Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 7:56 AM - Karuppaiah Dr: Repertory of the Psychic Medicines, with Materia Medica
Ambra grisea
Excitation as if from nervous weakness or by impatience.
Hasty in intellectual works.
Imagination crowded with grimacing faces.
Lascivious images by the least excitation of the mind and of the genital organ.
Anxiety with tremblings.
Great weakness.
Desolation (Nux-vom.)
ABUNDANCE OF SAD IDEAS with the sensation of distress in the heart.
Gloomy temperament.
Hopelessness. Disgust of life.
Tendency to become angry, to quarrel and to weep, easily irritated.
Alternate mental weakness and violent passion.
Dislikes smiling and conversation.
Embarrassed in society; as if always in a dream as if stupid.
Weak memory, weak intelligence, understands with difficulty what he reads (Staph.)
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 8:00 AM - Murali Castro: 🙏
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 8:05 AM - Karuppaiah Dr: A STUDY OF MATERIA MEDICA
Ambra grisea
Ambergris is a fat-like substance found in the intestines and among the excreta of the spermwhale.
A remedy so useful as this should hardly be over looked.
The red strand of this remedy is found in its bashfulness, embarrassment and nervousness.
It is thus like Cepa another remedy great in bashfulness.
All his troubles are aggravated when he gets upset and nothing upsets him more than company.
He cannot pass stools when somebody is present.
The cough also starts troubling him when he goes among strangers or gets excited in any other way. The Ambra grisea cough is very peculiar and should be specially remembered. It is a cough that is followed by eructations of wind.
Only a few remedies such as Sulph. acid, Arnica, Sanguinaria and Veratrum can come up to it when this symptom is concerned.
It is spasmodic in nature and is worse from talking, and writing.
Ambra grisea has a marked action over the female genital organs. During menses the leg becomes quite blue from distended varices and also painful. As in Bovista we find a slight show of blood between periods.
Every little accident or a little over exertion such as straining at stool or indulging in walk little longer than usual brings it on.
In this it is very similar to Calc. carb.
Another point of semblance between these two remedies consists in a sensation of coldness felt mostly in the abdomen.
The leucorrhoea of Ambra grisea is thick and bluish white in color. It occurs only at night as in Causticum, Mercurius and Nitric acid.
Ambra grisea is a good remedy for sleeplessness due to nervousness and business embarrassment. He feels sleepy but as soon as his head touches the pillow he wakes up.
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 10:14 AM - Sivakumuran Dr: Alloxan is the chemical that makes white maida flour look clean and beautiful
It Destroys beta cells of pancreas
It is used for producing artificial diabetes in rats during researches.
It is one of the major cause for diabetes in human race.
Aware of alloxan....
Avoid white maida...
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 10:17 AM - Ravichandaran: I think o.a Julian has proved this remedy .
Available in the market in 3x potency
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 10:24 AM - Sivakumuran Dr: Ravi...Where can i get alloxan3x
Regarding Ambra g....
Hysterical spasmodic cough followed by copious belching during company....
Bashfulness all complaints < company
Also nymphomanic pruritus and hysterical vertigo from obstinate constipation...
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 10:32 AM - Ravichandaran: Dr. I bought it from The homeopathic center, stringer street ,Broadway.
Embarrassment is almost the key word for ambra.
Likes to be aloof,presence of others not liked.
Lewd fancies
Fungal infections in female genitalia, around labia major
Comprehension slow,has to read everything three or four times
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 10:34 AM - Sivakumuran Dr: Okii....👌👍
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 11:10 AM - Ravichandaran: அம்பரா க்ரீஸாவை , நாம் ஜே.டீ.கெண்ட்டில் மீள மீள வாசிக்கையில், வயோதிகம் அல்லது முன் கூட்டியே வந்துவிட்ட வயோதிகத்திற்கான காட்சிப்படிம்மே கிடைக்கும்!
புரிதலில் பலவீனம்
கேட்கும் திறன் குறைதல்
மற்றவரிடம் உரையாட விருப்பமின்மை அல்லது
சம்பந்தமின்றி ஒரு விஷயத்திலிருந்து மற்றொன்றுக்குத் தாவுதல்
பலவீனமான ரத்த சுழற்சி
உடல். முழுக்க அரிப்பு
மனதில் விரக்தி,சோகம்
மன அழுத்தம்
வயோதிக க்குறிகளாகவே சொல்லிச் செல்வார்.
