Friday, 5 August 2016

சல்பர் பிரபுல் விஜயகர்

பிரபுல் விஜயகர்

சல்பர் உங்களுக்கு மிகவும் நட்பான பக்கத்துவீட்டு கார் ஓட்டுநராகவோ அல்லது பால்காரராகவோ அல்லது வெத்தலைபாக்கு கடைக்காரராகவோ இருப்பார். அவர் உங்கள் முன்னாடி மிக எளிய மனிதராக இந்திய பாரம்பரிய உடை அணிந்தவராக காட்சி தருவார், உதாரணத்திற்கு பருத்தி ஆடை(cotton)  போன்றவை

அவரின் தோள்பட்டையில் ஜோல்னா பை அல்லது உறுதியான துணிப்பை இருக்கும் ,அது உங்களுக்கு சொல்வது என்னவென்றால் நான் பிளாஸ்டிக் மற்றும் செயற்கைப்பொருட்களை  விட்டு நீங்கி விட்டவன், மற்றும்  நான் சுற்றுச்சூழலுக்கு நட்பானவன்,இயற்கையை நேசிப்பவன் என்று. இவர் போன்ற எளிய மனிதர்களை இந்தியாவில் மட்டுமல்ல  அயல்நாட்டிலும் காணலாம்.  

அவருடன் எப்போதும் இருக்கும் அந்தப்பையில் அவர் நேசிக்கிற பொருட்கள், ஊசி,நூல்.கத்திரிக்கோல்,புத்தகம் ,சில கந்தைத்துணிகள் மற்றும் எதையெல்லாம் முக்கியம் என்று கருதுகிறாரோ அது எல்லாம் அவற்றுள் அடக்கம்.

இவர் முகம் சிவந்து இருக்கும்,மார்பும் சிவந்து அவரின் தொளதொள அரைக்கை சட்டை வழியாக தெரியும் அளவு சிவந்து இருக்கும்,.அவரின் உள்ளங்கைகளும் உள்ளங்கால்களும் சிவந்து சூடாக இருக்கும்.

சல்பரின் பேச்சு பெரும்பாலும் இன்றைய படுமோசமான இளைஞர்கள்  நிலை பற்றியதாக இருக்கும்.

எப்படி இந்தக்காலத்து இளைஞர்கள் அக்கறையில்லாமல் இருக்கிறார்கள்

எப்படி இந்த காலத்து இளைஞர்கள்  வயசானவங்க மேல அக்கறை காட்டாம இருக்காங்க

நாட்டப்பத்தியும் ,சமூகத்தைப் பத்தியும் அக்கறை இல்லாமல் தன்னைப்பத்தி, தன்னோட உடல்நலம்,ஒழுக்கம்,மதநெறிகள் பற்றியும் துளிகூட அக்கறையில்லாமல் எப்படி இந்தக்கால இளைஞர்களால் இருக்க முடியுது?’

இந்த மக்கள் சட்டதிட்டங்களை தன்னோட சொந்த சுயநலத்துக்காக தலைகீழா புரட்டி போட்டு பாழடிக்கிறாங்க, எப்படி முடியுது இவங்களால?’

இவரால் இந்த பூமியில் உள்ள எந்த விஷயத்தைப் பத்தி வேணும்னாலும் பேசமுடியும். சட்டம்,ஒழுங்கு, அரசியல் முதல் புவி வெப்பமயமாதல்,ஓஷோன் ஓட்டை.ஐஸ்லாந்தில் ஐஸ் உருகுவது, மரங்கள் குறைவது  காகிதம் உற்பத்தி ,மழை பெய்யாததற்கு காரணம் வரை எந்த விஷயத்தையும்  பேசமுடியும்.

கடவுளைப் பற்றி பேசுவார், இவரின் உறுதியான நம்பிக்கை கடவுள் ஒருவரே என்பதாகும். அதனால் இவர் கோவிலுக்கும்,மசூதிக்கும்,சர்ச்க்கும் மற்றும் குருத்வாராவுக்கும் அதே நம்பிக்கையுடன் செல்வார். இந்த மதங்களுக்கு அப்பாற்பட்டவர் சல்பர்,  கடவுள் என்பது இயற்கைக்கு அப்பாற்பட்ட சக்தி அதுவே பூமியை ஆள்கிறது என திடமாக நம்புவார். இவர் கடவுளையும் அறிவியலையும் ஒப்பிட்டு காட்டுவார்.

இவரின் அனுபவ அறிவு என்பது கடன்வாங்கப்பட்டதாகும், இவரின்  அனுபவ அறிவு பல்வேறு விவாதங்கள்,புத்தகப்படிப்பு இவற்றிலிருந்து சேகரிக்கப்பட்டதாகும். இவர் எப்பவும் நீங்கள் விரும்பினாலும் விரும்பாவிட்டாலும் அட்வைஸ் பண்ணாம விடமாட்டார். தான் யாரு தெரியுமா,எனக்கு யார்யாரை தெரியும் தெரியுமா என அவருக்கு முக்கிய விஐபிகளை தெரியும் என்பதை நமக்கு தெரிவிக்க விரும்புவார்இன்னொரு பக்கம் தான் பெரிய விஞ்ஞானி என்று நம்மிடம் சொல்வார், நாம் அதை உறுதிப்படுத்த விரும்பினால அதில் உண்மையில்லை என்பது நமக்கு தெளிவாகும்.

பெரியவர்கள்,சிறியவர்கள் பாகுபாடு இல்லாமல் அனைவரிடமும் கலந்துவிடும் பொருத்தமற்ற குணம் உடையவர். அனைவரிடமும் மதிப்பை எதிர்பார்ப்பார். அடிக்கடி பொருட்களை இடம் மாற்றி மாற்றி வைப்பார், சோபா செட்,சேர்,டேபிள், அலங்காரப் பொருட்கள் இவற்றையெல்லாம் இங்கே வைத்தால் அழகாக இருக்குமா ,அங்கே வைத்தால் அழகாக இருக்குமா என மாற்றி வைத்துக்கொண்டே இருப்பார்.

நிறைய வேலைகளை இழுத்துப்போட்டுகிட்டு  ஆர்வத்துடன் செய்வார், ஆனால் எல்லாத்தையும் பாதியிலே செய்யாம அப்படியே போட்டுவிடுவார். உதாரணத்திற்கு ஓவியம் வரைதல்,சால்வை நெய்தல், அல்லது கம்பளி பின்னுதல் அல்லது புத்தகம் எழுதுதல் போன்றவற்றை.

லொடலொடன்னு பேசக்கூடிய, ஆஊன்னா அட்வைஸ் கொடுக்கக்கூடிய நபர்களை நாம் கண்டுபிடித்தால் அவர் சல்பர் தானா என கண்டறிய ஓர் எளிய வழி ,அவரின் உள்ளங்கை உடம்பை விட சூடாக இருக்கா என காண்பது,அப்போது அவரிடம் கேளுங்கள்,

உங்கள் நண்பர்கள் உங்களிடம் கைகுலுக்கும்போது உங்களின் கை ஐஸ் போல ஜில்லுனு இருக்குனு  சொல்லியிருக்காங்களா?”   

சல்பராக இருந்தால் பதில் பெரும்பாலும் இவ்வாறு இருக்கும்

இல்லை, என்ன உங்களுக்கு காய்ச்சல் அடிக்குதா எனத்தான் நிறைய பேரு சொல்லியிருக்காங்க,என் மனைவி உள்பட

சல்பரை நோக்கிய கேள்வி:இருவருள் எவர் உங்களுக்கு நண்பராக இருப்பர் ,சின்ன குழந்தைகளா? அல்லது பெரியவர்களா?

சல்பர்: “நான் இரண்டு பேர்கிட்டயும் கலந்து பேசி ஒட்டிக்குவேன், வயசானவங்க ,குழந்தைங்க ரெண்டு பேருமே எனக்கு நண்பர்கள்தான்

சல்பரை நோக்கிய  கேள்வி: பொருட்களை ஒரே இடத்தில் வைக்க பிடிக்குமா?இல்லை மாத்துவீங்களா?

சல்பர்: “என் மனசு எப்பவும் யோசிச்சுகிட்டே இருக்கும் பொருட்கள் இங்க இருந்தா நல்லா இருக்குமா இல்லை அங்க இருந்தா நல்லா இருக்குமா சோபாவை அந்த மூலையில் வைக்கலாமா? பூந்தொட்டியை எங்க வச்சா அழகாக இருக்கும் என மனசுல ஓடிகிட்டு இருக்கும், எப்பவும் மாற்றத்தை விரும்புற ஆள் நான்.”

சல்பரை நோக்கிய  கேள்வி:நீங்கள் ஒரே ஒரு கோவிலுக்கு தான் போவீங்களா ,ஒரே மதத்தை தான் நம்புவீர்களா?

சல்பர்: இல்லை..இல்லை.. நான் எல்லா கோவிலுக்கும் போவேன் ,எனக்கு எம்மதமும் சம்மதம்.நான் மதத்தை எல்லாம் பொருட்படுத்த மாட்டேன்.”

பின் குறிப்பு: துயரர் ஆய்வின் முடிவில் அவரிடம் நீங்கள் கைகுலுக்க விரும்பினால் அவர் சில விரல்களை மட்டும் தருவார்,நீங்கள் விரும்பினால் அவற்றை பற்றி குலுக்கலாம்.அவர் கைகளை குலுக்காமல் தளர்ந்து இருப்பார் (loose handshake)

இந்த தளர்ந்த கைகுலுக்கல் கல்கேரியா சல்ப்,மெக்னீசியம் சல்ப் மற்றும் சல்பூரிக் ஆசிட் மருந்துகளிலும் உள்ளது.

நாம் இவர் சல்பர் தனிமம் என முடிவு செய்துவிட்டால் துயரர் குளிர் தாங்காதவராக (CHILLY PATIENT)இருந்தால் சல்பூரிக் ஆசிட்,
சூடு,வெயில் தாங்காதவராக(HOT PATIENT) இருந்தால் கல்கேரியா சல்ப்,சல்பர் அயோடைடு என முடிவு செய்யலாம்.

 translator:sangam balasubramanian

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Gall-stones considered from the standpoint of the homoeopathic physician, together with the indications for surgical interferenc (R. F. Rabe)

 Gallstones discussion

 It is a well-known fact that autopsies frequently reveal the presence of gall-stones which during life never gave rise to any symptoms. This is important for the reason that it leads to the observation that as homoeopathic physicians we do not treat gall-stones, but only patients who may have them. The diagnosis of their presence by the ordinary methods is frequently very difficult, if not impossible, and even during an attack of so-called gall-stone colic we have to be careful in our diagnostic differentiations. Since, however, the diagnosis of gall-stones is not intended to be within the province of this brief essay, no more will be said upon this point, except to mention that expert radiography is the one and only certain diagnostic measure outside of an exploratory laparotomy.

 The object of this paper is to show if possible, how much can be expected of homoeopathic therapy in cholelithiasis and when this therapy should cease to be applied. Given a patient whose history shows an undoubted attack of gall-stone colic, our efforts are directed at the patient himself and not at the supposed or alleged, or even actual presence of stones in the gall-bladder. This means that the patient is to be prescribed for in the usual Hahnemannian way, careful casetaking being of the greatest importance; it also means that all legitimate hygienic, dietetic measures be applied and that proper exercise be invoked. Treatment carried out according to this idea has many times been apparently successful, yet it must be admitted that even without any such treatment, patients are known to have lived on without any return of an original attack of gall-stones. In other cases, patients have had no return of trouble for years and have then been seized by a most violent and at times even serious attack. Hence, we must not be too ready to conclude that, because a patient has remained free from trouble for even a long time after our best therapeutic endeavors, the credit for this happy state of affairs belongs to us.

