts, left
warm, (<) heat, (>) outside.
profuse (<) (<) exertion, smells of garlic.
(<) 5 am and 9 pm; periodical, every
week; gradual.
melon, apples, chocolate, vegetables, fruit,
ice- cream, bread, salt, cold drinks.
melon, fish, crab, meat, tobacco.
Worse from - melon, rice.
Sleeplessness, worse from lack of sleep;
sleepy. Falls asleep while doing things,

Delusions, drawing, he were drawn forth
and wafted quickly in the direction of his
legs, as floating in air like a spirit, on
going to sleep. Fear of being touched on
sore parts. Neglecting everything

Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 10:15 AM - Murali Castro: Case :

Maricela, a sixty-five year old woman, had
been suffering from right-sided sciatic
pain since July, 1996. The pain travelled
from the low back down the back of the
thigh to the ankle. She could only fall
asleep on her left side and if she turned
on to the right, the pain woke her. The
pain was worse lifting a moderately heavy
suitcase, worse sneezing and worse
straining at stool. Her symptoms
corresponded to Tellurium an element on
the periodic table. In its homeopathic form
Tellurium is known to cure sciatica on the
right side which is worse from coughing
and straining.
In July, 1997, she was given a single
dose and improved dramatically within
days. Seven months later, she relapsed.
She noted she had to sleep in a semi-
reclined position, otherwise, on waking
and rising from bed she experienced a
sharp, sudden pain beginning in the low
back and extending down the right leg. As
before, the pain was worse from coughing,
sneezing and pressing at stool. She also
mentioned she liked apples. All her
symptoms again fit Tellurium including the
love of apples. Two days after another
dose, she was able to sleep flat and rise
from bed without pain. At one month, she
was seventy-five percent better. She went
on to a full recovery. Again in 2012 she
had a recurrence of the right-sided sciatic
pain and again Tellurium put her right
within days.
Tellurium is one of the lesser used
homeopathic medicines and has won
most of its laurels in the treatment of
sciatic nerve pain. As always in
homeopathy, Tellurium will not cure all or
even most sciatic nerve pains. The
homeopath must inquire into all aspects
of the pain and the person.
In the case of Maricela, Tellurium acted so
swiftly and her improvement was so
dramatic that when she came to me in
February, 1998, for allergies and loss of
voice, I thought I’d give Tellurium a try
even though it is not well-known in that
area. Again, it acted with the allergies
ceasing with a few days.
The conclusion I drew from treating both
Maricela’s right-sided sciatica and her
allergies was that Tellurium was probably
her constitutional medicine, that is, a
medicine that corresponds so well to the
person that it will alleviate or cure most
medical problems that the person has or
will have.
Homeopathy–it often acts globally helping
all aspects of the person.
Dr.karl Robinson.
Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 11:11 AM - Karuppaiah Dr: Mind
-JH Clarke.

Forgetful.─Fear of being touched, in sensitive places.─Excitable,  to fly into a passion.─Rough, angular disposition.─Mind depressed.

28 Aug 2015, 11:46 AM - Murali Castro: தோழரே !

டெல்லூரியம்பத்திய கலந்தாய்வில் பகிர்ந்ததை எங்களோடு....
Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 11:47 AM - Ravichandaran: I will come later when i am free

Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 11:55 AM - Arulmanikam: Silent grief ---------------- a grief that can be seen through their face and their activity and their behaviour, but which is not expressed. They will not say a single word. They silently suffered inside. 
While  case taking we can easily notice the grief or we can collect it from bystanders, but after repeated probing they will open out.
Undemonstrated grief------------------- means there is a lot of grief inside the person, but she never shows that there is grief. Nobody knows that there is grief. That is typical of Cyclamen.
We can’t imagine that they have suffered from immense grief .nobody knows even you and their relatives and friends. While case taking we may get surprise and shock when we touches the sensitivity they will open out.

Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 11:57 AM - Murali Castro: case of Kent

A boy, 4, slid down banisters and
struck his head on a tiled floor.
He became unconscious and a
surgeon was summoned, who found him
in that state and with a clear, watery
discharge from the ear, which the surgeon
pronounced to be cerebrospinal fluid.
This condition lasted three days, and
the case had been pronounced hopeless
when Kent first saw the boy.
Kent noticed that the discharge was
acrid, and reddened whatever part it came
in contact with.
One dose of Tell. was given.
In two hours the child vomited, a sign
of reaction, and in two weeks was well.

Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 11:59 AM - Balasubramanian: Sir!
grief undemonstrative ignatia வும் இருக்கே.
(Complete repertory)
Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 12:04 PM - Arulmanikam: most of the materia medica explores the undemonstrative grief is mainly in cylaman .
Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 12:05 PM - Arulmanikam: but repertory we can see that rubric as similar

Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 1:03 PM - Murali Castro: The most characteristic form of the
skin irritation of Tell. is herpes circinatus,
and it has probably cured more cases of
ringworm, especially of the face and body,
than any other remedy.
(I cured with Tell. an Indian officer
home on furlough whose body was
covered over with a ringworm-like
eruption.) The odor of the body and of the
sweat is offensive and garlic-like.
The prover had to sit apart from the
rest of the class during a whole session
on account of this.
In parts where the skin forms
openings, as the ear, the effect of Tell. is
The characteristic odor of the ear
discharge is that of fish brine.
The discharge is so acrid it vesicates
any part of the skin it touches.
Tell. is one of the most important
remedies in otorrhoea.
Nash cured several cases of post-
scarlatinal otorrhoea, using the 6th, higher
attenuations having failed.

Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 1:41 PM - Murali Castro: Dr.shelton case(1)
 Widow, 50, had pain and
soreness upper part of back for a long
She shrank from the slightest touch
on the part.
The sensitiveness was so acute that
when touched the pain extended into the
occiput and all over the upper region of
the back.
Tell. 6 cured in eighteen days.

Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 1:55 PM - Arulmanikam: tellurium------------5 row+16 column--------------main theme ---------- the creator ,researcher, performer lost his creativity, lost his performance, his capacity and energy ,ability is lost
Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 2:13 PM - Balasubramanian: 👏👏👏👌
Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 2:40 PM - Murali Castro: 👏👍🙏
Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 5:06 PM - Balasubramanian: Peculiar symptom 

Some fifteen years back a barber patient
of mine related to me the woeful plight of
a leading M.B.B.S. doctor of Ambala. The
doctor was suffering from Sciatica of the
left side, was confined to bed and in
desperation had pulled down the shutters
of his clinic. My barber patient knew all
the details as he resided in the garage of
the doctor, I learnt from him that the
physician had remained under treatment
at AIIMS Delhi for about a month, but to
no avail. I readily offered my services if
the doctor should not mind taking
Homoeopathic medicine. Subsequently, on
the persuasion of my patient I was sent
for examination. After a careful
observation of the location, the specificity
and direction of the pain, I found it
radiating downwards from the lumbar
region to the lateral side of the leg. This,
for me, was sufficient indication of
Tellurium. I gave him Tellurium 1M to be
taken at 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. followed by
two doses in the next morning at 8 and
11 a.m. and six SL to be taken 3 hourly.
The pain which was so excruciating
disappeared within ten days. After about
fifteen days when the patient suffered
slight pains, again a dose of Tellurium
10M was administered. Thence forward
no other treatment was given. The doctor
started attending his clinic regularly. All
these years there has been no relapse.
Again mental and emotional symptoms
were hardly attended to.

Dr.Takyar S M.

Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 6:01 PM - Sivakumuran Dr: Tellurium (keys)

Fears of being touched.....

Especially from last cervical vertebrae to fifth dorsal vertebrae. (Spinal irritation)

Barber's itch with herpes circinatus.... Stinging pain with foetid discharge.

Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 7:37 PM - Karuppaiah Dr: Dr. Surseh!
Well done.
I accept that my memory is corrupted. Sorry for misquoting IGN instead Lach.  
Good search. 👍
Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 7:49 PM - Suresh dr: 🙏
Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 7:54 PM - Murali Castro: 👍👌🙏

Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 9:03 PM - Murali Castro: Case :

Mr. S.M., came with multiple warts on the
face and armpit on 1st May 94. The warts
had started on the left side and spread to
the right side. There were also many
patches of ringworm in the groin and feet.
Past history- of liver abscess.
Treatment and Follow-up:
1/4 94- Thuja 10M 3 PN. SL tds for 7
till 10/5 94 there was no change.
10/5/94- The patient complained of
ringworm which was severe. Multiple
warts with difficulty in shaving. Tellurium
6(x) , 7 P at night. SL tds for seven days.
20/5/94- Groin skin better. ct all for
seven days.
6/6/94- All facial warts fallen off. Only
1-2 remained on the body. ct all for
seven days.
15/6/94- skin clear
SL 6PM 3 days, SL 1 tds for seven days.
Conclusion: Tellurium can be added to the
repertory for multiple cauliflower like warts
on the face as a clinical symptom. Of
course this symptom has to be confirmed
by my fellow practitioners.

Dr.Jawakar shah.

Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 9:12 PM - Murali Castro: Dr.shelton case(3):

 Miss Y., 29, who had severe
spinal meningitis ten years before,
consulted Shelton for a burning, pressing
pain at base of brain.
He diagnosed the condition as
The patient grew worse, and gradually
ptosis, and then right and then left
hemiplegia set in.
Finally hyperesthesia of the back
became so distressing that it was a
question of finding any support that did
not intensify the pain.
She could not bear the slightest
touch, complaining that it not only hurt
her at the point of contact, but she felt it
in the head and in remote parts of the
Tell. cleared up the case.

Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 9:16 PM - Murali Castro: Dr.shelton case(2) :

Miss X., 45, had a fall, striking a
severe blow on the sacrum.
She suffered for some weeks from
concussion, with one point of great
soreness in the sacral region, just above
the spot where the blow was received.
She was kept in bed for some weeks
and improved generally, but the painful
spot remained and sensitiveness
appeared over the back, especially its
upper third.
Tell. 6 cured all completely.

Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 10:43 PM - Ravichandaran: எங்கள் விவாத்த்தை மரு.கெண்ட் சொன்ன எச்சரிக்கையோடு தொடங்கினோம்
காட்மியம் ஸல்ஃப் மருந்தில் சொல்லுகிறார்

"Hearing made several observations whereby he tried to prove that substances found together had a relationship and illustrated it by TELLURIUM which occurs as the telluride of gold. It may be a fact that substances so associated are in some respects similar, but this is only a side thought , as each substance must be studied on its merits. There must be no guesswork in the study of probings.
Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 10:46 PM - Ravichandaran: ஹெரிங் மற்றும் அவரது குழுவினர் தான் டெல்லூரியத்தை மெய்ப்பித்தவர்கள்
Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 10:55 PM - Ravichandaran: எனது சிகிச்சைக் குறிப்புகளில் ,காதில் துர் நாற்றத்தோடு சீழ்வடிந்த சரிதையும, ஷயாட்டிக்கா சரிதையும் தவிர விஷேஷமாய் வேறொன்றுமில்லை
வழமையாகச் சொல்லப்படும் மீன் கவுச்சி நாற்றமோ அல்லது (ch3)2 உருவாவதால் பூண்டு நாற்றமோ என் துயர்ரில் இல்லை.
Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 11:04 PM - Ravichandaran: இதுவரை, டெல்லூரியம் என் கவனக் குவிப்பைப் பெற்றதில்லை.எனவே , ஆட்டோ லீஸரின் பதிவகளில் முக்கியமான ஒன்றைப்படித்தோம்
Pain in the sacrum are reported , in two provers, pains extending along the course of the right sciatic nerve. And it is much worse from caughing laughing,bending, from pressure at the time of stool evacuation.
Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 11:12 PM - Ravichandaran: Another symptom seems to stand in connection with this neuralgia. This is sensitivity of the vertebrae from the last cervical to the 5th dorsal with desire to avoid to avoid contact on this region.

ஏதாவது ஒரு முள்ளெலும்பில், தொட்டாலே அதீத வலி வருவது அகாரிகஸில் உண்டு . டெல்லூரியம் போலவே.

ஷயாட்டிக்கா என்றதும், மறைந்த ஆனந்த ஸரீனின் differential diagnosisல் டெல்லூரியக் குறிப்புகளைக் கவனத்தில் கொண்டோம்
Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 11:22 PM - Ravichandaran: ஒரு ஷயாட்டிக்கா சரிதையை எடுத்துக்கொண்டு, ப்ரையோனியா, காலி ஐயோடைடு,நஃபாலியம்,கோலோஸந்த்,ஐரிஸ்,லாக்கெஸிஸ்,மாக்பாஸ்,ரஸ்டாக்ஸ், எல்லாவற்றையும் வேறுபடுத்திக்காட்டுவார்.

Right sided
Lying on the affected side aggravates
Brought on by a damaged disc, irritating the nerve
Laughing aggravates
Caughing aggravates
At night in bed aggravates
Straining at stool aggravates.
Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 11:28 PM - Ravichandaran: ஹெர்ரிங் காலத்துப் பழைய மருத்துவத்தில், காச நோயிலும், கால் வேர்வையிலும் டெல்லூரியம் பயன்படுத்தப்பட்டதாம்.

மெய்ப்பித்தலின் போது, ஹெர்ரிங்குக்கு ஒரு வாரத்தில் கால் வியர்வை பெருக்கெடுத்ததாம்
Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 11:34 PM - Ravichandaran: தீதியர் கிராண்ட் ஜார்ஜ், வித்தியாசமான பதவைச் சொல்லுகிறார்
This remedy corresponds to people who are shaken to the depths of their soul  by one hurtful remark.
Fri, 28 Aug 2015, 11:42 PM - Ravichandaran: A tellurium patient forgets and neglects much,also the writing down and even the observing of the symptoms. It is all too much trouble to him; when thinking of the one , or of any business, he forgets everything else, and on occasion of this he neglects much that is necessary.

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