முடிக்கும் போது மட்டும், எளிதில் உணர்ச்சிவசப்படக்கூடிய, பயந்த சுபாவமுள்ள ,பலவீனமான குழந்தைகளுக்கு பயன்படக்கூடிய மருந்து என்பார்
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 11:18 AM - Murali Castro: Introduced by Hahnemann in 1827.
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 11:19 AM - Murali Castro: 👍தோழரே!
தற்போதைய அறிஞர்களின்
அம்ப்ரா கிரீஸியா
படிமத்தையும் பதிவிடுங்கள்........
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 11:20 AM - Murali Castro: அப்படியே இலக்கியத்தில் அம்ப்ரா பற்றி சுவாரசிய
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 11:25 AM - Arulmanikam added Sundari Dr
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 11:38 AM - Murali Castro: Ambergris
( / ˈæmbərɡriːs/ or /
ˈæmbərɡrɪs/ , Latin : Ambra grisea ,
Ambre gris , ambergrease or grey amber )
is a solid, waxy, flammable substance of
a dull grey or blackish colour produced
in the digestive system of sperm
whales .
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 11:39 AM - Sundari Dr: Good morning Drs.
Thanks for adding in this group
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 11:40 AM - Murali Castro: RADAR Keynotes for Ambra Grisea
- Emotional, sentimental people
who suffer from inhibition.
- Impossible to express himself,
communicate, < company of
Must make tremendous
effort to keep conversation going.
- Cannot let go. Aversion to
seeing or hearing others laughing.
- Extremely conscious of what
people will think about them.
- Embarrassed esp. regarding
personal habits like stool, urine,
- Ailments from failure, being put
embarassment in their
work: lose confidence, become
bashful, avoid people.
- Dwell on past unpleasant
experiences, offences, being hurt.
- Strong sex desire, lascivious
thoughts and masturbation; feel guilty.
- Claustrophobia.
- Sensitive to music. Music <.
- Irritability. Hysteria. Fear of
- Forgetful, dull, mental
slowness. Unable to calculate.
- Mind weakens like when getting
prematurely old. Dreamy state of mind.
Silly prattling, loquacity,
jump from one subject to another,
ask questions but don't
wait for the answer.
- Delusions, often frightening.
- Over-impressionable patients,
tired, emaciated.
- Prematurely old and senile
(Alum., Bar-c., Plb., Sec.).
- Ailments like nondescript
vertigo, high blood pressure,
headache, colitis.
- One-sided perspiration.
- Numbness.
- Nervousness, twitches, jerks.
- Desire: SALT.
- Aversion: fat (Nat-m).
- > cold drinks, cold water.
- Nondescript vertigo, giddiness,
esp. of old people.
- Hyperaemia, heat, while
listening to music.
- Heaviness or trembling
sensation in head from talking,
- Dim vision as in elderly people.
- Impaired hearing without
underlying pathology as in ageing proces.
- Noises.
- Epistaxis, < early morning while
lying in bed, during menses.
- Twitching. Spasmodic
trembling. Spasms of lips.
- Old looking expression.
- One-sided perspiration.
- TUBERCLES under tongue.
RANULA (sublingual cysts).
Nodosities under right
side of tongue.
- Sensation of a lump with
difficult swallowing.
- Grayish mucus.
- Emptiness, > lying down.
- Heartburn after milk.
- Indigestion from warm drinks.
- Pain > frequent sips of cold
milk, < excitement, lying on abdomen.
- Colitis.
- Flatulence, > eructation and
flatus, which is impossible if someone
is around.
- Internal coldness; onesided.
- Pressing pain around navel >
- Can only pass stool if no one is
- Constipation during pregnancy,
from sedentary habits.
- Hemorrhage during stool.
- Cannot pass urine in front of
- Violent erections in morning.
Desire increased.
- Desire increased.
- Metrorrhagia after exertion,
between periods, from slight
provocation, from hard
- Bluish leucorrhoea, < night.
- Nervous cough, < From hearing
music, when in company.
- Deep cough followed by
eructations; or eructations excite cough.
- Asthmatic; in old people; <
slight exertion, coition, music; >eating.
- Palpitation < music, walking in
open air.
- Rheumatism, arthritis.
- Heaviness, paralytic weakness;
with numbness.
- Trembling from conversation.
- Contraction of hamstrings.
- Cramps in thighs, calves, feet,
at night
- Bluish discoloration left leg
(varices) during menses, with pressing
- Sleepless after conversation,
from excitement, from worries.