 An acute attack of gall-stone colic can be relieved by a well-chosen homoeopathic remedy, particularly when given in high potency and provided that the patient presents, or is in a condition to present, intelligent indications for a remedy. There can be no question about this statement on the part of the Hahnemannian prescribes who knows the signs of curative action of the remedy, properly given. Others may and do insist that any relief obtained after the administration of such a remedy, is purely accidental or a matter of coincidence. We have no sympathy with this view, but on the other hand it must be admitted that our best efforts do at times fail. They fail in those cases in which we are unable, no matter what the reason may be, to obtain clearly defined symptoms on which to base the selection of a remedy, or for mechanical reasons. Under such circumstances our only recourse is to employ the well-known, extra-homoeopathic palliative measures, to be found in physiologic medication. Nor should we hesitate to employ the latter from any sense of a betrayal of principle, since after all the real physician concerns himself first with the best interests of his patient and then thinks of his own interests afterward.

 Not all cases, however, of cholelithiasis, no matter how treated, terminate happily. In a goodly number, especially those in which the acute attacks of pain have been intermittently persistent for several days, followed by severe jaundice, he danger of impaction of the stone in the common duct, followed by cholangitis, must be kept in mind. Ulceration is then apt to ensue and of course pus formation immediately takes place. Or, the stone may become lodged in the cystic duct, leading to a distended or dropsical condition of the gall-bladder or to an acute inflammation, at first catarrhal but later suppurative, a true cholecystitis.

 In any of these cases, surgery is very likely to be required and will be immediately imperative if signs of perforation or of abscess formation show themselves, such as severe pain, nausea and vomiting, chill, fever and sweat, an increase in the leucocyte count above twelve or fifteen thousand. It is then that most excellent results may be looked for by a combination of good surgery with painstaking homoeopathic prescribing, the former however being of the greater importance in this instance. One of our most reliable indications for the employment of surgery, and this applies to other conditions as well, is the fact that after the apparently well-chosen remedy has been given, even though the patient may be more or less relieved of his pain; pulse, temperature, blood count and diagnostic symptoms continue to indicate advancing trouble somewhere. The quicker we then turn to surgery the better for the patient, as a ruptured abscess in the peritoneal cavity is scarcely a condition to be trifled with.

 On the other hand, we find cases of cholelithiasis which give a history of repeated acute attacks of hepatic colic, together with other symptoms of increasingly poor health, in which our best endeavors with carefully chosen remedies will be in vain. These cases need the knife and will get well only after they have been operated upon and the stones, frequently very numerous and often of large size, have been removed.

 From the standpoint of Hahnemannian philosophy, such cases may be said to represent the tangible end-products of disease, themselves capable of creating further trouble, often most serious. But end-products are rarely amenable to medicine, which at best has a temporary palliative action only. Such cases should have been cured long before the end-product was produced, and at a time when the pathology of the case was still largely functional in character, always bearing in mind, however, the caution that perverted physiology means pathology and pathology means not only functional change, but organic change, however slight, as its starting point.

 Again, we must remember that cases of hepatic colic occur in which no jaundice appears and in which no stones are found in the stools, even after the most diligent searching. These are cases in which either the stones have settled back in a diverticulum of the gall-bladder and have therefore produced no obstruction, temporary or otherwise, or they are cases where very small granules, intestinal sand, have been passed. Such very small stones are however, capable of producing severe pain by provoking spasm of the structures through which they are endeavoring to scratch their way.
 In conclusion, we wish to affirm that the subject of gall-stones thus briefly treated, from the standpoint of the Hahnemannian prescriber, has by no means been exhausted and that furthermore, the thoughts expressed are based upon a fairly large personal experience with gall-stone disease. We wish however to emphasize the thought that, for the Hahnemannian physician, it is necessary to be mindful of the possibilities of this disease, of its diagnosis and of its pathology, of his own limitations which are placed upon him by the just arid natural boundaries of his art, and of the fact that because surgery must so often be called upon, he has not necessarily failed in his well-intentioned efforts. It is hoped that a full discussion will extend and amplify the several thoughts suggested, or intended.
 Dr. Baylies: In many surgical cases a homoeopathic prescription is required and the surgeon should be qualified and willing to make it. If the homoeopathic physician be jointly in attendance he will of course relieve the surgeon of that duty.
 Dr. Rabe and other members have spoken of cases of gall-stones, some of which were very chronically affected.

I have been treating one at occasional intervals for about a year, who has had attacks beginning in girlhood, and since womanhood often extremely severe; the pains in the gall-bladder, epigastric zone and inferior angle of the right scapula indicated, and were much benefited by Lycopodium. Pulsating pain at the lower angle of the scapula palliated by pressure, was relieved by Natrum muriaticum. Under homoeopathic treatment she has greatly improved, and attacks have been seldom and slight. She is not well, but I expect that possibly before she dies, she will get well.
 These cases seem parallel to the "ups and downs of Lot Wyman."

 Dr. Stearns: Dr. Becker mentioned the X-ray. Some gall-stones can be diagnosed by this means while others do not show as they are transparent to the X-ray. If they contain enough mineral substance to demonstrate their existence, they can be diagnosed.

Another point has to do with the natural history of the stones after they are formed. They give trouble, - then no trouble ensues for a long time, and yet gall-stones remain. I am thinking now of a case under treatment that was demonstrated by X-ray. She had numerous attacks of gall-stone colic, but after receiving Nux vomica for one of her attacks, she did not have another for five years. On the other hand, the gall-stones remained and I don't know whether she will be cured or not, but the remedies do not seem to influence the stones, in this particular instance.

 Dr. Hutchinson: I was interested in this case before the development of the gall-stones. We get a good many such cases. On the other hand, we get a good many cases diagnosed choiecystitis and then have a very nice case of gall-stones to deal with. With the gall-stone diagnosis we may prescribe as carefully as we can and finally conclude that perhaps, after all, we did not have much of a case, but we have had a chance to enter a very good wedge even if it was only choleangeitis. Some of these cases have not had much illness at all; perhaps they have had no Homoeopathy, and we have an opportunity to teach the patient something about his health which he had never known before. We keep a case under observation and we find that there are more details in connection with it than seemed at first possible connected with the cholecystitis. I think this is a very important thing to consider always in these cases. Sometimes in a poorly developed gall-stone case we are not able to do much; at least we are not sure of it. Sometimes we do a great deal, and here, as in all homoeopathic work, the combination of disorders is most interesting.

 Dr. Franklin Powel: Concerning the matter of recurrence of gall-stones I may say that I am carrying some gall-stones around with me and have for the past sixteen years. Fifteen or sixteen years ago I had frequent attacks of gall-stone colic but since that time I have had none.

 Dr. Boger: This is rather a large subject and is one which has no doubt given us all something to think about. The most striking thing to me, has been the recurrence of gall-stone colic after many years of supposed cure. I recall two cases which recurred and promptly died; one, supposed to be cured eight years ago, and the other thirteen years ago. I did not see either of them in their last illness, but they died within a few days. They had been carrying these gall-stones around with them (or possibly more added to them) in addition to the ones supposed to have passed at the time they were thought to be cured.
 Cholelithiasis, due to the gall-stones, is a very dangerous condition. A few cases of this kind were controlled completely by Lachesis. These patients remain well today so far as I know. Undoubtedly very large gall-stones may be passed.

Dr. Boger: I have seen two wonderful recoveries of the inflammatory condition after the passage of the stones. There was pus formation and persistent vomiting, for days and days. One case which was diagnosed gall-stones by several physicians upon operation turned out to be simply a spasmodic contraction of the gall bladder.
 Dr. Stearns: I would like to ask Dr. Boger if in his use of Lachesis he cures the gall-stone condition so the concretions are dissolved, or if he only cures the colic during the passage of the gall-stones.
 Dr. Krichbaum: I wish to commend the paper. Dr. Rabe wrote a much better paper than I thought he could. He clearly describes the dividing line between the medical and surgical but we forget, most of us, that after a case of gall-stones you have a sycosis to handle and you have got to keep up your treatment for years and years to eradicate the sycotic condition before you are going to get rid of the gall-stones. I remember sending a patient for X-ray examination two or three times before and then finally they decided he had gall-stones as large as a hen's egg. After two weeks' treatment they were all gone. There have been no symptoms since and it is now four years; no pain, and no symptoms after two weeks' treatment. Marvelous prescribing! We forget, a great many times, our diagnosis, and we get off on a tangent and believe we make marvellous cures when the diagnosis was all wrong, but I have never yet had a case of gall-stones that I did not cure. Now I know that I do not have all the cases and I have not had these cases which are saturated with pus conditions but I have had case after case where I know there were gall-stones and they have been cured after treatment. There is one remedy which I have had, it was handed down by an old-school man who had never lost a case, and it has been guarded in that family for over sixty years, but I got on the inside and got the Treatment. Now I am going to try it. I remember one case I prescribed for and relieved, and the gall-stones were as large as those oldfashioned one-cent pieces. When I was away last year at the meeting he had another attack, and when I saw him he got this remedy; gone in three days - Hydrangea.

 Dr. Patch: I want to express my interest in this paper.
 It is a very vital subject and I imagine that my experiences have been similar to those of most of us who have seen any number of cases of gall-stone disease. I remember, twenty years ago, having a very severe case which had frequent attacks (before the advent of the X-ray, of course). I was in the habit of spending a good part of the night every few weeks giving Chloroform to allay the pain. It seemed the only way that it could be overcome. No remedy that I could select gave relief during the attacks. Later Lycopodium over a long period did accomplish great results apparently. Another case went over ten years without any attack whatever; I took it for granted that she had entirely recovered, but after this time another attack came on, much milder in form, which yielded to remedies readily, and she has had no further trouble.

 I have been very much interested in the diagnosis of gall-stone disease and within the past few years haye seen quite a good many cases where we have used the X-ray and the results have been very unsatisfactory. We have had two or three cases where gall-stones had been diagnosed by X-ray but under operation they did not prove to be present. In one instance, the patient was operated on about a year ago, and the gall bladder was filled with a viscid, dark and heavy fluid, but no stones. Operation, in this case, had absolutely no beneficial effect. Another case, several years ago, where gall-stones had been diagnosed by the X-ray, was operated on, and no gall-stones found, but the patient had no subsequent attacks of pain. This case too, I believe was a neurosis. Prescribing had nothing to do with it. The case was not one of my own but was seen in consultation.

 On the other hand the X-ray does not always reveal stones when they are present, and the reason for this seems to be a matter that is not entirely clear, but, as has already been suggested, is probably dependent on the chemical composition of the concretions. I have come to resort to surgery where I see these cases in consultation because it is practically impossible to accomplish anything in homoeopathic prescribing unless it is done over an extended period, and with an opportunity for thorough observation and conduct of the whole case; I have seen some brilliant results and I think this method preferable to that of allowing patients to go on with indifferent prescribing, getting the indifferent results which are sure to follow. I have seen no serious results from operation when it has been performed under suitable conditions. In one or two instances, where patients have been very old, they have not recovered. I recall one case operated on for gall-stones five or six years ago, successfully, where they developed a second time. The patient did not recover, but it was due to her age rather than to any difficulty with the operation.