- Sleepy with sleeplessness after
going to bed.
- Position: right side.
DD: Bar-c., Lyc., Merc., Nat-m., Staph.
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 12:06 PM - Ravichandaran: கெண்ட் எங்கு முடிக்கின்றாரோ அங்கு தொடங்குகிறது நம் தேடல்
Delicate and weak childrenகளுக்கத் தேவைப்படும் மருந்து என்பார் ஆலன்
ஆக லைகோபோடியம்,பரீடா கார்ப் போல வாழ்வின் இரு எல்லைகளான, குழந்தைமைக்கும், முதுமைக்கும் பயன்பாடுள்ளது அம்ப்ரா்
தீதியர் க்ராண்ட்ஜார்ஜ், குழந்தைகளில் கவனம் செலுத்துகின்றார்
Asthmatic attacks follow intense excitation.
Children ,at18 months,refuse to sit on the toilet and, instead,relieve themselves in hidden corners of the house.
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 12:38 PM - Ravichandaran: பல் முளைக்கும் பருவத்தில் வாய் துருதுருத்து எதையெடுத்தாலும் வாயில் வைத்துக் கடிக்கும். Oral stage and anal stages: ஃப்ராய்டின் கருத்தாக்கங்களை ஒட்டி தீதியர் விளக்குகிறார்
தங்களால், கடிக்க முடிவது போலவே, தங்களையும் யாராவது கடித்து விழுங்கிவிடக்கூடும.
கூர்மையான பற்கள் உள்ள எதுவும் தங்களைக் குதறி விடலாம் எனும்அச்சமும் பதட்டமும் நீடிக்கும் இப்பருவத்தில்.
Dedier writes
The key to this remedy is in the anguish accompanying the passage from the oral stage to the anal stage as described by Freud.
The child suffers from" GREAT ANXIETY Of BEING DEVOURED"
As this anxiety prevails throughout anal stage the child refuses to use the toilet because she is afraid that part of her could be taken along with the school.
இப்புரிதலின் அடிப்படையில் இரு குழந்தைத் துயர்ர்களின் சரிதைகளைப் பொருத்தமாகததந்திருக்கிறார்.
இரண்டு சரிதைகளிலும், கூரிய பற்களைக் கொண்ட ஓநாய் விளையாட்டாகவோ அல்லது அம்மாவின் பேச்சன் ஒரு அங்கமாகவோ சொல்லப்படுகிறது.
அம்ப்ரா க்ரீஸா கொடுக்கப்பட்டதும் குழந்தைகள் அச்சமின்றி டாய்லெட்டைப்பயன்படுத்துகின்றன.
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 1:09 PM - Ravichandaran: தீதியர், அம்ப்ரா தேவைப்படும் வளர்ந்த மனிதர்கள படிமத்தையும் சொல்கிறார்
முதலாமவர், அதீத வேலைப்பளு கொண்டவர் . பொதுமக்களோடு எப்போதும் தொடர்பில்அல்லது உரையாட வேண்டிய தொழிலில் இருப்பவர் ஓய்வு ஒழிச்சலின்றி உழைத்துக்கொண்டே இருப்பவர்(ஸ்கால்ட்டனின் 12வது ஸ்டேஜ்----overshooting people).
இரண்டாமவர், தாம் வறுமையில் தள்ளப்படுவோம் எனும்பயத்தில், யாருக்கும் எதையும் கொடுக்கவோ, உதவி செய்யவோ மறுப்பவர்
They can no longer tolerate company ,friends,family, conversation,laughter,music,light.
இருவரது பேச்சிலும் அடிக்கடி வெளிப்படும் எரிச்சல்
"They are eating me alive" they often complain.
இந்த இரண்டு வகையினருக்கும் உதாரணங்களாய் இரு துயர்ர் சரிதைகள் தந்திருக்கிறார் தீதியர்
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 1:41 PM - Murali Castro: Case of AMBRA GRISEA:
The patient is a woman of 82 years old in
the last weeks of her life. The diagnose
she had was cancer in the kidney with
metastasis in the liver and in the lymph
nodes in her abdomen. She had decided
to accept that this would be the end of her
life. She wanted her children to support
her staying home and to say farewell to
family members and friends. Nurses were
helping her with bodily care. For no
reason did she want to go to the hospital!
Her medication was rather simple:
painkillers: Paracetamol, Naproxen and
MS-Contin, a sleeping pill and a beta-
blocker because of high blood pressure.
She was weak and anxious about falling.
So when she visited the toilet her children
could not leave her alone. Later the toilet
was too far away from her bed and she
had to make her stool in a chair near the
bed. The company did not bother her in
this case, but she was unable to make her
stool. It was just impossible.
Opium C30 gave no relief, while in a
earlier period in her life opium was very
harmful for her. Ambra Grisea in C12 gave
relief within some hours and from that
moment on she had no problems about
constipation. One week later she expired
People of high age are trained to control
their urine and their stool. This training
started at the moment they were able to
sit: at the age of 9-11 month. So the
control is a physical control without being
conscious. For this unconscious
behaviour C12 is the right potency. Ambra
Grisea in C12 released her from her
trained ‘good manners’: in the beginning
she had the conviction that even for
passing a flatus she needed to go to the
C 12 is the potency when the structure of
behaviour, or the body language is the
core of the case.
by Margriet Plouvier Suijs MD
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 2:34 PM - Murali Castro: Ambra Grisea
case quotes &themes
‘Met someone, so nervous and stressed,
nervous tummy, stool frequent, can
text, talk on phone, but if had to meet
him thought I would throw up. Feel
very self conscious, might trip up, run
out of things to say, wonder why he
likes me……will my friends like him, my
family, is this the one? Go over
everything in my mind, scared about
the future, if had to meet his friends
and family…dry mouth, shaky,
nausea…did not want to eat in front of
him…where will it go, what happens
Not good at sharing my feelings, worry
he will go off.
Not good at saying nice things, spoil the
moment…hate him to turn it into a
Meeting his parents for the first time
could affect sleep, thinking of
conversation ideas….feel sick.
Problems communicating things…
thinking too much, not able to put into
words feeling of love.
Pulling away a bit…not returning
someone else’s feelings and
compliments…could not say something
that not feeling…going on holiday
together this week….how to get to next
To go to his family house at Christmas
[now September], only seen them in
restaurants. Very nervous and self
conscious….think first before speak…
come across as not the best I could be.
Stayed with his family feel so self
[This aspect does not come out in the
materia medica, but is not surprising
from what we know of the natural
history of the Sperm Whale Physeter
macrocephalus, they can gorge on
massive amounts of food and yet also
go months without eating] . ‘Hard to
control how much I eat. Weight up and
down. Gained three pounds in a day.
Eating large amounts was off food [not
interested in eating]. Hard to control
how much I eat. Diet all week then eat
loads at weekend….put on five pounds
on Sunday. Age 15-17 tall podgy big
stood out much bigger than everyone
else, first diet at 16.’
‘Meeting his parents for the first time
could affect my sleep. The night before
visiting his parents, not the best night’s
sleep. Have to tell somebody something,
could it be affecting my sleep. Never
sleep in, even at weekends.’
Mike Andrews
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 3:47 PM - Murali Castro: E M B A R R I S
Kent writes that Ambra grisea is
analogous to Nat muriaticum;
but with
Ambra grisea there is the extreme
embarrassment . Vithoulkas (1995) has
written a lovely description of the
Ambra grisea state in his Materia
Medica (1995) and he too refers to the
similarity with Natrum muriaticum , as
does Linda Johnston (1996). Reading
Vithoulkas (1995) again confirmed the
remedy in the patient’s acute state of
anxiety when dating. ‘ The key word that
best describes the mental emotional state
of an Ambra grisea case is INHIBITION.
Most of the symptomatology of this
remedy revolves around the idea of not
being able to loosen up, to relax and
‘exchange’, to let go when in the
company of other people. ’ An anagram
of Amber grisea is E M B A R R I S.
Mike Andrews
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 4:09 PM - Karuppaiah Dr: Murali! 👍
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 5:29 PM - Murali Castro: Ambra grisea: The Road to Homoeopathic
Practice Vol. 1,
by Jean Pierre Jansen.
This is an in depth study by my friend
Michael Thompson of the remedy Ambra
grisea, based on his own cases and
existing materia medica sources. The
author states that he found the remedy
more frequently since he worked on this
His method is thorough: He browses the
computer extraction of all Ambra grisea
symptoms in The Complete Repertory and
finds the characteristic or unique
symptoms too. Then he looks for
particular words that are repeated from
this list of symptoms. This builds up
gradually to a picture, which is presented
in the book as the themes of
embarrassment, blushing, crowds,
strangers, laughed at, etc.