 Dr. Powel: I would like to relate a rather peculiar case which occurred in my practice two years ago. I was called, one morning, to a patient who was suffering from severe pains, I had never treated this gentleman before except perhaps for a slight cold or ordinary trouble, and I made an examination; found him lying on his back, limbs drawn up, - very tender at McBurney's point. Of course I diagnosed it appendicitis, and gave him several remedies with no result. He got to showing septic conditions so I suggested an operation to which he very strenuously objected. However, his wife insisted that he should submit, and I called in a surgeon from Philadelphia, who had not seen the case before. He came out, and made an incision for an operation for appendicitis. After getting through the skin a lot of pus oozed out, and a few seconds afterwards, small gall stones made their appearance. We then found he had ruptured the gall bladder. The incision was carried upward and the gall bladder exposed and drained. That man made a good recovery. I learned, afterwards, that he had frequent attacks of what he called pain in the stomach and he said he had always used Harlem oil to remove it.

 Dr. Roberts (H. A.): I want to bear out what Dr. Boger has said in regard to Lachesis. I know of cases that have gone on, - cases where there was great distention of the gall bladder - where temporary relief was obtained. I remember having a case of gall-stones in a boy of sixteen years of age, and I was called for the first time to see the patient during the attack. There was great distention of the gall bladder and pain. I was able to relieve the pain with Lachesis but it did not relieve the condition, and I advised an operation very strongly, but it was refused. The boy died within two or three days, afterwards from a ruptured gall bladder. I do believe that, as physicians, we must re-define the line of demarkation. As I said before, in my opening remarks, there must be a strong line of demarkation between pure surgery and therapeutics if you are going to save your patients in these critical conditions.

 Another point was brought out in one of these discussions - and that is in regard to cancer. It is well to bear this in mind that the localization of cancer is apt to take place at the point of irritability and a packed gall bladder certainly gives irritation, and there is danger of this being followed by cancerous growth.
 Dr. Becker (Henry): I would like to hear more from those who have had experience with the results from operation. Dr. Patch has given us several instances where operation on the gall bladder has had good results. I am skeptical with regard to operation for gall-stones. I have seen numerous cases with very bad results and I can remember no single case where a good result was obtained. My experience has been most satisfactory with medical but not with surgical treatment.
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 In Toronto a very efficient Old School surgeon was operated on for gall-stones. He has never been well since. A big, six-foot, healthy, active man. I said "You know you don't get good results from operation in gall-stones," and he agreed with me. I said with Homoeopathy we cure this trouble and I said "Why didn't you see my brother, who is a friend of yours, before undergoing the operation?" He answered "If I had to do it over again I would."
 Sinuses often do not heal up well with us, which you will probably say is due to bad surgery. It does not seem to be because this operation has good results in other abdominal sections, but the health seems to break down generally.
 Dr. Krichbaum (Philip E.): Any sycosis back of it?
 Dr. Dienst (George E.): It seems to me to be merely a matter of accurate diagnosis. All causes looking forward to the formation of stones in the gall bladder are curable before the stones are formed, and as long as Nature is able to throw off a substance the size of a gravel stone and the conditions express themselves in intelligible symptoms, it is a curable condition. But when a stone enters the bladder, when the accumulation in the bladder is of such magnitude that it cannot pass off, then it is time to act.

 I cannot answer Dr. Becker because I have never had a case of gall-stones that had to be operated upon. All that I have ever seen have been in the primary stages, and if you can recognize, in the beginning, when the gall bladder is becoming affected, where it is setting up symptoms, then is the time to use your remedy; not always the same remedy, - various remedies will cure the condition. But I want to emphasize the point that is clear in my mind, but not in my expression, that there comes a time when Nature cannot respond to the remedy; then it must respond to the knife.

 Dr. Roberts: In regard to Dr. Boger's inquiry, - my experience has been this. I have had several cases of gall-stones. Possibly down his way they do not have gall-stone cases, but in Connecticut we do have them a plenty, and I have had quite a good many of them operated on. I have only failed in one to get good results and that was where the patient was in a very critical condition to begin with, and in order to get her off the table alive, she was so far exhausted that we did not remove the gall bladder. We did remove the stones, - fourteen of them, packed in tightly, and made to order; large ones. Afterwards, a second operation was performed because of distress in the region of the gall bladder and instead of stones, we found a thick viscid fluid that has been spoken of as a viscid substance in the gall bladder, and the gall bladder then was removed. She has since recovered, and is fortunately in good health. That is the only one, in my experience, where the operation has not given satisfactory results. Now, do not understand me to say that every case of gall-stones is for the knife. In those cases where the gall-stones are sufficiently large to fail in passing, and you get an impacted condition, I cannot see anything but to remove them by mechanical means if you are going to get health for the patient.

 Dr. Boger: I have seen both poor and good results. Some of the worst cases I have seen after operation resulting in suffering afterwards and general poor health, and it was very evident they were not cured. Perhaps Dr. Krichbaum is right - there was a sycosis back of it, but I have also known good results from surgical work.

 Dr. Dienst: What per cent did you say?

 Dr. Boger: At least a fourth.

 Dr. Roberts: In regard to the fact that you found so many stones in the autopsies is along the same line as in the Johns Hopkins University Hospital where the autopsies showed that ninety-five per cent of all the patients had at some time in their life had tuberculosis, many of them without having known it. What is a manifest irritation to one constitution does not effect or phase at all another constitution in a similar condition, and that is the reason why you get a source of irritation from these conditions in the gall bladder in one patient and not in another under similar conditions; because there is some sycosis back of it that is disturbing.

 I might ask Dr. Krichbaum to characterize that condition of sycosis in relation to gall-stones but instead I will ask Dr. Rabe to close the discussion.

 Henry Becker, Toronto, Can. . . . . . . . . . President
 Henry L. Houghton, Boston, Mass. . . . . . . . . . Vice-President
 William R. Powell, Philadelphia, Pa. . . . . . . . . . Treasurer
 Frank W. Patch, Framingham, Mass. . . . . . . . . . Secretary
 Harry B. Baker, Richmond, Va. . . . . . . . . . Cor. Secretary
 Board of Censors.
 C. M. Boger, Chairman, Parkersburg, W. Va.
 Guy B. Stearns, New York, N. Y.
 John B. Campbell, Brooklyn, N. Y.
 S. L. Guild-Leggett, Syracuse, N. Y.
 Erastus E. Case, Hartford, Conn.
 Board of Publication.
 Edwin A. Taylor, Chicago, Ill.
 John Hutchinson, New York, N. Y.
 Grace T. Stevens, Northampton, Mass.
 Frank W. Patch, ex officio, Framingham, Mass.

Proceedings of the thirty-seventh annual session of the International Hahnemannian Association