After the introductory chapter he presents
nine full cases, which are clearly cured.
The initial interview and most follow up
results are stated. In some cases other
remedies were given with insufficient
results. Along with each case there is a
repertorisation graph, and some cases
are concluded with a lesson that he has
learned from it.
The cases cover the diagnoses elbow
strain problems, fatigue, Crohn's disease,
menopausal flushes, constipation, bowel
anxiety and cervical injury.
This cases section is followed by a
presentation of 28 themes, both on the
mental, emotional and physical plane.
Some short case examples from the
author and others are added throughout
the text.
Each theme gives a graphical summary of
the important repertory rubrics, together
with the main differential remedies.
Quotations from his cases clarify these
rubrics, e.g. Case 4: "Dislikes watching
rude movies - Embarrassed." They come
together with quotations from materia
medica sources.
A charming issue of this book are the so-
called maps. These graphical
representations of the theme of a
described case or of the remedy stimulate
the mind to think about the themes and
make ones own connections between the
themes. This kind of thinking process
happens as well during our case taking.
At the end of the book he gives 28
additions in five sections of the repertory,
which he has seen in his cured cases,
and states that they can be added safely.
Most additions have a reference to the
cases where they come from. These
additions seem reliable to me although I
did not compare every addition with the
cases section e.g. three cases have
"constipation while travelling," which
perfectly matches what we know about
the remedy. On the other hand, adding a
symptom "constipation at school" seems
a bit superfluous.
Some other 31 suggested additions in
seven sections need further confirmation.
Part of these symptoms are imagined
from his knowledge of the signature of
the sperm whale.
It is a good idea to add a chapter with a
few hints about Ambra grisea symptoms
you might not think of easily e.g. a
patient told about her feelings as a child,
when her mother put her on a potty in
the middle of the room, rather than the
toilet, before going to bed.
Some practical hints come from
discussions during seminar presentations
by the author. Students reacted with
telling their own strange habits in the
toilet. Because the author uses the word
cathartic when referring to this
experiences, I think he was able as a
teacher to create a good atmosphere. It
makes me think of Kent's Lectures on
Materia Medica, when he seems to
become the remedy itself while
presenting his lecture. It is the relaxed
atmosphere which is needed in the
consultation room and while conducting
provings. To me this is an added bonus
to the reliability of information in this
The book ends with a chapter on the
signature and biology of ambergris and
sperm whales.
New themes which I did not know of were
the themes of abuse and punishment,
changing, unusual, death and tennis
The author suggests to think of this
remedy for children who have been
abused and develop constipation. This is
a well known connection in psychiatry,
but Ambra grisea is not a remedy that
comes readily to the mind in these
Although the author does not mention it
explicitly, there is a connection between
the themes of unusual and change. They
have difficulty to concentrate on one
subject and charge from one to another
subject, and on the other hand they have
ailments from anything unusual. So these
two themes seem to represent their inner
and their outer worlds.
Alphons Geukens has mentioned that old
people needing Ambra grisea have
ailments from the death of friends, which
is a natural occurrence at that age. But
there is a rubric "ailments from one death
after another," that applies to younger
people as well. Linda Johnston's cases
in this and the next issue of Links show
this sensitivity as well.
On the physical plane the tennis elbow
comes up as a characteristic of this
This book is a gain for every experienced
colleague. It adds essential features to
Kent's lecture on Ambra grisea, based on
some beautiful cured cases, together with
a thorough study of the repertory and the
materia medica.
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 5:33 PM - Suresh dr: Ambra grasia is important drug of choice for
1.one sided complaints(ex- sweating one side of body) esp in hysterical and nervous person.
2. Though they r introverted and reserved,
Loquacious and inquestive of too many and irrelevant questions..
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 5:33 PM - Suresh dr: My experience with ambra in 2008...
Software engineer of high profile employee came with
persistent allergic cough started after lost his job(overnight without any intimation)..
Severe, dry not able to talk,..
he had been hospitalised and treated with antibiotics, anti histamin, steroids, branchodilators,
finally with anti- depressant also...
Consulted from general practitioner, Ent, pulmonologist and psychiatrist... he cannot get relief more than 4 hrs.
He also had...
Numbness and pain in right upper limb 1yr, < when he is in office..(latter i consider this symptom as presence of others)
He is introverted, no friends, talk with others if necessary...
I tried with Nat mur 200...
No change,
Then with caust 200..
Numbness slightly better. But cough persist...
Suddenly i thought ambra and given 30/2d... as trial and error basis..
After 3 hr, i got phone call from relatives that he is sleeping(i was afraid, when i saw their no in my mobile becoz first time used a nosode in low potency, more over no repertrization and reference)
Next 6month he didnt get cough. Then he got job and went to pune ...
This is my memorable ambra G case...
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 5:37 PM - Charu Dr: 👍👏👏
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 5:40 PM - Ilango Dr. thanjai: Am bra a bashful remedy
Similar to nat mur which is extrovert
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 6:28 PM - Murali Castro: Sea remedies:
a vast little- explored treasure source of healing potential
by Gordon Adam
“The sea is a symbol of the dynamism of
life. Everything comes from the sea and
everything returns to it. It is a place of
birth, transformation and rebirth. With its
tides, the sea symbolizes a transitory
condition between shapeless potentiality
and formal reality, an ambivalent situation
of uncertainty, doubt, and indecision.”
Phillip Robbins[1]
The sea is regarded as the source of all
life; it covers about 70% of the Earth’s
surface, and contains virtually all of the
known elements[2]. Given its huge
significance for life on the planet, only a
small number of homeopathic remedies
sourced from the sea are widely
prescribed: Natrum muriaticum, Calcarea
carbonica, Sepia, Ambra grisea and
Spongia, although there are currently
nearly 100 sea-sourced remedies
available. The sea is the habitat of
230,000 known species; it is estimated
that only 5% of the ocean has been
explored, and biologists believe that over
two million marine species may exist!
More than in any other realm of nature,
there is a huge healing potential lying
dormant in unproved sea creatures and
sea plants, and in seldom prescribed sea
remedies that are already available. This
has led me to engage in the study of sea
remedies over the last 10 years, initially
through setting up ‘The Sea Remedies
Project’.[3] More recently, I have taught
sea remedies in a series of workshops
which have included short provings[4] of
new sea remedies.
From work done by Massimo
Mangialavori’[5], and my own research[6],
some themes that are characteristic of sea
remedies have emerged:
Sea & Water
Watery language e.g. “flow; drift; sink;
AFFINITY WITH WATER; people who need
sea remedies often like to be near water
or by the sea; sea hobbies; swimming,
scuba diving, surfing, sailing, coastal path
walking. Water seems frightening, with
hidden unseen depths and threats e.g.
fear of drowning, fear of sharks.
Vulnerability & Protection
and have a need for PROTECTION. Fear of
being injured, touched, invaded or
penetrated, including sexually; need for
SAFETY: “I stay inside my shell.”
WITHDRAWAL from bad experiences; try to
hide or escape, withdraw emotionally.
Physically there may be contraction,
spasms, cramps, and numbness.
sensitive to mental impressions; sensitive
to MUSIC; noise; odours. EMOTIONS;
indifference; unfeeling; numbness of
Relationship Problems
CONNECTING to other people; WITHDRAW
inside themselves; difficulty with
communication. Problems relating to their
partner, children, close family;
estrangement; feel forsaken, abandoned,
misunderstood. Ailments from: loss of
relationship; disappointed love. HURT and
GRIEF: A tendency to dwell on negative
past experiences, withdraw as a
protection against further hurt or loss.
Need for Private Space
Need for PRIVACY. Prefer to be ALONE IN
THEIR OWN SPACE and not be disturbed.
they keep people at a distance.
Inhibition, Guilt & Shame
INHIBITED, not spontaneous. Feel unable
to be themselves; restricted by feelings of
guilt and RESPONSIBILITY; feel under
pressure, heavy, burdened, weighed down.
Ailments from reproach. Ashamed; poor
self image. Need for recognition.
Food & Nurture
Relationship problems can start with
eating disorders, anorexia or overeating.
FOOD ALLERGIES, intolerances: salt, milk,
wheat, fish and shellfish, rich food.
Cravings for SALT, milk and fish.
Immaturity & Dependency
and psychologically. Immaturity; reluctant
to leave home; internal conflict between
self-sufficiency, dependency and
Gender Issues
SEXUAL AMBIGUITY; homosexuality.
Reversal of male/female roles and
RESISTANT TO CHANGE. Anxieties about
moving house. Difficulties with MOTION;
stiffness; paralysis. Some remedies have
to move and be active; overwork.