Monday, 16 May 2016

An Interview with Dr. Prafull Vijaykar Rajesh Bhide

Rajesh: Good morning Sir, you have come a long way from being an allopath, a mixopath and are now a very successful homeopath. How did you end up here? What are the necessary qualities for becoming a good homeopath?
Vijaykar: I would say I have been consistently ready for change. To change for the better, plus openness to all other sciences. Not being dogmatic about just what's given in the Organon and our philosophy. In fact studying the Organon in the light of modern medicine. The whole effort is to work in collaboration. To fill in what's lacking. The birth of homeopathy itself occurred because of such thinking. It was discovered by Hahnemann who originally was an allopath. Since he was so frustrated with the shortcomings of allopathy, he felt intensely the need to have a science which would be mathematically perfect and based on laws and principles. So you see homeopathy was not discovered to treat cough and cold! It was discovered to treat irreversible and incurable pathologies for which the old school had no cures.
Today I treat all the so-called hopeless and given-up cases with a success rate of as high as 75 to 80 % and that also with just simple polychrest remedies. One day in my clinic provides enough material for an 8-day seminar! I rarely see cases of patients with simple pathologies like eczemas, allergic bronchitis, mental depression etc. I believe if the world wants to know the real potential of homeopathy, homeopaths should expose themselves to such incurable, hopeless, complicated cases where every “-pathy” has failed, of course with sound knowledge and consciousness. It's an insult to homeopathy when it's used to treat simple cases!
Rajesh: So the most important quality a homeopath should have is the readiness to change?
Vijaykar: Absolutely. Today we have advanced technology, the books of scholars from all over the world, the study of genetics. I use and apply all of it in my practice.
I have used the study of genetics to understand miasms in a whole new way. When I apply it in my practice, every case becomes so simple. And not only genetics but also all the sciences which help us understand man as a whole. After all we treat the man in disease and not disease in man! We have to understand the internal mechanism of man.
It is necessary to understand:
How he is developed? Embryology How he functions? Physiology What happens in disease? Pathology What happens in cure? Immunology How he is different from others? Genetics
All this together constitutes the idea of Individualization. It is the basis of our prescription.
Rajesh: why do you give so much importance to miasms? Can one not practise without studying them?
Vijaykar: You may not be able to give the results the way I am giving, in advanced pathologies. And note that Hahnemann himself has provided this connection. He could not go further since he did not have the modern gadgets to study man in as detailed a way as we can today.
Rajesh: in your books and seminars you always seem to stress there are only three miasms. And you give scientific explanations at the genetic and cellular level. Can you explain in a bit more detail?
Vijaykar: Every cell has GOD in it. G for generation, O for organization, D for destruction. If you look at this from the homeopathic point of view, you will see three miasms. “Dust to dust, every man must!” The moment we are born, we start our journey towards death. I try to see what defence mechanism my patient is using to save himself. Miasms are nothing but defence mechanisms.
Psora represents the physiological defence which is just at the functional level. It means defence brought about by the cell or organism by promoting natural or normal healthy functioning in the cell or tissue. For example, if a bacteria or fungus attacks, the first step the cell may take is to promote production of certain already present antibacterial agents secreted by it on the cell wall like lysozymes in mucus membranes or unsaturated fatty acids on the skin epithelium, or producing free fluid in large quantities so that the bacteria or fungus is washed off, or by using the primary defence mechanism of inflammation. Or by increasing or decreasing the pH of the cytoplasm. The sole aim is to make the bacteria die its own death by temporarily changing the biochemistry.
When this fails there is a switch in the gears of defence. After the limits of reversible physiological changes are exceeded, certain changes take place in the genes, which include irreversible changes in the morphology or the structure of the cell. Accumulations start taking place in the cell wall or cytoplasm. The cell wall starts thickening by excess accumulation of lipids, proteins or glycogen simply to protect the cell from irritation. This is Sycosis… polyps, warts, cysts, tumours, atherosclerotic plaques, deposition of pigments and minerals. On the mental level there is an accumulation of power, money, and egotism basically to create a facade to hide the internal weakness.
When both these mechanisms fail, the cell switches its gear of defence to defend or to save the whole organism by destroying a part of it. This is Syphilis, the miasm of destructive pathologies like gangrene, necrosis, ulcers, and fractures. On the mental level it can be seen in extreme behaviour, something out of control.
Many times we also have two miasms combined: cancer, for example, is sycosyphillitic:
First accumulation then destruction.
So, you see, pathologies develop in such a systematic manner: there is an order even in the disorder! No disease is without a precursor or a follower. Most ailments are the result of an individual harbouring a tendency to a particular disease. No disease falls from the sky. It is mostly the result of a chain reaction. Hahnemann considers the discovery of miasms more important than the discovery of homeopathy itself. You may read Aphorism 74 and the introduction to Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases.
Hering's law
Rajesh: I know you have written a lot about the importance of Hering's law of cure, but can you please briefly tell us here why it's so absolutely necessary to follow it in practice? You also have made your own addition to the law that cure should follow from the more to the less destructive miasm.
Vijaykar: Our science is unique only because of this law of cure. Homeopaths who don't follow it or don't give importance to it, these people I don't consider homeopaths. They are dangerous for the spread of proper homeopathy.
In the first aphorism of the Organon, Hahnemann speaks of the mission of a physician, it is REstoring the sick to health. The letters RE means going back to where it was i.e. health. The disease travels from the less important organs (embryological origin – ectoderm) to the most important level (the level of the mind of the cell – the basic cell code!). If we refer to embryological books we can say it travels from the ectoderm to endoderm to mesodermand finally to neuroectoderm. Now when we find the genetically constitutional simillimum, the cure should take place in the exact opposite order. My addition to Herring's law of cure would be that cure should take place from the more destructive miasm to the less destructive miasm. This indicator helps me enormously in judging the direction of symptoms. I will explain with a simple example. If I am treating a patient of hemiplegia (a syphilitic pathology) and after a few weeks the patient starts developing diabetes mellitus (sycotic) I will not interfere since I know it's going in the right direction. I expect the psoric symptoms to come up in a few weeks as, for instance, skin eruptions or, at the mental level, anxiety. Of course by this time the paralysis has been cured completely. But one has to be watchful if it's getting cured or suppressed! You have seen my hundreds of cases of such advanced pathologies and how beautifully they come back to health.
Rajesh: Sir, many homeopaths are keen to follow this Law but sometimes it's so confusing! For example asthma disappears and dry cough and sneezing starts, now is this from down upwards? Good or bad? Diarrhoea stops and psoriasis starts. Is it the exteriorization of diseases? Or the situation in which mental symptoms are better but the patient feels physically weak?
Vijaykar: This is the tricky part and here one must have knowledge of embryology and genetics! After years of experience I have formed a chart of suppression where one can see how the disease travels and how the cure should take place.
Just to briefly answer the examples you have given: asthma disappearing and the dry cough and sneezing starting is a very good sign. It's the inside-out direction. Where diarrhoea stops and psoriasis starts is a bad sign; it's not exteriorization of disease but a frank suppression. The disease has shifted from endoderm (2nd level of mesodermal connective tissue) to 3rd level since psoriasis although expressed on skin (the epidermis) is actually due to pushing up of keratinocytes by a problem in the dermis (dermatome origin), hence it's deeper.
Where mental symptoms are better but the patient is still physically weak, it is absolute suppression. The body has to follow the mind! In the follow-ups the first thing I look for is the patient's generals getting better. Weakness (if any) has to improve. Mind and Body function together. In health there is balance. So when we say this patient is cured, we cannot leave him alone with just his mind better and with the body that is weak.
New remedies
Rajesh: you have cured a number of cases of so-called advanced pathologies treated with simple polychrest remedies, but in the last few years there seems to be a big fuss about adding new remedies to the existing materia medica since there are newer pathologies; in other words, just as the funda, the world around us, is changing, we have to change too! Do you think the new remedies will bring a “revolution”?
Vijaykar: Adding new remedies to the existing materia medica because there are newer pathologies and because the world around us is changing … this is the way of allopaths!
When they discovered penicillin in 1950, they claimed it as a wonder drug and henceforth no one would ever die of infections. But soon it got outdated and then came tetracycline, then oxytetracycline, chloromycetin, ampicillin, coxacillin and now the 4th-generation antibiotics. They explain that the world around is changing so the bacteria itself is changing, it's undergoing mutation. That's why it cannot be killed by the same drugs.
Rajesh: let me ask you a practical question: what do you do when you fail even after using all the widely known remedies?
Vijaykar: You have to try and try and try. It has to match. If it doesn't, then I am going wrong somewhere. Every remedy should be learned in its Psoric, Sycotic, and Syphilitic pictures. With polychrests, one can see symptoms and signs of all the three miasms. So you have a much wider range of symptoms from the prescriptive point of view. If I am treating insanity or schizophrenia, I will find a syphilitic mental of the patient and match it with the physical. Otherwise it's just palliation!
Rajesh: so one can practise using only polychrest remedies?
Vijaykar: I insist you can! Homeopathy is alive not because of lesser known remedies but because of polychrests. Lesser known and new remedies are used and proved by homeopaths who have no capability or ability to use the polychrests. It is only to hypnotize the younger generation.
Rajesh: so are you totally against it?
Vijaykar: I am against the way they are mushrooming! No matter what the remedy is, show us the results with the right direction of cure.
I have used remedies like Chocolate, Granite, and Lapis alba with great results. But that is not the first thing I go and look for when I treat cases, if you know what I mean. They should not dominate our attention. I rule out the possibility of widely known remedies first. As I said, in my practice 80 % cures are with polychrests and the results speak for themselves.
Rajesh: Sir, I know we can talk and talk without exhausting the subject and you have an ocean of knowledge and information. But finally can you please sum up and conclude…
Vijaykar: Never drift from the teachings of our Master Hahnemann. He has told us to go back to the future! Restore the sick to health. We should evolve for the higher purpose of our existence. And, to accomplish this, readiness to change is most necessary. Change for the better and simplicity. Everything is there in the Organon. We must develop an eye to read it, to read in between the lines, understand it in the light of modern medicine. Then this youngest and the latest science of therapeutics will offer answers and permanent solutions to as many as 1400 diseases mankind suffers from.
thanks to:

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Medorrihnum& vaccination effects george vithoukas


George Vithoulkas: I shall give you the keys to see Med. Med. is also indicated in between treatments as the case unravels. Sometimes it reaches Med. or it may start with Med. Either the sycotic miasm is fully on the surface or it is the second or third layer down. So it is a remedy that you should understand very well. There are points that you cannot miss it with, if you will remember them.
 In seeing so many Medorrhinums., I have seen mostly two types: there is a kind of polarity present there. But before we go into the types, I think I can describe the children and how you may see it in the children. They look as if they are not well fed, as if there is a kind of trace of looking old there. Usually these children are difficult to manage. They are not as difficult as Cham. or Cina. or Calc-p., but they are still difficult to manage. They seem not to know what they want. They seem to go into fits of anger and passions. Many times they will show a hardness which is not usual with a child. Where other children will show an over-sensitivity - a kind of unnatural over-sensitivity - which means that they may not care about their parents or their brothers and sisters, but they will care for their dogs very much.
 There is a great attachment to their dogs. This is probably due to a sensitivity with which they were born and a kind of shock which they have received during their life. Then they withdraw from the people and from the family. They attach and express their feelings through loving their animals.

Question: Would you see that with Nat-m. too?

 George: Maybe, yes. But not to the extreme that we see in Med. Also you will not find the hardness towards animals which a Med. will show, and yet as they grow up there may be somebody who goes from one extreme to the other. It comes like a sort of madness inside them and they can harm the animals and be very hard. They can be very insensitive, whereas at other times they can be extremely sensitive, crying and being exhalted with seeing a flower. These polarities - the hard and the soft, the insensitive and the very sensitive, the male and the female - one is very male-like and macho. This is typical of Med. Lots of sex, and you will see most of the Med. types going towards this direction.
 Yet the other element which is inside them comes and blends together with the feminine and takes over the organism. Then the person will go towards homosexuality and becomes a very feminine type of man.

 As Med. progresses in pathology, he starts having a weakened memory. He will start a phrase to say something and in the middle of the sentence he will forget what he is saying. He performs exactly as I have demonstrated here. Med. did not help me. (Laughter)

 Question: Is this mostly a male remedy?

 George: Mostly a male, but quite a lot in females.

 Question: Could this also happen with feminine homosexuality?

 George: Oh yes, definitely. And it is a homosexuality which is not acquired. Some are born homosexuals and they don't want to talk about it at all because they don't want to change it. There are others who are suffering a lot mostly through over-indulgence in sex. They have not been able to stimulate themselves in sex, and eventually they go into homosexuality and this is an acquired homosexuality. In Med. are mostly the deep types of homosexuality. These are born. It is from the miasm going from generation to generation.

 Question: Is this the person who knows right from the very beginning that they are different? A man who knows that he is feminine?

 George: Yes. They want this type of sex.

 Question: Are they frequently of the type who would try to change their sex through an operation.

 George: Yes. Of course, this will not be only Med. Our drugs have this, especially on the sexual level, and that will be Plat. Strangely enough, Puls., with its feminine type organism makes a male homosexual; but in Puls., the male will usually say, "I have the idea and I have the fear that I am homosexual." They may not have had any experience, but the fear is there. So you see it is a much lighter situation than in Med. So in Puls. there is the fear of being homosexual. I have seen this for instance in very crude people. The builders in Greece have the heaviest jobs. They are the tallest. Or they will work with concrete. Those that carry concrete to the buildings are the most muscular type and the most crude or primitive. Yet you may get a Puls. and in this type of man they will say, "I have the fear that I am homosexual." It is a deep down fear and this fear can drive them so much that they may try to have an experience. You see how much lighter is the homosexuality in Puls. In Med. it is deep.

 Question: So he is the assertive homosexual. He would be the male?

 George: Not necessarily. He can be passive also.
 There is a feminine, soft part to Med. But in this femininity you may not see it as blending and causing a homosexual to appear. You may see it as a great supersensitivity. The person goes around and I will describe to you a Med. man who wakes up in the morning. He is not feeling well. He is having all kind of pains and he is lazy and his mind does not work and he goes to the office and his mind still does not work. He tries to concentrate and he cannot. His mind always goes off to sex.
 As the time goes by, and the evening comes, it seems that this man who was weak and dull during the day suddenly attains a kind of concreteness and wholeness. They come into themselves and they can concentrate better. They can work much faster. They generally are the men and women of the night. Night is their living time. In students, people of that age, they are very mischievous.
 They go to the university all day long and just look for a woman. The teacher will teach, but they will be thinking of a woman. Forget about what the teacher is saying. They are full of mischief. They are so driven by sex urge that they will usually have illegal sexual affairs. There is a married woman and then a man may be married or not married, and they will have a love affair. The instinct is so deep and driving that they cannot. help it. The strange thing is that they will enjoy something which is illegal or illicit. There is just the sense of being mischievous inside. They go towards excesses.

 Question: This is both the heterosexual and the homosexual?

 George: Yes, excesses. The whole idea of excess is running through the picture of Med.
 They will have catarrh of excessive nature and sinusitis and ..... The discharge in general are excessive. The feelings are excessive. The growths - tumours grow quickly. And you will see the idea of excesses behind the Med. patient. It is interesting how we see the gonorrhoea miasm go through from generation to generation. I had a case .... It is interesting in looking back through the camera at myself. Restlessness and many other things. I have taken it and ... (Laughter). A nice idea about myself. We tend to do all this and if you study the materia medica, you will take every medicine under the sun. It is difficult to understand.

Question: That hasn't hurt you any, has it?

 George: May be. I forget words easily. I don't know if it is because of the Med. I took or because of my natural deterioration.
 Now we are going through from the next generation. We see cases, for instance, where there is a constant, very disturbing headache in a woman which is not ameliorated by any kind of medicine which she has been taking. So you take a case and you see traces of Med. in her. I remember such a case with the daughter of a high judge in Athens. He brought the daughter in. I was taking the case and he would watch her very seriously. She was eighteen. How can I ask him in front of the daughter whether or not he had had gonorrhoea? So I said that I wanted to ask him something and that we could go into the next room. We went into the next room and I said, "Did you have gonorrhoea before you were married?" "Who did not?" was what he answered. I said I did not (Laughter). Of course with Med. they have headaches that are beautifully affected. But then he had another daughter with the same symptoms. In one daughter they came out as deep-rooted headaches. The other daughter had this appearance of a child who has not been well fed with a fixed idea that she was fat. She was thinner than Sep. or Laur.
 Question: Did she have anorexia?

 George: No, no anorexia. It was a fixed idea that she was fat and she had to keep thin. I believe that she was quite ill mentally by this time. She was wasting. She had this idea in her head that the skin was not healthy. I tried different drugs. I gave Sil., Calc., because I believed that she was putting on weight very easily, etc. These did not work until we gave Med. You see the idea of the miasm running through the family because the father had not been evaluated enough. In this case, because there were certain symptomatologies that would lead to Sil. first, then Calc., and then to a third remedy before I gave Med. I don't remember now what led me to Med. It must have been one keynote together with the history which I knew from the sister.
 Eventually because of that incident of headache, the whole family became homoeopathic. They saw in one month that the headache had disappeared and did not come back. Eventually the whole family came. This gonorrhoea which was treated, led to this. He said to me, "Does gonorrhoea have anything to do with this?" I said, "No." You never say that because the father had gonorrhoea now your child is suffering, because then you may create a great problem in the family or in the mind of the father. But you have to have the information.
 Now back to the pathology on the mental level: He forgets words and sentences as he talks. He stops. He does not know what he was talking about. May be he will make a strong statement just because he is very frustrated and he does not know what to say. He will say something and you will feel that it is queer because he has started this way and then has switched to another way. If you attend carefully to what he says, you will understand that. There is a gap in his talking.

 There is another peculiar thing with the memory. There is something which happened yesterday and he had the impression that it happened one or two weeks ago.

 Question: Something that happened a long time ago?

 George: Yes, something that happened yesterday he thinks happened a long time ago.

 Question: Could you give us an example? I am not really quite clear what you mean about his starting a sentence one way and then changing to another.

 George: Yes. He wants to say that last week he had been going to Monterio to do something and he would say, "Last week I went to San Fransisco." What he started to say was quite different from what he came up with. There is a gap. Everybody has that, yes? It must be strong. It is not just one symptom. You will see many keynotes in Med.

 Question: Are you saying, George, that he just finishes a sentence with something that may not be related?

 George: With something. He does not want to make himself appear as a fool and he does not want to show that his mind has become completely blank. He tries to cover it up.

 Question: Will there be a pause?

 George: Yes, there will be a slight pause, of course. If you are taking his case, he will give you the information. He will tell you. He will want to cover it up and will do that by completing the sentence with something else altogether.
 He knows that it was not really what he wanted to say, but he had lost it completely. He understands that his mind is breaking down. He does not want to show it.
 Med. cases are not very open people at all. They are very closed unless you get the highly sensitive type. Yet the very sensitive is not a closed-up person like Nat-m. They are outgoing. They may not socialize easily, but when they are in congenial company, they will express themselves and their emotions very much. They go with a friend whom they like and they will be full of expression, these sensitive types. They will be admiring nature and expressing their feelings, but it is too much towards that direction.
 That is usually the type that overturns and gets mixed up and becomes a homosexual.

 Question: What is the difference between that type and Nat-m., who will also open up with close friends?
 George: Yes, Nat-m. will open, but these people are much more expressive in Med. In Nat-m. it will be difficult to express so easily a feeling of sentiment or emotions. Even with a close friend. They may have a serious discussion, but they are more intellectual. They will discuss whatever is far from real emotion. They will avoid discussions that touch upon emotions. They can analyze and be very good psychologists. They can analyze, and this is why Nat-m. people are the type to whom others will go to confess and tell their problems. But he will never go and tell his own. Not because he does it on a calculated basis, he just cannot do it. "I cannot tell because they will feel that I am not as good as they think." He simply cannot express emotions. Yet he can express ideas and he can talk about ideas.
 But even these intellectual discussions a Nat-m. will not do if he is not in a familiar society.

 Question: Even the ideas?

 George: Even the ideas. If he does not have a receptive person, a friend, with him, the Nat-m. will tend to be isolated, by himself, and he will make great efforts to socialize. Because they are intellectuals, they will think immediately, "What now. I am talking nonsense about whether the weather is good or not." They may be able to say that it is nice whether and things like that. In the meantime they criticise themselves and say, "What kind of nonsense are we now talking about?", and they will say, "What is your purpose of coming here?" because it is so stupid. They look at people very critically and then they become insensitive. There is a kind of insensitivity towards others. Nat-m. is very sensitive, but you will get the kind where they will be insensitive to others emotionally. They look from a detached point of view at people. They don't understand what is going on inside you and so they look on the surface of what is coming up. They do not look deeply. They do not want to mix their feelings. In order to understand somebody, I must be open to the feelings of that somebody, otherwise I cannot understand him.
 Nat-m. people are afraid that they will be hurt if they are open; therefore they don't understand others so much. But if you go and tell a Nat-m., "I have a problem", he will believe whatever he is told. Whatever comes out, a Nat-m. will believe and show great detachment as far as the problem is concerned.
 He can easily go outside the problem and see a solution for the person. That is why you go to them for advice. They don't get involved. I tell my problem, "I had a love affair and now that girl has left me and I have given her all my love and now she has completely rejected me and I feel this and that." Now the Nat-m. will not sympathize. They will not mix their emotions with the emotions of the other person. They see in a detached way and, therefore, they are able to advise better.

 A Nat-m. finds it very difficult to see what is behind a man's feelings. They tend to be idealistic people, but at a certain level they are insensitive to the extent that they don't really feel the other person because they don't mix and go inside the other person. They can handle a situation which is very difficult because of that kind of detachment. They have done it because they were hurt, may be as a young boy or an adult, or ....
 This is different from Med. Med. will be behind his emotions, if I may use that phrase. The emotions will be vested by the whole of the emotions. In Nat-m. the person will be behind his ideas. When he expresses an idea, he is altogether there. When he expresses an emotion, he is behind it and expresses about one tenth of his emotions. He may want to say that they are in love with somebody but they cannot say it. For years they can love a person and they cannot say that they love him. They think that they will make a fool of themselves. The Med. is emotional, instinctively emotional in a way. He goes into love affairs and infatuations with all of his being. They will tell you that they enjoy sex very much and there are excesses in their life. This is prominent in Med.

 Question: So this is a remedy that on our scale of sensitivity would be ....

 George: This can be very much up and very much down. It is a remedy which goes to the extremes. You have extremes. When the two extremes of male and female blend, you have a homosexual. The born homosexual.

 Question: What happens if you give a homosexual the Med. then? Is there any particular change in their orientation?

 George: I have once or twice seen a change in the homosexuality in Med. cases.
 Response: Put it in the water supply in San Fransisco. (Laughter)
 There is a large percentage of homosexuals in that town now.

 George: The more you understand Med., the more you will feel that it is needed. It is a sycosis that has gone through from generation to generation which has brought about deep distortions.
 If you over-indulge in sex, what you have is that pendulum swings to the other side and you have a kind of neutrality and they cannot be aroused. That is the time when they can go into homosexuality.

 Question: Because of the illegal or illicit nature of the actions?

 George: Yes, Med. is the man of the night. He lives in the night and in the dark. This dark element is symbolic. It is within their nature to do illicit things as far as sex is concerned. You will go into perversions. You are going to go into illicit love affairs. Without morality behind it, he is demoralized and weakened.

 Question: What is happening in the S.F.  community is that it is no longer illicit. They are very open about it. So what would that do with Med.?

 George: I don't believe that they feel it is not illicit. In the depth of their hearts, Med. people go into fits of anger, fits of passion, fits of discharges. Everything is excessive.

 Question: Can you describe how a Med. patient would react to a flower - a rose?

 George: Yes. They are so sensitive sometimes that they pass through a phase where there are roses and they climb a fence to pick a rose, just for the pleasure of having it, and then it withers. He has a kind of mania. It is something which is too much - beyond. It is the excesses again. It is pathological.
 We are people who always want to find that which is normal and we want to use a rule for that. We could say that everything which is moderate is best and so, therefore, excessive eating becomes pathological, excessive loss of appetite is pathological. We say that sex should be moderate. Those things which go into extremes my create the genius or the schizophrenic.
 I have seen children brought in the office and you get the history that this child has been doing fine until lately. She had been first in her class since primary school and through secondary school. Then she went to college. Suddenly then they break down. They cannot carry on any more. The excesses were there. The mind was working in an excessive way. It is not always Med., but it is pathological. So in order to keep up their balance these people need a special surrounding.
 It is good that they now create schools where the excessively intelligent people can go. These people should not have any kind of stress and they should not compete. This should be minimized because their natural tendency is to be over-active in their minds, but it is pathological all the same.

 Question: If you saw someone and you thought that they were a Med. and you could not get any family history of gonorrhoea, would that bother you?
 George: No. We do always get the primary gonorrhoeal discharge. Again these people have been living such vital lives and they have done a lot of illicit things. You get a man in the army, for instance. He goes through life having all of these illicit affairs.
 Then he retires. He finds himself in a state where he cannot tolerate his inner guilty feelings any longer. He will go into great anxiety and feelings of guilt. Then he will turn into a religious fanatic. He will pray for the good of others and they will have a lot of power. They will pray and they will see effects through their prayers through this magnetism and vitality which they have. And yet you will see that underneath this there is a pathology. They are extroverts and they do this in front of people - they will pray in front of people. Yet you will see the elements of Med. in them.
 I remember such a case. He was a General. This is exactly the type I was describing before. He came to be treated for a chronic catarrh. He was having a post nasal catarrh for the past three years and he has bothered because he would make snorting sounds when he would try to clear his nose. These people are very very vital. He was sixty eight-seventy years old and very vital. I thought he must have had gonorrhoea and how was I going to ask him that. They are very religious people and they do not like to remember what they have done in the past. So how are you going to handle it? You have these post-nasal discharges but there are no other keynotes on the case.
 You always want to confirm your diagnosis. What are you going to do and how are you going to ask? If you ask him, "Have you ever had gonorrhoea?" He will say, "No", because they are hypocritical. They try to hide what they have done. He thinks in his mind, "What does my nose have to do with whether I had gonorrhoea twenty-thirty years ago?" So he thinks that it does not matter. So understanding that, I did something else. I said, "At what age did you have gonorrhoea - twenty or twenty two maybe?" Of course, I was taking a chance. But I was sure that about the character and knew that it was Med. 100%. He said, "Around that." He got well on Med. and he came after a year and a half or two years when he had a kind of relapse. He could still remember the pressure that I put on him and he could never swallow it. He said, "Why did you do that?" He wanted to make some trouble for me. He said, "I have a relapse", and so he needed me again, otherwise he would never have come back. So I knew what his past was. So he said this and that about his nose running again. He said, "I have great esteem for you and I believe in homoeopathy, but I have a complaint." I asked him what it was. He said," The way that you asked me the first time I came to you about gonorrhoea." I tried to excuse myself and said, "What did I say?" Was I a prophet or something like that? So I told him that there were symptoms which showed me absolutely clearly that he had had gonorrhoea and I wanted just to confirm it and that the age at which he had had it was very important. So then he asked if this had anything to do with his nose. I said, "No, I just wanted past information and all that." He got his second dose in 1972 or 1973 and he never came back.