Weakness, exhaustion, M.E from over-
uterine prolapse (especially Calc carb,
Sepia, Murex, Octopus)
GLANDS: all glands, particularly
THYROID and TESTES. Pain, swelling,
induration, ulcers of glands (especially
Calc carb, Sepia, Spongia, Nat mur, Sea
Salt, Ambra grisea, Asterias, Murex)
HEART and CIRCULATION: Palpitations;
fast or abnormal pulse; high or low blood
pressure. Varicose veins; distension of
blood vessels; sluggish circulation, heart
pain. (especially Nat mur, Sea Salt, also
Octopus, Cephalopods, Eel serum)
LUNGS: asthma; difficult breathing;
wheezing; whistling; congestion of chest
and lungs; constriction and oppression of
chest. Coughs; suffocative; or dry and
spasmodic; asthmatic cough. (especially
Spongia Tosta, Calc carb, Sepia, Pecten
WATER RETENTION; watery discharges.
DRYNESS: e.g. throat; cough; inside nose;
skin. (especially Nat mur, Sea Salt, Calc
carb, Spongia, Sepia, Octopus)
SKIN: Allergic skin reactions; burning,
itching, stinging. Herpes; urticaria;
vesicles; ulcers. Dry skin. (especially
Cnidarians ~ jellyfish, urchins, coral, also
Sea Salt)
CANCER: cancerous ulcers. (especially
Calc carb, Sepia, Sea Salt, Ambra grisea,
Asterias, Murex)
Cnidarians ~ Coral, jellyfish)
‘Sensation’ language is often used by
patients who may need a sea remedy:
SEA: ‘at sea’, adrift, awash, ebb and flow,
in the flow, seasick, salty, clear, murky,
choppy, swirly, changeable, alive, wild,
DEEP: depth, ‘out of my depth’, ‘hidden
depths’, dark, sinking, submerged,
underwater, unseen things, drowning,
gasping for breath, suffocated, diving,
timeless, vast space, immense.
FLOATING: ‘tossed about’, ‘like a ship at
sea’, swimming, afloat, bobbing along,
buoyant, balance, bubbles, light, dancing.
WAVES: ‘it comes in waves’, tides, ‘up
and down’, periods, rhythm, tidal wave,
tsunami, cycles, moon, full moon.
FISH: fishy, ‘wet fish’, slippery, slimy,
oyster, mermaid, Neptune, crab, whale,
shark, dolphin, shrimp, squid.
SHELL: protection, ‘I stay inside’, ‘my
house is important to me’, ‘in my shell’,
‘soft and vulnerable inside’, ‘hard
exterior’, spiral, ‘I close up’, ’half and
half’ (=bivalve), ‘I build a wall’, ‘I
withdraw’, ‘I hide’, ‘I close a door on it’, ‘I
go into a cave’, Intrusion by drilling,
breaking, intruding, crushed, smashed.
SEASIDE: seashore, beach, coast, ashore,
‘head in the sand’, shells.
DESERT ISLAND: lost, castaway,
marooned, stranded, remote, detached,
disconnected, estranged, distance, on an
WATER: flow, fluid, pressure, heavy,
energy, movement, overwhelming,
powerful, awesome, flood, flooding,
danger, peril, engulfed, awash, cold.
Salt is the main mineral constituent of sea
water (3%). As Natrum mur is a
polychrest well-represented in
homeopathic repertories, it is often
prescribed in cases that may do better
with another sea remedy.
Natrum mur, Sepia and Calc carb
appearing in the top six remedies in a
repertorisation, suggests looking at other
sea remedies as possibilities for the case.
‘Animal kingdom’ themes or language in a
case that looks like Natrum mur is a clue
to consider other sea creature remedies.
If the case is Natrum mur, with sea
themes, (but no animal kingdom themes
or language), you could also consider
Aqua marina (deep sea water), Sea Salt
(from beach water), and Himalayan Crystal
Remedies made from shells, or other
calcareous material of the sea creatures,
often use words and phrases that suggest
the mineral kingdom.
If a patient does well on one sea remedy,
but the remedy action is less than hoped
for, consider other remedies in the same
biological group. For instance if Sepia
helps to an extent but not quite enough,
you could consider other cephalopod
remedies: Octopus (solitary, hiding in a
cave) or Nautilus (‘up and down’), or
Squid (squid shoal as a social group and
has propulsion, whereas Sepia is solitary
and has stasis).