 Question: Was he religious?

George: I don't know. You see you cannot find out unless you know these people and follow them.
 The family can sometimes give you this information, but I believe that he was. I believe that he would have become more balanced. There is that element "If I pray, it is the end of the world and God is absolutely there." To tell me that so easily showed an egotistical element which is very strong in Med. They are very egotistical and authoritative with their family. Do you know how these emotional people will behave if they are hurt? They may not talk to a member of the family for a month. They have grudges inside themselves and they will remember it after a month or two. You ask them to explain what is going on and they will say this and that about themselves and that that is not right. They will say, "I am right and you are wrong." Always they are right and the others are wrong. That is a nexus in the egotistical element.

 Question: Is Sulph. that way too?

 George: Quite similar. Perhaps Sulph. is more so. I think that Kent gives both of them in italics.

 Question: From you, we have three remedies which bear grudges - Nat-m., Sulph. and Med.

 George: Yes, but the one that really hears grudges is Nit-ac. They can remember that you hurt them for as long as three years. Then you go and tell him that you are sorry and that you hurt them and that you did not understand that at the time you hurt them but this hatred which they feel inside cannot change. This is important to remember in Nit-ac. They cannot change. Even if you confess and say hat you are sorry that you hurt them, there is something that is inside which will not allow them to forget. But not with Med., not at all. They will be okay. If you just confess that you are wrong and that they are right, it is okay.

 Question: With this general you were talking about, for example, you are saying that as a Med. he has some sense of guilt and some feeling of discomfort that was associated with his past, and so he tried to atone for it by going to the other extreme of becoming religious and pure? So he must know some place inside that that is what he is doing. And so when you and your interview hit on that, it seems like there is an element of recognition involved. So would not that in itself have created an aggravation and a cure of curative response?
 George: I don't think so. There had been thirty years of post-nasal catarrh and that would not change.

 Response: I am not saying that that relapses the remedy.
 George: I felt that this particular man did not understand something which was really an insight. He was rather irritated by that and the way that I put the question, because I let him no place to get out and to hide. I put him in a corner by the question. He found himself in a corner and he did not like that. I was very serious about question of, "What age did you have gonorrhoea, twenty or twenty two? I did not laugh. I was absolutely sure and he was irritated and he kept that grudge until two years later when he returned to my office.
 You see there again the element of ... you see there was a full catarrh for about ten days before he cleared up. In two years' time, because he had taken some antibiotics for a cold or something like that, the catarrh started again. If there is a kind of information that you have given him and he now has it, then why does he relapse? After antibiotics. You see it is a kind of balance of the whole organism after the remedy, then it unbalances itself through antibiotics and then he has relapse. I repeated Med. on him because he would not give any information. He was a big guru of a Christian type and he was fanatical. This was excessive.

 Question: It is like Oral Roberts? (Laughter)

 George: These people are doing good work, after all.
 Question: Can you explain to me the relationship between gonorrhoea and the sycotic miasm? Is there a predisposition in a person who gets gonorrhoea and then develops sycotic miasm or does everyone who gets gonorrhoea at some point have a sycotic miasm? What is the relationship there?

 George: Do you want me to finish Med. first and then I will tell you?

 Response: Yes.

 George: You see, as the mind breaks down, you go further into pathology. The memory breaks down, there is anxiety and a sense of guilt which comes. There are excesses in expressing emotions and especially on a sexual level. As the mind breaks down slowly, the anxiety takes place more inside him. As the anxiety rises, his sexual appetite starts going down. Then in the mind there is a kind of anxiety in the sense that he is in a hurry. He wants to finish things quickly. This hurried feeling is associated with stresses and eventually brings about a kind of state of mind which is really a turbulence, like the sea. It is a violent and wild state and distracted. They cannot concentrate. There is something wild inside with a feeling of a storm inside the brain which does not allow them to express their thoughts or feelings. They become sort of like Alum. That girl did not show this element of excesses, but the way that she described her symptoms could be Med. in the final stages. But she would say that there was a hurried feeling inside the anxiety. I never have time enough to finish the work I have to do. There is a tremendous hurried feeling. Anxiety, and then that wild state of mind, and then the feeling that they are going to break down. There is a fear of insanity. Just a little before that state, they will get different fears. The main fear is that somebody is behind them and somebody urges them to talk fast. These feelings or urges to walk fast I don't know if I have mentioned it, are seen in Nat-c. They walk outside in the street, and they feel as if somebody is telling them to walk fast. "Walk faster, walk faster. And more fast." Until they are completely exhausted and they calm down. But then it comes again.

 Question: Are there auditory hallucinations?

 George: Almost. It is not auditory yet. It is "as if" someone was telling them to do that. That is another thing.
 If you hear the voice telling you something, it is very advanced state. It is a state where they feel "as if" somebody is behind them. They go to wash in the basin and feel that somebody is behind them, and they will turn to see. They will walk down the street and as they walk, they hear nothing but they have the sense that somebody is following them and they will turn around to look. And then there is a fear of the dark in Med.

 Question: Does Arg-n. have that last symptom that you were describing? There is someone behind them and they walk fast.

 George: Yes, it is different. That is another thing that I don't want to go into just now.

 Question: The girl yesterday felt persued. Is that different also?
 George: Yes. When there is fear and delusion - real delusion - that she is being pursued. They believe it more and more and it is not a delusion any more ... or rather an illusion becomes a delusion. I will finish Med. quickly. I shall give you the keynotes.
 Starting with the child, this will go mostly through the lungs - asthma - joints and mucous membranes, especially the upper respiratory tract. You will see big discharges. You will see inflammations in the joints. This is in children. They will have asthma which is worse at 2 a.m.  You may confuse them with Kali-c. In their stomach, they will get an aggravation at 2 o'clock in the morning. It is Med. It is also Ars. and Kali-c., but it is also Med. Now these children, whether they have respiratory troubles or not, they will sleep in the knee-elbow position. This position will relieve their suffering as well. Asthmatic breathing becomes better in the knee-elbow position. This is a keynote which you may also see in grown-ups. It is interesting that I have seen children changing their positions from normal to that after a vaccination. And there you need Med. You know, between the small-pox vaccination and Thuj. and how Thuj. will antidote the small-pox vaccination, and how the vaccination is considered as a sycotic trait miasm by Burnett and others. Now I have seen children change their position of sleep after a small-pox vaccination.

 Question: Other vaccinations also?

 George: No, in a small-pox only.

 Question: I had a patient who had asthma and she was lying like this all night long. Only in this position.

 George: What did you give her? Med.
 Response: No, I did not. I gave her Calc. for other reasons. It helped her some, but it did not do enough. Is that close?

 George: May be. If that strikes you, then tell them to examine their position during the night when they wake up. Then you can prescribe the remedy. Of course, it might be a similar position. I don't know the dynamics of that position. May be dynamics are more or less the same with that position.
 The time of amelioration is after sun-set. They obtain relief and feel better psychologically, emotionally, mentally, and physically.

 Question: Are you talking about just children now, or are you talking about everybody?

 George: Everybody. Again, a great keynote is the sensitivity of the soles. It is so tremendous that they cannot step. This great sensitivity may tip you on the Med. side. The entire sole.

 Question: It is not like a neuroma situation then?

 George: Especially the heels. No, not like a neuroma. Not when you have a spur. They will be very sensitive and eventually it develops that they cannot walk anymore. It is very SENSITIVE. Sil. is also sensitive and Calc-f., Calc-p., Sulph., but the whole sole is involved. Then the entire foot gets very warm and they will stick their feet out from the covers the same as Sulph. will do. The position of the grown up in sleep is usually lying in the face. There is a cough which is ameliorated if one lies on his face and they usually will need Med. Yet when they cough, they will cough inside the pillow and then the cough subsides. Sleeping on the abdomen is their natural position, and the greatest relief is in the knee-elbow position, and coughing is relieved by lying on their face in the pillow.

 Question: Their feet stick out because the sensitivity is to the covers or because they are hot?

 George: They are hot. If it is because of sensitivity to the covers, it is Lac-c. or Lach. There is an amelioration with the sea. And in 95% there will be amelioration by the sea and in 2% it is aggravated by the sea.

 Question: Does the description mean right down on the beach?

 George: Down on the beach or inside the sea. The salt effects actually.

 Question: So, New York City would not count?

 George: No. Not even here where we are sitting near the ocean. They go down near the water and when they come back everything is gone. There are no pains and they feel great.

 Question: Do you have any idea why that is so?

 George: No. When you see the combination in their desires related to salt, it will be underlined twice or three times, desires sweets will be underlined twice, desires fat will be underlined twice and desires ice is only Med. They will take cubes of ice and put them in their mouth.
 Response: I had a patient one time who was breaking her teeth because she was chewing ice so much. I gave her Med. with relief.

 Question: But is this ice water or ice?

 George: They like ice water, yes, but the characteristic is ice cubes.

 Question: Also, do you ever see them with an aversion to fat or only desire?

 George: Sometimes aversion, yes, but mostly desire for fat. When you see this combination, you know that it is only Med.

 Question: Do they enjoy crunching other things besides ice?

 George: No. Another thing you must not forget, because of the excesses in sexuality, you will find masturbation. In grown ups you will find a lot of Med. He will do it to relieve himself because of the excess need. But soon he will have a relationship and it will stop. It is not the sensitive person who is closed up, such as Staph. and Plat., who has become introverted.

 Question: You say that it is to relieve what?

 George: The excessive hormonal imbalance in their body creates a tremendous urge for sex. Another thing for the babies, the urine seems to be acid and it creates a kind of eruption around the genitals and the perineum as well as in the gluteal regions. The whole area is red.

 Response: We call it "diaper rash."

 George: Yes, in a predisposition to Med., there is this type of urine and then there is this eruption.

 Question: Is it not the yeast?
 Response: Most commonly, a lot of kinds get very bright rashes from monilia - the yeast.

 George: I don't know what you are describing when you say yeast.

 Response: It is a fungus infection that is very common in children and they get a very bright red rash - very bright - and it spreads.

 George: But it has to be in that particular place, around the anus, the genitals.

 Response: It is common though.

 George: Common?

 Response: Yes.

 George: It may be as common as Med. (Laughter)
 Response: It is easily suppressed too. This is not with Cortisone but with anti-fungal medication.
 George: May be you have something different here which I don't see so frequently. What I see does not go away so easily. So this may be a more intense type. You could try Med. in those cases if you see this intensity. It is very bad. It stays in that particular area. It makes the child cry and very uncomfortable.

 Question: So in a rash like that on a baby, if you were to use Med. you would use it in a low potency? If it is strictly a physical thing and there is no history of gonorrhoea?

 George: Yes. Also, WE MUST BE CAREFUL WITH MED. IN CARDIAC CASES. Don't give it higher than 200, ever. If you give it in a higher potency, it goes deep into the system and creates a big aggravation. Give 30 and at the most, the very most, 200.

 Question: What might happen?

 George: You may see a great aggravation, the heart pumping faster, a lot of pain. You will need a lot of knowledge to bring him around after this aggravation.

 Question: Do women show the same picture as men?

 George: Yes, the same. Med. IS BASICALLY AN EXTROVERT. You are not going to confuse it with introverted remedies. It is interesting to see how this extroversion is relieved by discharges. Discharges of any kind.

 Question: Including emotional?

 George: Yes, including emotional, when he is expressing himself. Med. will go from the mucous membranes to joints and then to the heart. You don't see the acute rheumatic heart any more?
 Response: It is very rare. That used to be in the 30's and 40's.

 Question: Where do the lungs fit into that picture?

 George: The mucous membranes. It will mostly involve the upper respiratory tract and you will sometimes get asthma. But mostly it will be a sinusitis and post-nasal discharge.
 Another thing that is very characteristic of Med. is a kind of mucus in the throat and when you try to reach it with coughing, you cannot. There is a sense of mucus stuck there which you cannot reach to bring up. Another keynote is the desire for oranges. There is a TREMENDOUS desire for oranges. It is a keynote and they will say, "I can eat 30 oranges."

 Question: That is pretty common in Greece, they have a lot of good oranges there.

 George: Yes, during a certain period.

 Question: Green apples too?

 George: That is almost characteristic. GREEN UNRIPE FRUITS. They delight in eating absolutely green fruits - unripe ones. We will never finish with Med. You will have to study it in the books.

 Question: Which books?

 George: All of them - Kent, Clarke all of the information for guiding symptoms and the materia medica. For me, if you really want to study, do it with Kent. He gives you most of the essentials. You see, I produce the most essential things out of my experiences and give you that. Then you can work with the books and what has been said in the past.

 Question: Is there a predisposition for sycosis?

 George: Do you want to hear?

 Response: Kent wrote about that. He said that there are two types of gonorrhoea.

 George: Two types of gonorrhoea. I know about that. That is not the issue that I am going to discuss. I will give you certain other information about the predisposition to sycosis. This predisposition to
sycosis has been created initially by gonorrhoea, of which we have two types: the one type is the chronic sort of condition and the other is acute and does not do anything. It can be treated with Penicillin or it will go out by itself if you leave it alone.

 But the chronic gonorrhoea will produce a secondary condition, usually with warts. This is the less harmful stage. Excrescenses - tumours and warts. There is an idea of tumours projected on the skin. If that is suppressed, it will go into the mucous membranes, usually of the upper respiratory tract. If that is suppressed, it can go to asthma. Or you can suppress gonorrhoea and it will go straight to the joints. It will cause inflammation of the joints - what we call monoarticular arthritis.

 Question: Are you talking about from gonorrhoea?

 George: From gonorrhoea, yes. Or you may have a polyarthiritis. If you suppress from there, there will be an effect on the heart. Say now that a father had gonorrhoea and was treated suppressively. Then he has a child. The mother is healthy. This child most probably will be very prone to gonorrhoea. Out of five men who have been with a woman, he will be the one to get gonorrhoea. That is the predisposition.
 So if there is a father who has had gonorrhoea and the mother has had a sycotic miasm, or has a miasm through her father, there will be a lot of sycosis in the family. The child will sometimes be born with cancer - a tumour which develops in the deep organs quickly. It might be that the child has cancer or it will be mentally ill, or it will have a severe chronic condition. Now this child has intercourse with a person who has gonorrhoea. The child will not get it. Why? Because of the gonorrhoea of the parents, which has appeared now in that child. The second stage of gonorrhoea - the gonorrhoea miasm - protects the child from the first stage.
 Then there is a case where the father is healthy and the mother is healthy, without a predisposition to gonorrhoea. The child is considerably healthy, but if it goes and gets contact with gonorrhoea, it will get it only after a lot of exposure.

 Question: Can get the gonorrhoea or the miasm?

 George: Because the child's health is in a high condition, that prevents a predisposition to gonorrhoea. But if he exposes himself repeatedly and at the same time stresses his body, his health eventually will weaken and he will get gonorrhoea.
 It is the same thing that happened to me with Rhus-t. Why do I know that I cannot get the Rhus-t. poisoning? Because I do not have the predisposition. I have taken Rhus-t. myself and it has helped me, therefore, I do not have this predisposition. So I go and scratch myself with this and nothing happens. But if I keep on doing it and exposing myself, eventually I shall also get it, I am healthy towards Rhus-t. 

 Question: Can you determine whether or not you would get the acute or the chronic gonorrhoea?

 George: What determines that is the other person.
 If the other person has the secondary gonorrhoea, you get the secondary gonorrhoea. If the other person has the primary, you will get the primary gonorrhoea.
 In this case, where it is very positive - extreme - this child who is born is very much predisposed to get the gonorrhoea miasm. This child then comes with a woman who is having a lot of vaginal discharge, chronic conditions of the ovaries, or kidney infections. That is the stage where he will get urinary infections.
 Also if there is a woman who has a great disposition, who comes into contact with a man who had gonorrhoea ten years ago, she will get the acute, inflammatory stage of gonorrhoea. This predisposes her to inflammations of the uterus, salpinx or the ovaries.

 Question: Even though she no longer has it.

 George: Yes. It has been suppressed. It is interesting to see then. The husband here has gonorrhoea and the woman is the child with the predisposition. She will say, "After I married, I was prone to cystitis." Or she will say, "Sometimes I have nephritis", or, "I have problems with my genitalia."
 Then the first remedy that we have to think of is Med. Especially if you know that the husband had gonorrhoea.

 Question: What transmits it?

 George: I don't know. The fact remains that the woman has said, "After I married I had cystitis all the time." You will get this history if you look and have enough patience. You will get this history quite frequently.

 Question: This is the wife of the man who has himself had gonorrhoea?

 George: This is the wife with the father of the child who had gonorrhoea and the mother was healthy, so she took the predisposition without having any symptoms. She was born as a healthy child, but with a predisposition towards gonorrhoea. But she is quite healthy. She is less healthy than the mother, but more healthy than the father.

 Question: What about the mother? Is she going to have a miasm because of her ...
 George: Yes, she is going to develop it most probably. Now this is the mother who comes from number three case. Okay. The healthy mother comes from number three. The number 3 produces a child who is healthy and who has a predisposition towards disease.
 So this mother will not get it from the father, because she is a healthy mother, without a predisposition for gonorrhoea. She will not get anything from the father easily. So that means that after marrying and having a child, the first child will be more healthy than the second or the third, because by then there will have been three or four of five years of exposure to this man. She may be healthy enough not to be affected, also.
 Actually if we go, we may say that the person who gets gonorrhoea is more healthy than one who does not unless the one who did not, is in excellent condition. But that is very seldom. These healthy conditions these days almost don't exist.

 Question: So this person would get symptoms on a more secondary level? such as urethritis?

 George: This one will get the urethritis and discharge. The one with a great predisposition will immediately take the first stage. He will also get the second stage, but not the urethritis. He may get deeper infections. This time he is predisposed to any stage of gonorrhoea.

 Question: Why would he be healthier than the one who does not have it?

 George: The father and mother had gonorrhoea. The child is born with severe chronic disorders which protect him from the initial stage. This is negative to the initial stage of gonorrhoea.

 Question: If the father has not had gonorrhoea himself, but is the child of one or two, does he also transmit this to his wife?

 George: This child here will not transmit.

 Question: What about the one in number one?

 George: The number one will not transmit. He will not transmit it to the other person, but he will transmit it to the children. If this gonorrhoeal type is married to a person of this group he will have the first case. If that is married with a person of that group, they will have a child with a very severe condition, with a less severe gonorrhoeal predisposition. That is how the miasms are ... that is why you sometimes see a person who will say to you ... like sailors who will go to a specific woman. So they come back and one of them has gonorrhoea. It does not mean that the others are too healthy that they do not get it. They might have been too sick to get it.
 Question: But doesn't it still weaken their health?

 George: Not necessarily.

 Question: How is it that the child in case two will not cause any problems than as one? So that he won't transmit it to the one?

 George: He will not transmit because it is a mental case. This case we saw yesterday, she cannot transmit any of the sycotic miasm which she has to a partner. She will transmit everything to the child. But you have to have the initial discharge in a person at any stage in order to transmit it. Once the generation has gone past ... for instance, I had gonorrhoea and my child now has it, he will not transmit it to a partner, but I can transmit to anybody that I come in contact with according to their predispositions. The more the predisposition is there, the more I can transmit. I believe that the predisposition has to be very high in order to transmit secondary or tertiary stages of gonorrhoea. The predisposition must be very high. This man must have had a lot of predisposition in his parents for gonorrhoea because he got it immediately. Then he gives it to the child, and the child can get it immediately.

 Question: In case one, the way the father could transmit to the mother would be only on a stage of having the active discharge?

 George: Yes.

 Question: Or having had it suppressed?

 George: Yes.

 Response: I don't understand that. If he had it suppressed and he did not have the discharge, how is it that he transmits it, whereas case two won't transmit it?

 George: I don't know. This is what we see in the clinics. When the man is married and has no discharge at all, but once he marries the woman and the woman starts having troubles. Then you give Med. to the woman and everything goes away.

 Question: He sexually transmitted it to his wife. Why do you suppose it is so powerful?

 George: Because they come in contact very much with the mucous membranes. The skin is a very protective covering for the body. If I was to eat that poison oak and let it come in contact with my mucous membranes, I believe that I would get it, I don't dare do that. There is a big difference: when I put it on my skin, nothing happens, but I touch it to my mucous membranes and I break out.

 Response: The Indians eat the buds in the early spring to immunize themselves.

 Question: When you talk about the predisposition and the initial discharge, does that mean a difference whether it is in acute or chronic gonorrhoea? Is that predisposition towards one or the other or just any gonorrhoeal discharge?
 In the children of any of those families, do they have that predisposition towards a sycotic miasm or just towards gonorrhoea itself.

 George: You see, when we say sycotic miasm, we actually mean a set of symptomatology which has developed from the initial discharge, but now has nothing to do with that. So the sycotic miasm is not transmitted as symptomatology - like picture from one to the other. We may have two generations and we will see sycotic miasm in children.

 Question: That was not the point of my question. When the predisposition is towards getting acute gonorrhoea or the chronic form of gonorrhoea, is there a difference?

 George: If that child comes in contact with a person who has an acute condition or the acute suppression in the secondary stage, they will get it. But if the child comes in contact with this, it will not get anything.

 Response: That is clear, but it is not clear whether they get the twenty days type that is then gone or whether it will be a chronic type.

 George: We are talking about chronic. We are talking about that type of gonorrhoea which has an effect which is secondary and produces warts.

 Question: Is there any difference in a predisposition toward the acute gonorrhoea?

 George: I don't know.

 Question: Do we even know that it exists?

 George: Yes, it does. You will see gonorrhoea which has had no effect on the person. It is in acute gonorrhoea and then it has gone.

 Question: And it is the gonorrhoea itself? It is not the health of the person that determines it?