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 6:54 PM - Balasubramanian: Nice Castro! 👍
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 6:56 PM - Dr muthuvel: Murali very good performances
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 8:45 PM - Murali Castro: டாக்டர் பதக்
"young modern society girls" க்கு அம்ப்ரா கிரீஸா பொருத்தமான மருந்துனு சொல்றார்
என்ன காரணத்தால் இருக்கும்.????
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 8:54 PM - Murali Castro: டாக்டர். இராசன்சங்கரனும்
தன்னுடைய Soul of remedeis...ல் வழிமொழிகிறார்.
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 9:00 PM - Murali Castro: Remedies of the Sea -
With Massimo
In the family of the sea remedies,
Massimo includes remedies made from
sea animals such as Sepia, Spongia,
Homarus (lobster), Medusa (jellyfish),
Ambra grisea (from the whale), Corallium
rubrum (red coral), Asterias rubens (star
fish), Murex (juice from the Purple fish),
as well as Aqua marina, made from sea
water itself. He also includes remedies
which are not from the sea such as
Alloxanum (meoxalylurea, a substance
known to cause diabetes), Raphanus (the
wild radish), Xanthoxylum (a Rutacea,
tooth pick tree), and Helonius (False
Unicorn, Blazing Star). Minerals such as
Natrum muriaticum, Silica, Calcarea
silicata, Bromium and Chlorum are the
most represented in the sea. Massimo
considers Sepia as the center of this
family because it is the remedy we have
the most information about.
Common themes of the sea remedies include:
Past oriented/Resentment
Weak feeling/Insecurity
Safe environment/Protection/Home
Sensitiveness—either hypo or hyper
Stinging pains
Heaviness/Bearing down/Dragging pains
Most of the sea remedies are very
basic and primitive life forms and people
who need these remedies can be
considered to be very basic as well. They
will talk about their needs instead of art
and philosophy. They have primitive fears
of ghosts or monsters, something that can
destroy them. Fear can be a predominant
part of the daily existence of these
patients. There is a fear of penetration,
letting others enter; communication is not
useful or necessary for them. They have
stinging pains—something entering them
from the outside. There is resentment,
some attitude attached to the past, no
evolution, "I want to remain here and not
grow"—every possible injury remains
forever. Most of the skin problems are
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 9:45 PM - Murali Castro: தோழரே !
இலக்கியத்தில் அம்ப்ரா கிரீசியா வின் பங்கீடு எதாவது உண்டா?
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 10:25 PM - Ravichandaran: For' Ambra griesa' the unique circumstance is many family deaths in a short period of time( ref homeopathic link,7/97,Linda Johnson).
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 10:30 PM - Ravichandaran: இசை கேட்டால்புவி அசைந்தாடும் என பாடக்கேட்ட நமக்கு அம்ப்ரா ஏமாற்ற்ம் அளிக்கிறது. இசை கேட்டால் சோகம் கூடி அழுகை வருகிறது அம்ப்ராவுக்கு.
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 10:40 PM - Karuppaiah Dr: Music causes weeping."Great sadness, sits for days weeping"
Asthma of children or old people; wheezing in air passages and pressure in chest; accompanied by cardiac symptoms. Asthma on attempting a coition.
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 10:43 PM - Ravichandaran: மார்சல் ப்ரௌஸ்ட் எழுதிய,மேடம்பவாரி் நாவலில்,பவாரி தெருவுக்கு வந்து, நாற்சந்தியில்,குழம்பி ,தெருவைக்கடக்கமுடியாமல், திண்டாடுவது தான் என் நினைவுக்கு வருகிறது.
தெருவில் இறங்கி எதையும் தைரியமாய் செய்யமடியாது அம்ப்ராவால்
குழப்பமும் தலை சுற்றலுமே மிஞ்சும்
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 10:46 PM - Murali Castro: 👍நன்றி தோழரே!
நாளை .....Cyclamen.....
Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 11:41 PM - Ravichandaran: Doors of perception, the book written by Aldous Huxley, after taking Anhaloniyam, the Mexican Pyotr, in the presence of his wife and a psychyatrist friend. It had the effect for eight hours. Whatever, came to his mind, he has recorded. A good document indeed! Outside homeopathy i think this is a very good proving.
Aldous huxly is known for his awowef interest in Indian phylosophy. He has written a book on that perennial phylosophy.
Anhaloniyam is a remedyvin homeopathy known for its flight, hallucinations and delusions.
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