 George: No, it is the gonorrhoea. After antibiotics it went away, and did not cause any constitutional disturbance. So it is not a miasmatic type of gonorrhoea. It is like you have an infection which lasts for twenty days and then it is gone. Sometimes you get a history like that. They will say, "I got gonorrhoea one or two times." Or you say, "Did you get gonorrhoea?" and he says, "Yes, four times." Now if he had the chronic gonorrhoea the first time, that gonorrhoea, being suppressed, would have protected him from getting the initial discharge again. That means he got the type of gonorrhoea which was curable and left him without immunization.
 This is the same idea as immunization here. That is why my argument is against vaccination. This gonorrhoea man is immunized towards syphilis or gonorrhoea. He will not get it. Why? Because now he is very sick. That is why he will not get syphilis or gonorrhoea now. Syphilis is not seen a second time - very seldom. That means that it was cured. It was a cure of syphilis. Then we have a second primary infection. But if you don't get it the second time, even if you are exposed, that means that you are constitutionally sick. That is why this sickness, which is now in a second stage, prevents you from getting the first stage.
 The same thing happens with the vaccinations. We give it to the children which from now on protects them from the acute stage. My point of argument is that - and I am doing research on it and hope I shall be able to complete it - you know the multiple sclerosis problem is quite severe, especially in European countries and in America. So I have done a lot of studies concerning the real cause of multiple sclerosis. Some have attributed this to the high intake of fat in the diet. But some say that it is distributed geographically.
 Take Israel. People have gone to Israel primarily from Europe and America and the children were vaccinated. In Israel the number is nine on 100,000 people. In Iraq, which is right next to Israel, the number is nil. The people in Iraq have never had a vaccination.
 Or you go to South Africa and you see eleven in 100,000, from the European based people, and nil for the blacks, because they have never been immunized. It is so simple and still they cannot see it. You go to the Arabic world where they have not had special care in treatment and there is no multiple sclerosis. Then you get people in researches and you see immediately when they have been vaccinated, they have neurological disorders.

 Question: Now they say that multiple sclerosis comes from suppressed measles.

 George: Yes, but they don't think that by vaccination for measles they are producing more and more multiple sclerosis.

 Question: So now that W.H. O. has discontinued small-pox in the world - small-box vaccinations - can we look towards less?

 George: It is not only the small-pox. It is the Salk vaccination - all of these vaccinations given an immunological response in the body which is more or less specialized. So especially the vaccinations affect the nervous system and it is going to cause much more damage. You will see in the future much more multiple sclerosis.
 Question: Are there any more homoeo-therapeutic conclusions you can draw from this? How do you treat these conditions?

 George: Just on the constitutional picture.

 Question: So you think the oral polio vaccine is bad?

 George: Yes, the oral polio.

 Response: Then it all ends up in the paper diapers. It comes out in the faeces.

 George: It is a different thing then when they inject it into the body, than when it is circulating in the air. Here we have a forced injection. The body can do nothing but have a reaction. According to the different reactions that a body has towards the vaccination., we can determine whether he has the chronic condition from the vaccination.

 Question: Now I am confused. You are saying that if it was injected there is more likelihood that
they will get the multiple sclerosis than if it is taken orally?

 George: When it is taken orally, it is also forced on the body.
 If you are injecting it, you are also forcing it on the body.

 1st Response: What they find in studies is if one of the siblings in the family takes the oral vaccine, then it comes out through the stool and is transmitted, and that some protection actually spreads to the other members of the family. So you are saying that that also would predispose them to multiple sclerosis?

 2nd Response: That would be more of a natural protection. It would not be forced so much.

 George: Yes, it is a different thing when you have a natural situation. We are naturally protected and our body is establishing defenses. Now I am here in California and I do not live in my environment. I am sure that my body is bringing about defences in order to counteract the climate, which is very wet here and I am not used to it, to counteract with the atmospheric pressures and the surroundings, the poison oak and other violent things which are around. My body is bringing immunological responses, but within limits. Once you have a quantity of exertion, you determine. You take so much and that is the point where you get reactions.

 Question: In other words, if you are exposed to gonorrhoea and you get it and you are treated by Penicillin and then you are exposed again and again you get it, that means that you don't have the miasm. You are throwing it off?

 George: Yes, until such time as you are exposed and you don't get it, then you have had it.
 Question: So the only way that you knew that father had the miasm was because he said, "Who hasn't had it?" You only supposed that he had the miasm because of the symptoms in the daughter?

 George: Yes, by seeing Med. in a child, I can be sure that the father had it.

 Question: Why not the mother?

 George: May be the mother also.

 Question: Or small-pox vaccination instead of gonorrhoea.

 George: Yes, they can have the miasm. Small-pox definitely creates disturbances.

 Question: So you could produce a state of Med. symptomatology in the child from small-pox?

 George: Yes, from small-pox.

 Question: Then everybody has it.

 George: Yes, everybody. But it is according to the reaction that we had when we were vaccinated that we determine how much effect it had on our body. A person who does not have any predisposition towards vaccination, that means that if vaccination was coming in the area, small-pox was coming as an epidemic in that area, the people who will not get it have no predisposition at all. You vaccinate the people, you will see no effect. Whether they took it or did not take it, it has no effect. You will see others who have a big reaction with fever and so forth. Their organism survives. Most probably these were good reactions, but they are not vaccinated any more and they are predisposed to the epidemic. That means that by the reaction in their body it took away all of the effect of the vaccination and now they are predisposed to the epidemic if it comes. They are not protected any more.

 Question: The interesting thing is to examine the allopathic literature. You can't say that what George is saying is wrong by looking at the allopathic literature. I did that, having a prejudice against what he was saying, and I could not prove from an allopathic point of view to myself from the allopathic literature. They do show, especially in India where they were doing widespread vaccinations, there is a lot of data on that. There would be villages which were protected and they would leave other villages unprotected, and the protection rates are about the same in vaccinated versus non-vaccinated persons. And this is in adjacent villages.

 Question: Why does small-pox not exist now?

 George: Because of the hygienic conditions under which we live and because we are too sick to get it. If you have an epidemic coming in New York now, very few people are now healthy enough to get it. We are too sick. We are protected. If we vaccinated all of us, we are too ill to have a reaction from the vaccination and so they will say that the vaccination did not "take" with us. Only a few will get some reaction from small-pox vaccination now.
 Response: I know cases in Bangladesh, India, are they all too sick also? Because their hygienic conditions are not so good.

 George: Their hygiene conditions are much better.
 A second point of view is that they come in waves during our history - tides. It will come back if we lift up our health or live a little less hygienic, especially if your general condition is raised. We will be more involved.

 1st Response: There seems to be a double bind involved.

 2nd Response: One thing that confirms is that they have extensive studies on non-reactors from vaccinations. W.H. O. really homed in on that. How did they get them to react? The vast majority something like 8% - of the ones of the study who did not react the first time, it takes four-five times before they can get them to have a reaction to the vaccination.

 First Response: They are wearing down their resistance to the vaccination.

 Second Response: Well, they are repeatedly exposing them to a toxin basically.

 Question: So, if a lack of reaction means that you are too well or too sick, what about a normal sort of reaction?

 George: There is the other class of people who will react and after the vaccination they will have what is called side-effects. Oh, I forgot to tell you that those people who have a BIG reaction will be the ones who will get it in case of an epidemic. They are predisposed.

 Question: So the vaccine does not make any difference at all.

 George: The vaccine does not make any difference, because if their health is in a condition to be able to counteract the small-pox, if it was coming, they would have a reaction and come out of the small-pox well. But there is another class where we have the side-effects of a vaccination and that means they get a BIG reaction and go into the encephalitis and nephiritis. These people would have died during the epidemic. They are very much predisposed and they will experience it most violently. They are extremely predisposed. They most healthy are the ones who will react. Then also the most healthy are the ones who don't react at all. May be it is because they are in a very good health that they do not react. Second in health come those who react, they have a high fever for one-two days, and then it is gone. The third is the case where they are vaccinated, having a big reaction with many side-effects, and they will have problems for the rest of their lives. Then there is a weak reaction which shows a predisposition there which is not great, but the organism is not strong enough to throw it off, therefore it is grafted for life. Those people will tell you that after the vaccination they started with headaches, or asthma, or ....

Question: Are they too low now to get the small-pox?

 George: No, they will not get it. If the epidemic comes, the only people who will get it are those who have big reactions and went through it. All of the other people will not get it.

 Question: Big local reaction, not meningitis?

 George: Big local reaction. A reaction with fever and where you see the body is throwing away the toxins.

 Response: That's survival of the fittest.

 George: You should be acquainted with all of these statistics. There are flu epidemics. There was a very severe one in Spain in 1929 or 1930 which killed millions. It left the old and sick people untouched. It left the mentally disordered untouched. It killed all of the healthy people. Old people with cancer and tuberculosis were not affected.

 Question: Why do the new epidemics usually hit the people who are old and sick? What can Med. do?

 George: Med. can be effective here in the very severe cases. Once this person gets gonorrhoea, you can give Med. and it can be effective.

 Question: So it can stop this from happening?

 George: It can minimize it. The mother and father, treated correctly, will bring up a child which is much better.

 Question: But you cannot just give Med. You must have symptoms.

 George: Yes, you must have symptoms of gonorrhoea. He might have symptoms of a Med. condition, or he may need Nat-s. or Calc., or Sulph. or any of the other remedies.

 Question: So any remedy can remove a sycotic miasm?

 George: Almost. You cannot say that any remedy can do that. There are certain remedies which affect the sycotic condition more, others towards the syphilitic condition, but in cases of a gonorrhoea, for instance, Merc. which is syphilitic, can be indicated.

 Question: Does this pattern you are describing also apply to the syphilitic miasm sustained mechanism? It is not just gonorrhoea that we are talking about?

 George: Yes, I also believe that it applies to cancer and tuberculosis also. What I say are all my ideas. You will not find them in any book. But there are things which have given me these ideas - certain facts and pictures.
 Response: You should hold off the publishing of these facts for a little while.

 Question: You said that Med. was effective over there. Well, there is a circle there. Med. was effective there. Will that produce a sensitive offspring? Where you have a minus over there, will that change the . . . .

 George: Minus the gonorrhoea discharge.

 Question: He is saying that if you give Med. to that person will they ...

 George: Yes, yes, yes. After Med. you may have ....

 Question: Then they get it if they are exposed?

 George: Yes. One has to have had a lot of experience to see clear-cut cases to be able to draw conclusions. So I have a lot of information, but I don't know how reliable it is so far about other remedies. These remedies which I am giving you are the most common ones that I know best.
 So sometimes I give you information which may not be very different from what you already know. There is a kind of an experiment going on. You take the information which you have and then there is an element which is new which you have to incorporate into the picture. I try to give it to you in a way that can make it alive for you. I don't have information about all of the remedies in the materia medica. I wish that I did have it. But there is some information about different remedies and I have brought certain cases through which you can get an idea of the different remedies, but yet it is not the complete picture. So what I have given you are remedies which I knew quite well, more or less. Now if you want me to talk about any other remedy, I will give you my experience.

 Response: The ones that you have had most experience with will probably be the ones that we will use most often.

 George: That is right. But sometimes you have to resort to Kali-br. like yesterday, and this remedy is not frequently indicated. There are remedies which I prescribed only once in my lifetime so far. One time only. Sometimes you hit a constitutional remedy on a person which is a very seldom indicated remedy and from that person you can infer a lot but it is not enough. You should have another case and another case, and see the common things which run through them.